Volume 96 - Issue 6 | December 2023
Cathy Tenney, Editor
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A Message From
OSO President Melodie McGee
Greetings. . .It's a beautiful day today in our OSO Delta Kappa Gamma Society neighborhood!
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Do you see what I see… during the month of December?
Look around and see the beautiful arrays of brightly colored flowers blooming, including those blossoming poinsettias. Then follow the pathway in various communities to see colorful twinkling lights, the crackling wood with glistening fires glowing in the fireplaces, along with candles glowing brightly on families’ antique Menorahs and scents of evergreen needles in Advent Wreaths. Then enjoy the aromas of the hot chocolate, warm cinnamon buns, nutmeg in cups of eggnog, and gingerbread confections baking in the oven to delight your tastebuds.
There are many changes happening within this season, in our world, and in our Delta Kappa Gamma Society too! As we approach this December, let’s take time and look for the positive changes in our environments.
Let’s remember to celebrate all the many Blessings that this December brings us. Happy Holidays!
| OSO President Melodie McGee Chapter Visit | |
Alpha Phi Chapter was blessed with a visit from Melodie McGee, OSO State President.. She shared her passion for getting involved with domestic violence and provided some great ideas to spark our meetings. Left to Right Front Row: Linda Beaver, Pat Lewis, Maxine McClellan, Melodie McGee, Linda Nier, Jyl Dwyer, Carole Haines, L to R Back Row: Linda Rinehart, Denise Shaneyfelt, Lynn Martin, Linda Parker, Bryanne Peck. | |
Ula Jean Metzler
Beta Rho
Marilyn Claire Moore
Delta Iota
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Congratulations to Melissa Hackett, Gamma Pi, and Cathy Tenney, Beta Kappa, on having their photographs selected for inclusion in the 2023 Fall Fine Arts Gallery. Their photographs will be on display until mid-March. | |
Melissa Hackett, Gamma Pi | |
Membership Treasures
Let the Treasures of Delta Kappa Gamma Ohio State Organization S.H.I.N.E!
Our DKG OSO Chests are overflowing with treasures! In the future months our OSO Membership Committee will share some ideas focused around the S.H.I.N.E. acronym. These ideas will help chapters show off the wondrous gifts they have to offer new members.
The S in S.H.I.N.E. stands for sisterhood. We should be shouting from the rooftops about the strong connections we have with our DKG sisters! Sisterhood is at the core of our Society. We share a deep affection and loyalty with our sisters. Our common experiences and commitment to our Society, purposes, and to each other create bonds which last a lifetime! DKG sisters share struggles, celebrate successes, and work to accomplish common goals. We offer support, a sense of belonging, shared social experiences, encouragement, and a common purpose which are true treasures of sisterhood.
Read more about Membership S.H.I.N.E.
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Alpha Sigma Welcomes Two New Members | |
Alpha Sigma welcomed two new members. Ceremony Committee members (l-r) Nancy Goodman, Marsha Erbland and Sally Green present new members Sue Lawrence and Barbara Jones to President Deb Mihalik. | |
DKG Ohio Membership and Chapter Update | |
Paid Membership | 2,573 | Ohio Chapters | 70 | | |
DKG Ohio IRS Filing
Ohio State Organization filed IRS 990 on November 8, 2023. Visit dkgohio.org Financial Reports to view the 990 and the Financial Compilation Report for 2022 – 2023.
Chapters filed IRS 990n by November 15, 2023. Thank you chapter treasurers for completing this federal requirement. Each one of you are a treasure to your chapter, Ohio and DKGSI.
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Statement of Financial Activity | |
Revenue | $36,688.00 | Expenses | $17,493.00 | Epsilon Alpha Expenses* | $ 424.00 | Net Income | $18,771.00 | | |
Statement of Financial Position | |
Assets | $235,548.00 | Board Designated* | $ 1,076.00 | Total Assets | $236,624.00 | Liabilities | $ 457.00 | Total Equity | $236,167.00 | | |
The Executive Board voted to commit $1,500 during 2023 – 2024 to fund the orientation and chartering expenses of Epsilon Alpha Chapter. The vote ensures that funding up to $1,500 is available for these expenses. The expenses are shown in the Statement of Financial Activity. The remaining funds are shown as a Board Designated asset in the Statement of Financial Position.
Diana Haskell, OSO Treasurer
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Delta Mu
Traci A. Fravel
Diane E. Hess
Jean M. Bushley
Reinstated Members
Susan E. Sutton
Alpha Lambda
Briauna Rolon
Patricia Carpenter
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Mentor - A Gift
December has arrived and the festive season is upon us. There is a holiday song called, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." It truly is a wonderful time. It is often accompanied by giving and receiving gifts. I would like you to think of mentoring as a gift. It is a gift that can keep on giving throughout the entire year. Following are eight basic principles to keep in mind when mentoring.
