The Virtual Flame
February 2022
In this e-bulletin:

NANB 2022 Election
Call for Nominations-March 18 Deadline

NANB's Virtual AGM
Resolution Deadline

2022 CCP Learning
Standards for Medication Management Learning Module

NANB Resources

History is Important: The Evolution of NANB
How did we get here and where do we go?
In the early 1980’s, the provincial government in some jurisdictions began to question the dual role played by nursing associations, due to an observed conflict in these organizations being legislated to protect the public while advocating and lobbying on behalf on nurse members. The Ontario government was the first to mandate a separation of nursing association and nursing regulator functions. Since that decision, all jurisdictions have commenced an evolution of separating nursing associations and nursing regulators. New Brunswick is one of the last provinces to move towards separation of roles.

In 2018, NANB began a process of internal work and external consultation which began the evolution of separation. In 2019, the NANB Board of Directors committed to a refocus on the original legislated mandate of regulation, while recognizing the importance of a nursing association. To that end, the NANB Board designated funding that will see a new nursing association formed within New Brunswick should there be interest by nurse members. Visit NANB's website to read the full article…
NANB 2022 Election
Call for Nominations-March 18 Deadline
Nursing regulation in the public interest for safe, competent care.

Nominations are now being accepted for the position of Directors in Regions 2 (Sussex, Saint John & Charlotte County), 4 (Edmundston) and 6 (Bathurst, Acadian Peninsula).

As per NANB by-laws, nursing positions on the Board of Directors continues to welcome all registrants in good standing. However, following a governance review we have adopted a best practice in Board composition by introducing a competency matrix model that identifies skill-gaps for recruitment efforts that would strengthen the Board with future decision making. Current Board composition would indicate a need for nurses with professional experience in administration/management, community health (EMP or PH), and or clinical practice.

The deadline for nominations has been extended to March 18, 2022. For more information and nomination forms, visit NANB's website.
NANB's Virtual AGM
Resolution Deadline
NANB will be hosting a virtual AGM. Stay tuned to NANB's website for details as they become available including: agenda, resolutions, proxy voting...and more.

Deadline to submit resolutions: April 1, 2022
Written resolutions must be received by the NANB according to the pre-determined deadline of April 1, 2022 in order to be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee. For details on how to submit a resolution or clarification on the process, contact NANB.
Volunteer to be Chief Scrutineer
The Chief Scrutineer is responsible for overseeing the electronic election for members of the Board of Directors (April 15-30), for supervising the voting process on resolutions at the AGM and for reporting the voting results to the Chair. Interested nurses are encouraged to submit their interest by March 4, 2020.
2022 CCP Learning Module

YOU SHOULD have started learning activities that will allow you to meet your learning goals, for example, reading journals, attending in-services, registering for a conference. Visit NANB’s professional development section for case studies and resources, as well as additional examples of Learning Activities.

Completion of a learning module is a mandatory step in your annual CCP. This years’ Learning module is Standards for Medication Management.

The learning module has three components:
  1. Review The Standards for Medication Management;
  2. watch the webinar; and
  3. complete the quiz.

Completion of the learning module should take about 40 minutes.
Visit NANB's website for more information.
NANB Resources
As a nurse, how can I determine if a specific activity or procedure
is within my scope of practice?

Although there are many factors that impact your decision NANB has created a Scope of Practice Toolkit to help you determine whether you can preform a specific activity or procedure. The toolkit has four questions and if you can answer “yes” to all questions then it’s appropriate for you to perform it.

If you have questions, contact
Changes to the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act
On January 5th, 2022, changes were made to subsection 56(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with respect to conducting activities with psilocybin and MDMA in relation to special access program authorization.

These changes can be found on the Government of Canada website.
NANB is pleased to announce that we have contracted with a new database provider that will present a new, modern user portal to RNs and NPs when they log in to ‘My Profile’ section of the NANB website to complete CCP and renew their 2023 registration.

Please stay tuned for more news concerning this exciting change in future issues
of the Virtual Flame.
Scholarship Dates Have Changed!
New CNF BIPOC Nursing Scholarships
Upcoming Events

CNEI :Upcoming Professional
Development Opportunities

May 4, 2022

My Insurance Mobile App
Easily submit your home claim on our affinity program partner @TDInsurance's Mobile App if you do not need immediate assistance. Please follow this link for more details #Sponsored ►
Contact us:
Phone : (506) 458-8731
Toll-free (NB): 1-800-442-4417
Fax: (506) 459-2838
NANB Hours:
Monday–Friday, 08:30–16:30

NANB will be closed:
April 15: Good Friday
April 18: Easter Monday

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