The Virtual Flame
March 2023
In this e-bulletin:

NANB Election
Nominations close March 24
President-elect, & Regions 1, 3 & 4

NANB Awards
Nominations close March 24

Join us for NANB's AGM May 9
Registration is open!

Complete Your Continuing Competence Program 2023

NANB Important Resources
NANB Welcomes New CEO Denise LeBlanc-Kwaw

The NANB, regulatory body in New Brunswick representing 8,400 registered nurses and nurse practitioners, is pleased to introduce Denise LeBlanc-Kwaw as Chief Executive Officer. Ms. LeBlanc-Kwaw was appointed by the Board of Directors and joined NANB on February 1, 2023. More...

NANB Election
Nominations close March 24
Be A Strong Voice for Nursing Regulation
Nominations close on March 24, 2023.

Submit your nomination for the position of President-elect, Directors in Region's 1 (Moncton region), 3 (Fredericton and Upper River Valley) and 4 (Edmundston region).

Should you or a nurse colleague you know be a good candidate for President-elect and or director from any of the regions indicated above, please consider these appointments.

Additional information and nomination forms can be found on NANB's website. Any questions can be directed to
Nominate a Nurse Colleague!
NANB Awards
Nominations close on March 24, 2023.

This is the last call to nominate a well deserving RN or NP for recognition of their outstanding contribution to the nursing profession for one of the following Awards:

  • Excellence in Clinical Practice Award
  • Awards of Merit (Nursing Practice, Administration, Education and Research)
  • Entry-Level Nurse Achievement Award

Awards are special recognition of a nurse who goes above and beyond their day-to-day responsibilities in order to support their health teams and provide exceptional care for their patients. Nurses are most often the first point of contact, the constant presence and the professional voice for patients receiving care.

 For specifics on criteria and nomination forms, visit NANB's website.
NANB's AGM May 9, 2023
Registration is Open!
Join us in-person or virtually via zoom for this year’s AGM on May 9, 2023 at the Delta Hotel Fredericton. This Business Meeting will highlight the 2022 Annual Report and Auditor’s Report. The AGM is free to all registered and non-practising members, as well as nursing students and observers. Lunch will be served on site.

*Virtual participants must join using their own device to be verified and validated as a registered NANB voting member. Details will be communicated to all registrants.

Register Today! Space is limited.

Deadline to submit resolutions: April 1, 2023
Written resolutions must be received by the NANB according to the pre-determined deadline of April 1, 2023 in order to be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee. For details on how to submit a resolution or clarification on the process, contact NANB.

Stay tuned to NANB's website as more details become available.
Continuing Competence Program 2023
Tips for preparing a learning plan
NANB recommends choosing only one or two indicators to focus on for the coming months. Once you have chosen your indicators develop your leaning plan.

Your plan should support how you are going to meet your learning goals. For example Learning Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (SMART).

Learning activities can include, reading journals, attending an in-services or a conference.
Visit NANB’s professional development section for case studies and resources as well as additional examples of Learning Activities.

Visit NANB's website for more information.
NANB Important Resources
Telenursing Practice
The increase in virtual care has occurred rapidly over the past few years to preserve access to care in response to the covid-19 pandemic, and continues to evolve. As this mean of providing nursing care becomes more widely used and available, it is important that nurses involved in telenursing practice are aware of their accountabilities and professional obligations. The Guideline for Telenursing Practice has recently been revised to provide further guidance and additional resources to support safe, competent and ethical telenursing care. The Telenursing Practice Toolkit also houses resources to establish the appropriateness of telenursing care, assist in managing risks, and resources for the public.

Pandemic Toolkit
The Pandemic Toolkit is now available on the NANB website. NANB’s role during a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak is to ensure that nurses understand their accountabilities and to support the provision of safe, competent, and ethical care. This resource provides guidance and resources to assist nurses, employers, and the public during pandemic or communicable disease-related outbreaks.
Next Board Meeting
May 10, 2023
Observers Welcome

Department of Health
March 15, 2023

Upcoming Events

Canadian Nurse Educator Institute

Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation
March 21, 2023

Wu Conference Centre, Fredericton
March 25, 2023

Education Event
April 29, 2023
Saint John, NB/ Halifax NS/ Online

Save the date!
May 25, 2023
Virtual Conference

Save the Date!
October 11-13, 2023
Edmundston, NB
Do you know how to make a car insurance claim? Check out tips from our affinity program partner @TDInsurance on how they support you #Sponsored ►
Contact us:

Toll-free (NB): 1-800-442-4417
NANB Hours:
Monday–Friday, 08:30–16:30

NANB will be closed:
April 7: Good Friday
April 10: Easter Monday

Quick Links