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The Virginia Manufacturer - Focusing on Manufacturing Issues of Today and Tomorrow

Virginia Manufacturer's Association

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2018 Virginia Energy Plan
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VOLUME 10 | Edition 8 | October 2018
Letter from the President & CEO

Dear Members:

We are only three weeks from our 96th annual meeting.  We celebrate this milestone as part of the Virginia Competitiveness Forum at the beautiful Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg.  This year we renamed the conference because we have restructured the conference to focus on our five pillars of competitiveness:  workforce, taxation, infrastructure, innovation and MFG strength.  

The entire two-day event is organized around this theme.  Since workforce solutions are our members' #1 concern, we have dedicated the entire first day to the subject by tasking our Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI) to bring solutions providers from around the U.S. to share best-practices and actionable solutions that will close the skills and interest gaps by 2020.  

We will also unveil our new Virginia MFG Competitiveness Index.  I will not give away the headline, but Virginia is moving in the right direction on most of our 52 different areas of measurement as compared to the other 49 states.

Finally, continuous improvement is the foundation of Virginia manufacturing and the VMA.  We will be presenting a variety of new services from Member Benefits to Workforce Solutions exclusively available to VMA members at this event.  We will even be giving some highlights about next year's legislative session.

If you have not already registered for this year's Virginia Competitiveness Forum and Workforce Solutions Symposium, please register today.  The entire VMA Team and Board of Directors look forward to celebrating 96 years of competitiveness with you.

Best Wishes,  
Brett A. Vassey
President & CEO

Celebrate Virginia Women in Manufacturing on November 14th

To close the gender gap in manufacturing, The Manufacturing Institute launched the STEP Ahead initiative in 2012 to showcase the impact of women in science, technology, engineering and production (STEP) careers. The STEP Ahead Awards highlight the achievements of women in industry who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their companies and communities.  

Join the VMA at this year's 2018 VA Competitiveness Forum on November 14 for the 1st Annual VMA STEP Ahead Recognition Luncheon.  At this luncheon, we will recognize the 2019 STEP Ahead Award nominees from Virginia.  Learn how you can get involved in upcoming regional events, professional development opportunities and how you can become an ambassador to help change the perception of manufacturing careers.  Change doesn't happen without you.

This year's featured speaker is Erin Kane, President & CEO, AdvanSix. Ms. Kane joined Honeywell in 2002 as a Six Sigma Black Belt for the Specialty Materials business and has risen to President & CEO of the new spin-off AdvanSix.

Help us celebrate the accomplishments of women in industry for their hard work, ingenuity and leadership. 

2019 Keiter-LEA Global National Manufacturing Survey

Keiter and their associate accounting firms within LEA Global are currently conducting the 2019 Keiter-LEA Global National Manufacturing survey. Your participation is requested.  The final survey report will contain the expectations, insights and opinions from manufacturing executives and industry leaders from across the country. The results of this survey aim to:
  • Provide valuable information as a point of reference to manufacturers
  • Allow manufacturers to compare their operations with others in the industry
  • Provide greater awareness of industry priorities, challenges, and trends in spending and revenue
  • For more accounting news and insights related to the Manufacturing industry, view our blog.
  • Request the 2018 Manufacturing Outlook Report   
Responses will be kept strictly confidential.  Results will be shared in 2019.  Tell them what you think about the outlook for the manufacturing sector in 2019!

Dominion Energy Seeks Input on Renewable Energy Expansion

Dominion Energy is seeki ng  information from non-residential customers about their interest in renewable energy. The input will help Dominion Energy finalize plans to develop 3,000 megawatts of additional solar and wind power under Virginia's new Grid Transformation & Security Act (GTSA).
Dominion Energy is issuing a "Request for Information" survey that seeks feedback from commercial, industrial and governmental customers in the state.

The survey can be accessed here.

"As many businesses and organizations in Virginia establish or expand clean energy and sustainability goals, Dominion Energy is proud to be a trusted energy partner," said Corynne Arnett, Vice President-Customer Service. "We welcome the opportunity to learn more about the renewable energy targets and goals of business and governmental customers across the state. This information will help us adapt renewable programs to meet customer needs as we grow our renewable generation fleet in Virginia, which is currently the 4th largest solar fleet in the country among utility holding companies."

The GTSA, which became law on July 1, 2018, paves the way for the largest increase of renewable energy resources in the state's history. During the first phase of the grid transformation plan, the company pledges to have 3,000 megawatts of new solar and wind energy - enough to power 750,000 homes - under development or in operation by 2022.

More information on Dominion Energy's current renewable energy programs for non-residential customers can be found here.

Make Safety A Priority

According to OSHA, "Safety cultures consist of shared beliefs, practices, and attitudes that exist at an establishment.  Culture is the atmosphere created by those beliefs, attitudes, etc., which shapes our behavior."

By definition, safety culture is difficult to measure.  How do you measure values, attitudes and beliefs?  

Click here to view 25 ways to tell whether or not your organization has a culture of safety.  If you can answer yes to most of these, you're doing great.  Keep it up!  If not, you have some work to do.  Don't be discouraged, culture change takes time and perseverance.  

Go to the Admiral Security website at www.admiralsecurity.com for additional helpful tips as well as links to online safety resources.

For more information on VMA's Industrial Safety Readiness Training Certificate program, click here or email Jody Steele, Safety Readiness Coordinator, at jsteele@vamanufacturers.com

VMA Member Benefit:
Heartland Payroll & HR Services

The VMA is excited to include Heartland Payroll and HR Services in our portfolio of Member Benefits.  

Heartland provides payroll services to all sized businesses. Whether you are looking for a turnkey payroll service for your expanding employee base, or building an employee handbook for the first time, their payroll and HR services offer reliable solutions you can trust. 

To learn more about the VMA's payroll solution,  click here or contact Katie Miller at kmiller@vamanufacturers.com.

VMA Staff Changes

Kelly Hale Stevens

The VMA is pleased to announce the hiring of our newest team member.  Kelly Hale Stevens has accepted the Accounting & Finance Director position and is already hard at work improving accounting processes and business analytics to support the VMA's continued growth.  Kelly's responsibilities include accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, vendor management, budgeting and business analytics for the VMA, VCBG, VIF and VMAPAC.  

Kelly comes to the VMA with over 19 years of executive accounting and finance experience in small business and non-profits.  Kelly has a BS from Tri-State University in Angola, IN.  Please welcome Kelly to the VMA Team!

MFG Day and VMAPAC Presentation

October 5th was National Manufacturing Day and manufacturers across the Commonwealth opened their doors and and held over 77 events to showcase modern manufacturing.  This nationally recognized day allows manufacturers to connect with future generations who attend these events and take charge of the public image of manufacturing.

Appalachian Cast Products leaders hosted one of this year's signature events and presented Delegate Israel O'Quinn (5th District) along with Brett Vassey, President & CEO of the VMA, with the VMAPAC Industrial Strength Leadership Award.  This award is presented to legislators who demonstrate support for the VMA's pro-manufacturing agenda as measured by their most recent legislative session voting record.  

Delegate O'Quinn is one of only 6 legislators receiving this year's award.  Click here to view the press release and full list of award recipients.