"From Deep Roots New Life" Capital Campaign Enters Public Phase
We are thrilled to announce that this week we are kicking off the public phase of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire's capital campaign—From Deep Roots, New Life. Thanks to your generosity during the silent phase of the campaign, we have already raised $1.8 million toward our $2 million goal. With your continued and generous support going forward, we will reach our goal in June.
This campaign is focused on investing in our people, not buildings. From Deep Roots, New Life allows us to create a lasting endowment to train, place, and support the lay and ordained leaders in our churches—all our churches, both big and small.
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Christ Church Exeter Returns to Cuba
Christ Church Rector, The Rev. Mark Pendleton shared the story of an Easter week visit to Cuba, the latest of multiple annual trips to visit the church’s companion parish, Iglesia Episcopal San Francisco de Asis in Cardena, a city about two-and-a-half hours east of Havana. “Part of our mission success was achieved by simply securing six very heavy suitcases through Cuban customs,” Pendleton writes. In those suitcases: over-the-counter medicines, car parts, lightbulbs, food, and other necessities, as well as clergy stoles and chalices. Read more here.
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Trinity Church Claremont’s Warming Shelter Applauded
The warming shelter at Trinity Church Claremont, which ran from January through mid-March with an all-volunteer staff, was praised in a recent Valley News story that focused on how the much-needed services might continue next winter. Elizabeth Moriarty, pastoral associate at Trinity, told reporter Patrick Adrian that the church is seeking a new building for the shelter and a partner organization to help run it. The story was also picked up by New Hampshire Public Radio online. Read more here.
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Senator Shaheen Visits Portsmouth Redevelopment Project
On Monday, April 29, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) toured the site of the Christ Church, Portsmouth redevelopment project with Bishop Rob Hirschfeld, CFO Benge Ambrogi, staff from Portsmouth Housing Authority, HAVEN, and Little Blessings Child Care. During the visit, Shaheen was honored with an award from the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence for her decades of advocacy work on behalf of victims and survivors of abuse.
Shaheen's office has secured $2M in Congressionally Directed Spending for the relocation of HAVEN's headquarters to the site. Learn more here. Read Manchester Ink's coverage of the event here.
Photo courtesy of Sen. Shaheen's office
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Becoming Beloved Community Spotlights Reparations Task Force
A piece detailing the work of ECNH’s Reparations Task Force, co-written by task force leaders Betty Lane and James McKim, along with Director of Communication Susan Axelrod, was featured in the latest Becoming Beloved Community Newsletter and published on The Episcopal Church website. Read it here.
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Announcements and Updates | |
Jackie and Russell Weatherspoon Honored by City Year
The Honorable Jackie K. Weatherspoon and Russell Weatherspoon were honored with City Year's 2024 Lifetime of Service Award at the organization’s annual Starry Starry Night Gala on April 13. Jackie served six years in the NH House of Representatives and is on the ECNH Reconciliation Commission. Russell has served as a teacher and administrator at Phillips Exeter Academy for nearly 40 years. The Weatherspoons are longtime parishioners of Christ Church, Exeter.
Photo courtesy of City Year
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General Convention Overview
The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held in Louisville, KY June 23-28. This year is especially monumental, with the election of a new Presiding Bishop. If you'd like to know more about how General Convention works and what happens there, we are fortunate to have an excellent primer, written by freelance reporter Melodie Woerman and Cynde Bimbi, director of communications and public relations for the Episcopal Church in Delaware. Find it here.
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Leading Sunday Morning Prayer: A Workshop for Lay People
Saturday, May 18, 2-5 p.m.
Grace Episcopal Church, East Concord
The goal of this workshop is for participants to return to their congregations more equipped to lead Sunday Morning Prayer. It will be held at Grace Episcopal Church, 30 Eastman St., East Concord.
The in-person session will be led by Bishop Rob Hirschfeld; Robin Yergeau, an experienced lay leader of worship at St. Stephen's, Pittsfield; the Rev. Michele Bonner, priest-in-charge and bi-vocational priest, St. Stephen’s, Pittsfield; and the Rev. Canon Kelly Sundberg Seaman, Canon for Formation & Vocation, School for Ministry dean and bi-vocational priest.
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Late Spring Spirit Chats
Tuesdays: May 21, May 28, June 4, and June 11
On Zoom
Due to high interest with a waiting list, another session of Spirit Chats has been scheduled. Register today to join this exciting movement!
Spirit Chats are an opportunity for small group faith sharing. Have you ever experienced a “God-incident” in your life and wanted to share it but weren’t sure where or with whom? Perhaps this has so spilled over into your daily life, you want to talk about it with others, but find it difficult to find the appropriate setting. If you feel God has been moving in your life, and you want to hear from others how God is moving in theirs, the Evangelism Task Force—a joint project of the Episcopal dioceses of Maine and New Hampshire—has an opportunity and an invitation for you to share your story during Spirit Chats.
Contact: the Rev. Alanna Van Antwerpen or the Rev. Tim Higgins with questions, or click the button below to register.
Celebration of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
Wednesday, May 23, 7 p.m. on Zoom
The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray was the first Black woman to be ordained in The Episcopal Church. As we celebrate 50 years of women’s ordination, all are welcome to join a Province 1 event to learn about this groundbreaking lawyer, activist, poet, and priest on Wednesday, May 23, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Rev. Murray’s niece, Rosita Stevens-Holsey, author and leader of the Preserving Pauli Murray Foundation, will speak about her aunt and the legacy she has left us. Register here.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
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Bishop's Visitations and Diocesan Events | |
12 Holderness School, Holderness (confirmation)
18 Sunday Morning Prayer Workshop
19 Episcopal Mission of Franklin, Franklin
26 Trinity Church, Claremont
23-28 General Convention, Louisville, KY
** Please visit church websites for worship times and other details.
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