The Virginia Lutheran
We Are Church Together
We are the Virginia Synod:
Virginia Synod World Hunger Team
"We are the Virginia Synod" features individuals from the Synod talking about a ministry that is impacting their life and the lives of others.

This month, we hear from Sandy Hagman, a member of Luther Memorial in Blacksburg, about the ministry of the Virginia Synod World Hunger Team. For 2023, the World Hunger Team has created a calendar to highlight particular observances during the month related to hunger issues. You can learn more about this new ministry at:
New Ecumenical Representative Appointed
Bishop Bob Humphrey has appointed the Rev. Terrie Sternberg as the Ecumenical Representative for the Virginia Synod. Her term began in November.

Pastor Terrie will represent the bishop at various functions, co-chair the Virginia Lutheran-Episcopal Joint Committee consisting of five judicatories, serve as a member (and at times chair) of the Virginia LARCUM (Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic-United Methodist) Conference, sit on the Coordinating Cabinet of the Virginia Council of Churches, promote inter-faith conversation and cooperation, and lead the Virginia Synod’s Ecumenical Relations Committee. She is not alone in doing this work. Strongly supported by Bishop Humphrey, Pastor Sternberg has an active committee and a host of partners throughout Virginia who serve in ecumenical settings, as well as many congregations that work with other traditions for the sake of their communities.
News from the
2023 Virginia Synod Bishop Election Committee
The 2023 Virginia Synod Bishop Election Committee created the video below to provide details about the election of a new Bishop at the 2023 Virginia Synod Assembly. Additional information about the Assembly can be found at:
Pastor Brad Burke Shares Opening Prayer for
2023 Virginia General Assembly
Pastor Brad Burke from Reformation, New Market had the honor of opening the 2023 Virginia General Assembly with prayer. You can hear Pastor Burke's prayer in the video below.
Highlights from Winter Celebration 2023
Winter Celebration 2023 hosted 110 youth and 54 adults this past weekend for our annual faith sharing event for high school youth and their adult advisors. The theme, "Faith at the Fire," invited our large and small groups to explore experiences of testing and inspiration in life and scripture with the hope of God's love guiding us forward, using I Peter 1:3-9 as our guiding passage. The Planning Group (group picture above) included Pastor Colleen Montgomery (All Places Together) as chaplain, Pastor Stephen Bohannon and Nikki Smith as adult advisors, and youth members Emma Burnett (St. Michael, Virginia Beach), Emma Recupero (Trinity, Newport News), Jessica McMillan (St. Michael, Virginia Beach), Bryce Weaver (Our Saviour, Richmond), and Keegan Wise (Trinity, Newport News). Participants were especially excited to be back together for a weekend event after a three-year gap due to our pandemic restrictions. The Saturday evening offering collected $1,006, which will go to "Dollars for Scholars," our shared ministry of support for the education of children of pastors in our Global Companion Synod, the Islands District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea. 
The group photo above includes all adult leaders, rostered and lay, that grew up going to synod youth events!
The Way in the Wilderness:
Preparing for the Assembly Together

February 27, March 27, April 24, & May 22
7-8:15 pm on Zoom

As Virginia Lutherans prepare to gather for the 2023 Synod Assembly, everyone is invited to join in a five-session bible study to explore the theme, The Way in the Wilderness. God is always with God’s people, including joining us in all the wildernesses of life. Jesus calls us in many and various ways to share God’s expansive love in our unique contexts. We are united in the wilderness, even if our journeys are different. 

In each session, participants will hear a story about God’s presence in the wilderness, will learn how that story has impacted a synod leader, and will have opportunity to share their wilderness stories too. Each session will help prepare our hearts and minds for the Synod Assembly, assured of God’s presence with us as individuals and together as a synod. 

Everyone is welcome to attend: Lay and rostered, voting member or visitor, even if you won’t be onsite for the Assembly in June, you are welcome to join the conversation. 

Portions of the sessions will be recorded and shared. 

Thank you to our session leaders: Bishop Bob Humphrey, Pastor Kelly Bayer Derrick (Assistant to the Bishop), Pastor John Wertz Jr. (Director for Evangelical Mission), Charles Downs (Synod Council President), and Blythe Scott (Synod Council Secretary). 
Do You have a news story idea or article you would like to share in next month's Virginia Lutheran? Make sure to follow our Submission Guidelines