As we approach the month of February, we think about the season of showing love to others. As a gardener, I noticed one of my larger mature plants, began to overtake one of the other plants that was next to it. The plant with the larger, mature leaves had blocked the sunlight from it which caused the smaller plant not to be able to get the needed amount of light to grow and develop. This reminds me of some members in chapters who sometimes overshadow and do not give others a chance to develop their skills and shine in their chapters. Wouldn’t it be nice if we as DKG sisters could live and serve together in unity, spread out, yet still grow side by side in harmony, not trying to overtake each other? Let’s encourage and provide everyone with opportunities to gain knowledge about DKG to give everyone the opportunity to have a chance to grow strong and healthy as members in OSO Chapters. Then we can say together these words that I adapted from a hymn . . .
Our love wonderful love
The love that we share together as members of DKG,
That's love wonderful love,
When we're together it can be so rich with memories, so full of
valuable information, so enjoyable to see,
Our DKG experiences together can be wide, wide as the ocean,
And our OSO Chapter meetings/gatherings can be deep, deep as the sea,
We soar high as the heavens above when we stand together in
our circle singing our theme song,
As we remember the reasons why we are members of DKG.
Melodies’ Meaningful Memoirs…
Let’s get ready for our exciting Spring OSO Executive Board Meeting, Esther Strickland Scholarship Luncheon, and ADSOEF Foundation Annual Meeting. We are also featuring a special workshop speaker coming from Alberta, Canada. Kerry Black who will lead us in an interactive workshop entitled Conflict with Grace. Kerry Black will give us tools and strategies to use when we experience conflicts within our Chapters and our personal lives.
This event will be on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3220 Columbus Street, Grove City 43123 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. In the next few days an E-Blast invitation will be sent to all OSO Chapter Presidents and chapter members to attend this exciting spring event!
Until next time….