Longview First United Methodist Church

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The Voice

February 2, 2022

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What a blessing it is to be a part of Longview FUMC! God has truly shone His light on us to be a Beacon of Hope for All. No doubt 2021 was a year of challenges, the biggest, of course, being COVID. Nevertheless we unanimously voted to accept the Wesley-McCabe facility to expand our ministries with a South Campus. Already exciting new programs and services are underway. Terrific Tuesdays after school program has been restarted with 39 students. Also, despite the challenges facing us, our congregation has remained steadfast in faithfully reactivating and expanding our ministries. Our giving was up over the prior year, and our staff was frugal in their spending. God has blessed these efforts ending 2021 with a healthy operating budget surplus of $165,445 and an operating fund balance of $653,869.

In spite of these challenges, we begin 2022 with strength and vitality! We are experiencing a higher frequency of new members. A mixture of in-person, live streaming and TV ministry has been a blessing during COVID, but we want to increase in-person worship. We have ambitious goals to accomplish just some of which we would like to highlight. Newly appointed minister, Rick Aguilar, will be starting in February to begin a Hispanic ministry at the South Campus. FUMC leadership has approved exploring the appointment of a new female associate pastor. We will be re-launching a comprehensive senior adult ministry. East Texas Food Bank will be partnering with us using our South Campus to facilitate food distribution.  We have mission trips planned. We want to expand our accountability ministry beyond traditional Sunday school and Bible studies. We currently have eight active men’s and women’s groups and want to form different types of groups to further expand discipleship. We feel the close presence of God in all that Longview FUMC is doing. We are excited about the future of our church and hope and pray you feel the excitement also. 

As we enter 2022, it remains our personal responsibility to continue our faithfulness to our church and its missions.  All great efforts begin with a single act. We would like to take this opportunity to challenge each of you to pray for God to show you how you can reach your potential here at Longview FUMC with both your giving financially and your involvement in our various outreaches and programs. By continuing to work together, we can continue to exceed our goals and reach more people for Christ.

Ed Moore - Lay Leader

Hamp Hardee - Lay Leader

Bo Powers - Stewardship Chair

Where are you connected?

Mission Month is underway! Check out how you can be involved in being a Beacon of Hope for All!

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This year the Mission Envelope Fundraiser is supporting the summer 2022 mission activities, including the Alaska Mission Trip and SOS. Participating is easy. Select an envelope and place the designated donation amount in the envelope, complete the info section on the back, and return to the blue box on the table or the church office. Envelopes range in amounts from $1 to $100 and there are also special envelopes for specific mission projects. For more information contact Pastor Romnie at [email protected]. Thank you for Being a Beacon of Hope for All.

Our Wednesday night studies -

"The Book of Joshua" led by Pastor Romnie or

"Spiritual Disciplines Toolbox" led by Pastor David -

are back on this week!

There will be new studies offered later during Lent if you'd prefer something different!

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Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 10:45 for our sermon series -

Corinthians: Gifts, Grace, Glory


Come and Sing with the

Chancel Choir!

Wednesday evenings in the Music Suite from 6:30 - 7:45pm

There has never been a better time to join Chancel Choir! In addition to rehearsing anthems for Sunday mornings, we are also working on an exciting music program for Holy Week, including our Easter Cantata "No Greater Sacrifice" on Palm Sunday, April 10!

We are keen to encourage new singers to join our ranks for the time between now and Easter! Please consider joining us as we praise God through the gift of music! We would love to have you sing with us, and you will be made very welcome!


Paul Roberts   

Director of Music & Fine Arts


CALLING ALL ACOLYTES - it's time to sign up for Spring 2022 dates!

All 2nd to 5th graders are invited to participate as an acolyte in the Beacon worship service. Parents, please check your calendars and click here to sign up your acolyte(s) today! This will allow us to print their names in the bulletin each Sunday. Email Jana at [email protected] with questions. Let's get the calendar filled through May!

Regular meetings for children ages pre-k through fifth grade - including music, dinner, and other activities - CONTINUES TONIGHT! The children's schedule begins at 6:00 PM with music, followed by dinner and activities ending at 7:30 PM. An average of 45 children attend each week, and volunteers are needed to assist with dinner and activities. Anyone is welcome to volunteer, and each parent is encouraged to volunteer once a month for WNL. Here is the link to sign up. This link allows you to select the date and age group you'd like to work with. You can be sure to be blessed by your time with the children as you guide them on their faith journey and build important relationships within the church family!

Dinner is now provided for all children on Wednesday nights! A kid friendly menu has been created, and will include favorite entrees, vegetables, and fruits. A donation of $5 per meal would be appreciated to help with food and preparation costs. Here is the link: Wednesday Night Live Children's Dinner Donation. See you Wednesday for faith, fun, and fellowship! For more information, contact Jana at [email protected], or 903-753-4463.

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Wednesday Night Live is back for Youth TONIGHT! 6th-12th graders, the best time of the week is here!

Join us 6pm - 7:30pm in the Youth Wing for dinner, devotion, and some recreation time in the Faith Center gym! We have new additions and old favorites! You will receive a gift tonight! Drop-off and pick-up are at the North parking lot doors.

Parents interested in joining together to provide a youth meal, please contact Janice at [email protected]. With your support, we provide an exciting, meaningful time for students to gather and learn more about faith in Jesus Christ.

Spring Semester Terrific Tuesday Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers needed for the spring semester of Terrific Tuesday. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, contact Pastor Romnie at [email protected]

Volunteers needed to cook and serve breakfast at Newgate Mission on the 2nd Sunday each month. Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, families, or individuals can sign up to help. The cost of the breakfast menu is $220. Contact Pastor Romnie to sign up or for more information.

Life Together at FUMC Longview

If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found that this can be a painful, confusing time, maybe feeling isolated or have questions about things you’ve never faced before. Grief Share can help you face these challenges and move forward toward rebuilding your life through the following elements: (1) video seminar with experts; (2) support group discussions with focus and (3) personal studies and reflection (workbook).  After my husband passed away 8 years ago, I tried different grief studies, but I could not truly move forward toward rebuilding my life until I went through Grief Share, which was quite by accident. A friend of mine promised her pastor she would go 3 times but needed a ride. So I was sitting through the first session with my friend, as her driver, and realized this was where I needed to be, maybe divine intervention. Through Grief Share, I finally was able to put one foot in front of the other and start rebuilding my life, from mourning to joy.

We will be offering Grief Share in a few weeks at FUMC, not only for members, but anyone in the community who needs help and guidance moving forward. If you’re interested or know anyone who would benefit from these classes, please contact Shirley Lancaster, [email protected], or by phone, including texts, at (913) 706-3874. You may also contact one of the Pastors if you would like to discuss whether this might be right for you.

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If you or someone you know is sick or hospitalized and is unable to attend worship with us, please let us know!

Contact the church office at 903-753-4463 or email us at [email protected]

To submit an article for The Voice, please email [email protected]. Info must be submitted by

Friday at 5 PM in order to be in next week's edition of The Voice.

First United Methodist Church of Longview
400 N. Fredonia St. Longview, Texas 75601
Tel: (903) 753.4463
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