Longview First United Methodist Church

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The Voice

January 26, 2022

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Serving is something that has always been a part of my life. As a child, I learned from my parents what it meant to serve your neighbor. We did not go on mission trips or journey across the country, but simply helped where we saw a need. My dad volunteered as a firefighter and when I asked why he did this, he said our neighbors depend on each other for help in a crisis and this was his way of helping. My mom often baked pies or cakes and carefully sliced and wrapped them for the neighbors. The kids had the task of delivering them to each neighbor. These were my first examples of serving.

When Stephen and I began attending FUMC many years ago, we were impressed with the serving nature of this congregation. My view of serving widened as I was introduced to Newgate Mission, Asbury House, and Longview Community Ministries. People like David Dunlap, Jerry Turner, Mary Carol Etheredge, and so many more were wonderful examples of serving and helped to shape how Stephen and I would continue to serve.

My view of serving was stretched even more with our first international mission trip. To see the church at work in another language and culture, yet still worshiping the same God, spoke volumes to my heart. So often, the church in other countries does not have the resources to host vacation Bible school, meet the needs of their community, or perform simple outreach activities that we take for granted. They appreciate Christians from other communities assisting them with the shared work of ministering to everyone.

Our church family continues a strong tradition of serving both locally and outside our community. We continually look for unmet needs in Longview, Texas and ask ourselves, how can we Be a Beacon of Hope to All. We see this with the support of Beds of Hope, Threads of Love, Family Promise, and now with our new south campus.

This summer we will venture to Alaska to work alongside a church in Anchorage providing support through maintenance projects, community outreach, and other areas as the Holy Spirit directs. I am often asked, why travel so far? Isn’t there enough to do here? While there is tremendous need in Longview, I have found valuable experience serving new and diverse ministries. (1) Relationship building. Some of my deepest friendships are formed or strengthened while serving in a mission environment where you learn to depend on one another. Mission trips help us to get out of our comfort zone and learn to face new challenges. (2) A greater appreciation of the church. The more I experience the church in new and diverse settings, the more I am amazed at the work of the Holy Spirit. This has helped to enrich my faith life and has served my heart more than the service I perform on the mission activity. (3) New ideas. Every time I visit the church at work in a new area, I bring back new ideas. The Kids in the Kitchen program we did at Terrific Tuesday last fall was modeled after a similar project at Manna in Durango, Colorado. It is helpful to see how the church is working elsewhere to breathe new life into our programs here. (4) Connection. As Christians, we are called to serve wherever there is need.

How can you experience serving? Love your neighbor. Love your neighbor next door – visit, call, cook, however you can be a beacon of God’s hope. Love your neighbor that is a stranger - cook at Newgate, read at Asbury House, answer the phone at LCM, serve on a board of a local nonprofit, be a beacon of God’s light to someone new. Love your neighbor in another community – sign up for the Alaska Mission Trip, go to Memphis, TN with SOS, serve as an adult leader at Big House, or financially support these efforts.

Beginning January 30-February 13, the Mission Team hosts Mission Emphasis and the Mission Fundraiser. For Mission Emphasis, look in the Voice and the church social media accounts for videos that highlight our mission activities at FUMC. During that same time, we are also engaged in our Envelope Fundraiser. In the Welcome Center and Cook Foyer, tables with mission information and envelopes for donations are available. All of the funds raised from this fundraiser will be used to support our summer mission activities. There are also specific envelopes for specific activities on the Alaska Mission trip, such as laundry day, blessing bags, or maintenance projects.

We serve because God calls us to put our faith into action. How will you serve to Be a Beacon of Hope for All? To have a conversation about serving, sign up to serve, or receive more information, contact me in the church office or by email, [email protected].

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Romnie

Join us in welcoming our new members!

Barry and Lauren Jones joined Longview FUMC this past Sunday, January 23rd, at the 8:30 Horizon Service.

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Where are you connected?
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We are excited to announce ChordPlay Quartet will be entertaining our anniversary couples at our Anniversary Celebration!

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Our Wednesday night studies -

"The Book of Joshua" led by Pastor Romnie or

"Spiritual Disciplines Toolbox" led by Pastor David - are cancelled tonight, 1/26/22, and will resume next week, 2/2/22.

There will be new studies offered later during Lent if you'd prefer something different!

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Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 10:45 for our sermon series -

Corinthians: Gifts, Grace, Glory


Come and Sing with the

Chancel Choir!

Wednesday evenings in the Music Suite from 6:30 - 7:45pm

There has never been a better time to join Chancel Choir! In addition to rehearsing anthems for Sunday mornings, we are also working on an exciting music program for Holy Week, including our Easter Cantata "No Greater Sacrifice" on Palm Sunday, April 10!

We are keen to encourage new singers to join our ranks for the time between now and Easter! Please consider joining us as we praise God through the gift of music! We would love to have you sing with us, and you will be made very welcome!


Paul Roberts   

Director of Music & Fine Arts


CALLING ALL ACOLYTES - it's time to sign up for Spring 2022 dates!

All 2nd to 5th graders are invited to participate as an acolyte in the Beacon worship service. Parents, please check your calendars and click here to sign up your acolyte(s) today! This will allow us to print their names in the bulletin each Sunday. Email Jana at [email protected] with questions. Let's get the calendar filled through May!

Wednesday Night Live - CANCELLED TONIGHT, 1/26/22. We will resume normal programming next Wednesday 2/2/22.

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Wednesday Night Live - CANCELLED TONIGHT, 1/26/22. We will resume normal programming next Wednesday 2/2/22.

Spring Semester Terrific Tuesday Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers needed for the spring semester of Terrific Tuesday. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, contact Pastor Romnie at [email protected]

Volunteers needed to cook and serve breakfast at Newgate Mission on the 2nd Sunday each month. Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, families, or individuals can sign up to help. The cost of the breakfast menu is $220. Contact Pastor Romnie to sign up or for more information.

Life Together at FUMC Longview
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If you or someone you know is sick or hospitalized and is unable to attend worship with us, please let us know!

Contact the church office at 903-753-4463 or email us at [email protected]

To submit an article for The Voice, please email [email protected]. Info must be submitted by

Friday at 5 PM in order to be in next week's edition of The Voice.

First United Methodist Church of Longview
400 N. Fredonia St. Longview, Texas 75601
Tel: (903) 753.4463
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