Longview First United Methodist Church

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The Voice

May 25, 2022


What’s Going On?

Some of you are old enough to remember Marvin Gaye’s iconic song, What’s Going On, released in 1971. In case you have no idea about the song or the context, it was a song crying out about troubling events regarding the Vietnam War and the unrest of the times. The song resonated for many due to violence and brutality at war protests, along with many other issues of unrest regarding racism, the generation gap, and other issues of that time.

Lately, there has been a lot of speculation about the direction of our denomination, the United Methodist Church. Press releases, rumors, resolutions, and a myriad of actions have exacerbated an already confusing and charged environment regarding the direction and future of the United Methodist Church. Recently, local newspapers, television stations, and social media have been increasingly filled with reports regarding the status of the United Methodist Church. Increasingly, folks are asking, “What’s going on?”

I have not spoken extensively, publicly, about these matters for several reasons. One reason for not addressing these matters more is that this is complicated. Developments are rapidly evolving in one sense and longstanding and slow resolving in another sense. If I spoke in detail about the situation two weeks ago, I would be outdated in where things stand now. The scenarios of where this might lead are too numerous to comprehensively cover widely and any conclusions would be speculative, at best. Another reason why I have not spoken about them publicly is that I have been focused on keeping our key leaders informed, especially our delegates to Annual Conference, because they will most likely be confronted with these matters before the rest of the congregation and need to be prepared. Another reason for not addressing this more broadly is that these matters could easily distract us from the important work and ministry that God is calling us to be attentive to and do. As the Bishop likes to say, “I am keeping the main thing the main thing.” The gracious work of God in Jesus Christ for the transformation of lives and our world is the main thing. I promise that I am willing to answer any questions and will provide ample opportunity for us to discuss, discern, and make decisions regarding these matters when the time is appropriate.

The Texas Annual Conference meets May 29-June 1. Our Administrative Council meets the following Monday, June 6th. I have discussed with our Chair that this will be the primary purpose of our conversation that evening among our leadership, providing information that is current and reflects the conversation at Annual Conference. We will then decide on how to best disseminate information and provide ample opportunities for conversation among our congregation from that meeting. Until that time, I ask you to pray for our church and the work of Christ we are called to undertake. I ask you to be careful what you give credence regarding what you hear and the sources that are providing you information.

Recent decisions of the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church have tremendously impacted the path and timeframe of any significant changes that might occur. The ruling body of the United Methodist Church, the General Conference, will not meet again until 2024, although that is still subject to an environment that allows a worldwide church to gather anywhere safely at that time. Until General Conference meets, the law and polity of the church remains unchanged. There has been a proposal for a new alternative expression of Methodism, but it will not even finalize its structure for at least another year to year and a half.

We remain the First United Methodist Church of Longview, Texas. I am your Senior Pastor. Our leadership is strong, engaged, and ready for whatever the future holds. As soon as possible, we will help you understand what’s going on. Right now, if you have questions, ask me and I will let you know what I understand, as well as what is not clear. Pray for the unity and ministry of our church and the wider church that is called to be the Body of Christ in the world.

                                                Grace and Peace,

                                                Pastor Jay

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The Voice is changing formats NEXT WEEK!

In an attempt to make it easier for you to receive information, we have been hard at work redesigning the Voice newsletter. Beginning next week, the Voice will be in a page-style format sorted by ministry areas. Our goal is to make it easier to access the information you need. Be on the lookout for the new look!

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Where are you connected?

Summer is quickly approaching and that means…Vacation Bible School!!! VBS this year will be 3 evenings (June 22, 23, & 24) full of crafts, stories, games, snacks, music, missions, and fun! We will begin at 6:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm each night. Our theme is Spark Studios...Created in Christ, Designed for God's Purpose. 

Click the link below to register your children/grandchildren for VBS today!

Of course, all of this needs a dedicated group of volunteers to make it happen. Volunteers will be rewarded with great memories and valuable friendships as they share their time and faith with children. Click on the link below to select which area you would like to help with, or call the church office to sign up!


JUNE 22-24 6:00-8:30pm

Click here for registration!

Click here for volunteer signup!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

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Life Together at FUMC Longview

The next Grief Share group will startup on August 28th and will be led by Shirley Lancaster and Kevin Howe. Participant guides will be $23. More information will be provided at a later date.

If you or someone you know is sick or hospitalized and is unable to attend worship with us, please let us know!

Contact the church office at 903-753-4463 or email us at [email protected]

To submit an article for The Voice, please email [email protected]. Info must be submitted by

Friday at 5 PM in order to be in next week's edition of The Voice.

First United Methodist Church of Longview
400 N. Fredonia St. Longview, Texas 75601
Tel: (903) 753.4463
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