- Embrace the journey of being a mentor. It should not be seen as an assignment, but rather an opportunity to be of assistance and guidance.
- Be respectful. Acknowledge strengths, talents, and abilities.
- dentify together areas of professional growth and develop a progress plan.
Be an active listener rather than just hearing what the person is sharing. Go deeper.
- Share experiences and collaborate to foster a cohesive connection.
- Be empathetic and nonjudgmental.
- Both mentor and mentee need to continually discern and reflect.
- Be intentional, but flexible in modeling educational excellence.
Two vital components of mentoring should involve networking and finding resources. Ohio State Organization and Delta Kappa Gamma websites are both overflowing with valuable resources. Learn to navigate and explore these websites. All OSO-DKG members can be a vital part of networking. I enthusiastically invite each of you to reach out and connect with one another. Let us build our mentoring capacity and journey together in our quest for educational excellence.
Dr. Molly Helmlinger, Beta Kappa
Second Vice-President
Educational Excellence Committee Chair
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2023 Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Click on the link below to read the minutes from the Fall OSO Executive Board Meeting held on September 30, 2023.
OSO Executive Board Minutes
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Education News
Sisters in DKG, this month the U.S. Department of Education has
released information on the teacher shortage situation. Miraculously in the matter of just a few weeks we went from having a 9% shortage of teachers to just 0.17%. The government is sponsoring initiatives to foster new teachers through the TEACH.org group to hasten the pathway to becoming a teacher. The department is also looking to increase the diversity of teachers in the classroom.
Here in Ohio, the fight for control over the schools has ended and Steve Dakin has been chosen to head up the new Department of Education and Workforce for Governor DeWine.
Please read more about these two developments on my blog by
following this link:https://www.smore.com/02vjn .
Enjoy the holidays!!
Sharon Scheidegger
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Upcoming Dates to Remember
January 2024
DKG News available at dkg.org
(available odd numbered months)
February 1, 2024
Chapter Necrology Report Due - Gold Key Requirement
March 10-13, 2024
National Legislative Seminar
Arlington, Virginia
Registration Information on U.S. Forum, dkgusforum.org
April 6, 2024
OSO Executive Board Meeting
New Hope Church, 4739 W. Powell Rd.
July 9-13, 2024
DKG International Convention
Gaylord Resort & Convention Center
National Harbor, Maryland
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Gamma Theta Chapter heard from guest speaker Veronica Dalberg, HOLA Executive Administrator, who educated our chapter about the struggles of the local Hispanic community. Her presentation included the latest project at HOLA. which involves elementary school-aged students in the Painesvile City Local Schools. | |
Omicron Chapter hosted a speaker at our recent meeting who explained how Eve.inc helps those in violent domestic situations that have called for help. The call to Eve turns them from victims to survivors. Members heard ways the chapter and individual members could help survivors. | |
Deb Hornyak, Beta Eta Treasurer has been Beta Eta's treasurer for 25 plus years. Chapter members rely on her to keep us up to date regarding our finances and feel fortunate to have her as treasurer. | |
Tau Chapter was pleased and honored to have our member and Past President, Anne Sauter Lieb, review her book, Not Ours To See at our November meeting. | |
Sally Persinger, Alpha Nu Scholarship Chair presented Devan Luwellen with a scholarship award. | |
Beta Gamma members and their guests enjoyed a tour of the American Greetings corporate offices in Westlake, Ohio. Following the tour, members were invited to shop at the American Greetings company store at a significant discount. Beta Gamma members from left to right are as follows: Marilyn Bauer, Kathy Wainwright, Pam Goswick, Ellen Andrews, Kathleen OMalley, Sarida Volante, Barb Schneider, Fran Wilhelm, Cathy Papuga, Diane Schlegel, Mary Lou Sampson. | |
Delta Theta's November meeting featured retired teacher and author, Marina Cheney. Marina taught ESL for the South-Western City Schools District. Since retiring she has written four children’s books geared to third graders. The main character of all her books is Anastasia Bucknail, a girl who is skilled at making friends and getting along with people. | |
Beta Chi Chapter celebrated at a recent meeting with a tailgate party theme. Roz Gadd admires the cake decorated with the theme Teamwork makes the dream work and Kent State shirts on several members made a nice team photo. Sue Datish donned Ohio State memorabilia as both her husband and son were OSU standouts. | |
Beta Iota Chapter members met at the Holmes County JFS offices in Millersburg to assemble backpacks for the Foster Care program. The colorful backpacks were filled with useful items such as school supplies, toiletries, story books, small games, soft stuffed animals and either a hand sewn pillowcase or a blanket. The group donated 17 backpacks. | |
At Alpha Psi’s October meeting over 50 members and guests gathered for an annual homemade Thanksgiving dinner and auction. A little over $1000 was raised to go into our scholarship fund. | |
Ohio State Organization Related Links | | | |
Delta Kappa Gamma promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. | | | | |