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St. Christopher's Sunday School Revived with Special Events
"It's been a great start to the Sunday School year here at St. Christopher's in Hampstead, with particular thanks to a grant from the diocesan Mission Resources Committee to get the ministry rolling," says St. Christopher's vicar, the Rev. Zac Harmon." During the Covid pandemic, the church's Sunday School program had diminished to only a few children participating, and coming out of the pandemic there was hope in the parish that the Sunday School would revive. In doing some experimentation and with input from parishioners and Sunday School teachers, the parish started to hold special events—made possible by a Mission Resources grant—which were often paired with Sunday School and Children's Sundays. "This has led to some wonderful developments lately," Harmon says.
Events have included an art day in August featuring the talent of a local artist in the congregation and spin art, and a September Blessing of the Backpacks paired with a piñata activity after church. For St. Francis' Day in October and to learn about Creation Care, Wildlife Encounters Ecology and Wellness Center in Barrington visited the Sunday School, giving kids the opportunity to meet animals such as a chinchilla, a small alligator, a millipede and a fennec fox. "In all we've had 21 pre-K to Elementary kids participate in programs over the last month," says Harmon. While there will undoubtedly be ups and downs with the program in the year ahead, it is exciting to see what God has been doing here this fall."
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St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Concord created an altar to observe Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. DÍa de los Muertos is a two-day celebration in Mexico that honors the lives of those who have died. Friends and family pay their respects by setting up altars at their homes or at the cemetery on November 1-2. Parishioners were invited to contribute, to honor their loved ones at the altar following the Sunday service on Nov. 3. | |
Announcements and Updates | |
Join SpiritBound Ministry Partner, the Rev. Kate Harmon Siberine for a weekly morning prayer service on TikTok Live.
While all are welcome, this online service emerged because of and for disabled and chronically ill followers of Jesus who are often not able to gather in person for worship. It is not a healing service (because bodies are not problems to be fixed). It is a chance to gather as a community in shared digital space, celebrate the ways that the incarnate God is working, to bring real struggles, lift up prayers, and reflect on scripture.
The service will be about 15 minutes and can be found on the TikTok page of @kateharmonsiberine. Click here for a link to her page for next Wednesday's TikTok live. SpiritBound is thrilled to welcome this collaboration with Pastor Kate.
SpiritBound, the digital mission of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, led by the Rev. Alanna Van Antwerpen, seeks to expand the spiritual reach of the church through technology and media. The Rev. Kate Harmon Siberine has become a prominent voice on social media through her activism and advocacy work.
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Registration Open For Barbara C. Harris Overnight and Family Camps
It's not too early to be thinking ahead to summer 2025, especially if you want to secure a spot at Barbara C. Harris Episcopal Camp in beautiful Greenfield, NH. One-week overnight camp sessions begin July 6 for campers completing second through eleventh grade. Download a brochure here. Family Camp is June 27 - 30; download a brochure here. Find more information and register for both camps via the button below.
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The Episcopal Church’s Young Adult Service Corps invites 2025 applicants
The Episcopal Church is seeking Episcopalians ages 21 to 35 interested in international mission engagement. The church’s Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) is accepting applications for 2025 placements. The deadline to apply online is Jan. 31, 2025. More information is available here.
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Share your holiday events with us!
Is your church or related organization hosting a Christmas fair, concert, or other event that's open to the public? We'd love to help you publicize it! Let us know by:
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That's A Wrap: The 222nd Annual Diocesan Convention Is In the Books!
We are grateful to the many individuals who worked hard to make our first in-person convention since 2019 such a success, among them the clergy, staff, and volunteers at Christ Church Exeter. For links to the Bishop’s address, approved resolutions, election results, and the Pre-Convention Journal, please visit the 2024 Diocesan Convention Recap web page.
Updated Constitution and Canons
The Diocese of New Hampshire Constitution and Canons has been updated to include the changes adopted in Resolution 1 at convention on Oct. 26. See the updated version here.
