In March, 168
children spent time in our Activity Center. Additionally, our Therapy Department provided 586 services to 272 clients and family members, our Forensic Interviewers conducted 75 interviews, and the Family Advocacy & Support Services Department provided 1,549 services to 542 clients.
We are so grateful for all of our remarkable volunteers who have helped make a difference at Children's Advocacy Center of Collin County. Throughout the year, individuals, civic and corporate volunteers share their time, talent, resources, and hearts by joining together to help families whose lives have been impacted by child abuse and neglect.
“The Center is a 55,000 square foot facility housing over 250 professionals, and we simply do not have the staff or resources to maintain the facility without the help of the community”, said Lynne McLean, CEO.
When volunteers complete various tasks such as deep cleaning the therapy and visitation rooms, updating rooms with a fresh coat of paint, planting new flowers in the outdoor play area, they are making the facility a safer and more welcoming environment which creates a better experience for our clients and staff. Our volunteers are also an integral part of making our annual fundraising events and community service projects like the Back to School Fair and the Holiday Project a huge success.
Our clients know we will always be there for them and we are so grateful to all our community volunteers who go above and beyond to help us fulfill that mission.
Join us on Facebook or Instagram as we go
Friday, May 1st from 5:30 - 5:45 pm for the 10th Anniversary Lexus Car Raffle Drawing!
This year, the drawing may look a little different, but the need is still the same. The donation of the vehicle from
DFW Lexus Dealers allows us to raise $125,000 annually with 100% of the profits going toward critical services for children and families affected by child abuse in our community.
Tickets are $50 each.
Only 2,500 tickets will be sold for the 2020 Lexus RX.
The winner will be contacted personally following the
LIVE drawing.
The winner will also be announced to our followers via email the evening of the raffle.
Plans may have changed, but after all this, someone is winning a new Lexus. It might as well be you!
Many things have been affected by the pandemic in one way or another, but our mission and commitment to the children we serve has not. Now is the time to unite for a bigger purpose. Mark your calendars to join us for Gala 2020,
a virtual experience. Stay home, stay safe, and still help children in need.
Date: Thursday, May 14th
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Your Choice
Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
CACCC Staff Update
Like many of you, we have had to learn new ways to accomplish our jobs remotely while juggling family responsibilities. At times it has been frustrating, and each day has brought new challenges. I didn’t even know about Zoom a few weeks ago and now, I am using it multiple times each week!
The greatest challenge for our staff has been that only a few of us are able to be on-site each day. However, the strength of the CACCC team has allowed us to continue to provide safety, healing, and justice for the children that need us. Through this pandemic, children in crisis have come to the Center and are interviewed by one of our forensic interviewers, while an advocate meets with the protective caregiver to assess their needs (following CDC protocols). Our family advocates are contacting the families we serve by phone to make sure they are safe and have what they need. Our therapists are using tele-health platforms to meet weekly with children and families to continue the healing process. Additionally, the remote work of the rest of our staff has allowed us to continue to provide critical services to our clients who are already dealing with so much.
In the back of our minds, we fear for children who are at home during this increasingly stressful time. Statewide, the number of child abuse reports has decreased, but we know that children are now at greater risk. Evil thrives in secret. During this pandemic, children are out of the watchful eyes of teachers, counselors, daycare workers and others. We know the reality is that once things return to “normal” the need for our services will be greater than ever.
I am so proud to be part of this team. Through all of this, the staff of CACCC have all stepped up to this challenge with an “I’m not giving up” attitude that makes us the most amazing Children’s Advocacy Center in the country!
Take care,
Dan Powers
Chief Operating Officer
Estell & Pope Families • Carolyn & Mark Speese • DADS Advisory Fund • Cathy & Richard Riccardi • B.B. Owen Trust • City-Wide Roofing • Cindy and Tom Heckard • Junior League of Collin County • St. Andrew United Methodist Church Seekers Class • Spark Tank
2205 Los Rios Blvd. Plano, TX 75074 | P: 972.633.6600