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Province 1 Advent Gathering
Fostering a Future with Leaders of Color
Saturday, Dec. 14, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Bethany House of Prayer, Arlington, MA
Fostering a Future with Leaders of Color is the first Province 1-wide conference designed to foster and support lay and ordained people of color in The Episcopal Church. The all-day conference—which is open to all church leaders—will include a panel discussion with diverse speakers and intimate, safe groups for conversations and prayer led by each panelist. The keynote speaker is the Rev. Canon Robert TwoBulls, a member of the Oglala Lakota and the missioner for the Department of Indian Work for the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. In recognition of our multilingual church, interpreters will be on hand to ensure understanding.
The conference is supported by the dioceses of Province I and a grant from Province I. Registration is $25, and financial assistance is available. A limited number of rooms are available for participants traveling from afar. Download a flyer you can print and share with your congregation here. Learn more and register here.
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You Are Not Alone: Responding to Grief and Trauma by Building Relationships
Friday, Dec. 20 - Sunday, Dec. 22
Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, Greenfield, NH
The Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, has raised the alarm about what he refers to as an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. "You Are Not Alone" is an opportunity for learning, retreat, and healing with co-presenters, the Rev. Bob Davidson, an Episcopal priest and social worker who has served as a hospice chaplain and trauma counselor, and Dr. Anthony Valdini, professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Massachusetts Chan School of Medicine. Saturday will be structured around three presentations; Facing up to loneliness and isolation—medical, psychological and spiritual impact; overcoming grief and trauma—gaining insight and discovering everyday recovery tools; and building relationships and social connection—healing support and Interdependence. Additional overnight options include: Friday evening get acquainted and community building; Sunday morning healing community worship. Download the flier here. Register here, by e-mail, or by calling the office, 603-547-3400.
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The Episcopal Church is pleased to again offer special resources this Advent and Christmas to help churches and individuals share the “good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10).
- Advent curriculum, calendar, and bulletin inserts
- Digital and printable resources to promote your Advent and Christmas events on social media, websites, or around town
- Customizable promotional video for your Episcopal congregation
- Sermons and lesson plans for Advent and Christmas
- Advent wreath-making video and blessing
- United Thank Offering printable letter to Santa
- Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Advent calendar
- The Camino Project Advent resource: Weekly inspirations for families
- Episcopal Relief & Development Advent toolkit
- AdventWord inspirational online calendar
- “Prophetic Voices” podcast series
- “d365” devotions, written by those who work with and care for students
- Check back for new resources in the coming weeks.
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St. Andrew’s in New London is looking for a full-time curate to begin work between May and September 2025. The “Curate of Kearsarge” will “support, deepen, and extend our witness and benefit from a supportive but stretching context for his or her diaconal and priestly formation. The curate will share in the leadership of liturgy, pastoral care, Christian formation, community engagement, and parish administration.” Please read the full position description here. To be considered for the position, please send a cover letter addressed to the Rector of St. Andrew’s New London, a resume, and an OTM profile to Canon Tina Pickering.
For more information about openings and ministry opportunities in the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, please go to our Transitions Ministry page on the website.
Is your church hiring? If so, send us a link to the job description on your church’s website.
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Bishop's Visitations & Diocesan Events | |
24 Bishop presiding and preaching, St. Paul’s Church, Lancaster
1 Bishop presiding and preaching, St. Stephen’s Church, Pittsfield
8 Bishop's Visitation, St. Andrew’s Church, New London
14 Joint VT/NH Advent Clergy Quiet Day, Trinity Church, Claremont, NH
15 Bishop's Visitation, St. Andrew’s Church, Manchester
22 Bishop's Visitation, Trinity Church, Meredith
24 Christmas Eve with the Bishop, St. Andrew’s Church, Hopkinton
5 Bishop's Visitation, St. Paul’s Church, Concord
12 Bishop's Visitation, St. Barnabas Church, Berlin
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