March 2019 ~ Volume 88
The President's Message is deferring to the importance 
of Money Matter$ this month.  

As we move toward the change in our dues payments and record keeping there have been many questions to chapter treasurers and to the State treasurer.  Become familiar with these changes so that you understand them and so that you  can speak to other members and to potential new members with the current and correct information as we make the transition to a new timeline in the life of DKG.
P.S. Remember to register for the State Convention, 
you don't want to miss it!


               May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most.
                                                                              ~ Irish Saying

By Diana Haskell, State Treasurer
Dues and the collection of dues and fees
impacts every member of the Society. 

The new dues collection timing and process has many members confused. Our goal is to be clear about the change that occurs this year. Perhaps your questions and concerns might be addressed by reading a few of the questions received by chapter treasurers.
Are the dues the same amount of money as last year for state/international?"
International dues for all classes of membership remain the same in 2019-2020. Ohio dues for active and reserve members are not expected to be changed during the spring Executive Board Meeting. Ohio dues for collegiate members will be voted on during that meeting.
If a member is becoming reserve instead of active, do they do that in June? 
Yes. Prior to dues payment for 2019-2020 a member must request a change in status from her chapter.
Will Form 18 be filled out in June or will form 18 still be filled out in November when we get new members and initiate them? 
There will be no paper form to record dues in June or November or ever to be completed by the chapter treasurer. All dues will be recorded on a web based chapter roster in groups or as they are received. Chapters are encouraged to collect dues in during May and June for 2019-2020. Dues are recorded from July 1 - September 30. If a member has not paid International dues by October 1, she is dropped.
New members may be inducted at any time during the year. Chapter rules may have specific information regarding new members.
What do we fill out when we initiate new members?
It is likely that new members will still complete a New Member Form in either paper or electronic format for chapter, state and international records. New members may be inducted anytime in the year. They will be added to the electronic chapter database by the chapter treasurer and the member dues and fees will be sent to both International and State when collected.
If a member decides to pay dues after the summer, what is the procedure that the treasurer has to go through - forms, etc.?
In this case, the member would likely appear on the chapter roster. Complete the online roster and send her dues and fees to international and Ohio. If she does not appear on the chapter or any chapter roster she may pay dues and fees and be reinstated. A reinstatement form will need to be completed by the member. The reinstated member information is then entered into the chapter database by the chapter treasurer. Her dues are collected and posted on the chapter roster and a check for International dues is sent to International and a check for state dues and fees are sent to the state treasurer.
How and when will I learn how to do this?
Training for chapter treasurers will be held during state convention April 5 - 7. Plan to attend "Building Confidence with the New Dues Processing Procedure" on Friday or choose one of two sessions on Saturday. The training will provide hands-on practice with the electronic database and payment system, the addition of new members, reinstatements and transfer of membership. We will all be learning together. Do not hesitate to contact the state treasurer for additional assistance to you or to your chapter.
Recent questions:
"We inducted a new member in February. Does she need to pay dues again in June?"
She paid dues and fees in February for 2018-2019 membership. She will pay dues in June for 2019-2020 membership.
"We will induct a new member in April. Does she need to pay dues again in June?"
She is joining late in the fiscal year. If she desires to be a member in 2018-2019 she pays dues. During this year of dues collection transition, the chapter may choose to induct her for membership in 2019-2020. In this case she pays dues in June.

By Debbie Canter

I get so excited when I open my email from chapter presidents and read what their chapters have done to assist the local foster children's program. I believe having a state initiative that benefits each chapter's own community has made a big difference in contributions.

GAMMA CHAPTER adopted the Royal Kids Camp for our foster children's project.   We sent them $762 to be used to sponsor a camper next summer.  

PI CHAPTER FOSTER CARE INITIATIVE.  Members donated toys, games and snacks to Montgomery County Job and Family Services Center for their Foster Care Visitation Center.    Pi Chapter also contributed $250 to purchase umbrella strollers and some extra toys.  Items were delivered to the Center on Friday, January 18. They were thrilled with everything and seemed especially happy to have four new strollers.

I need a favor that is very time sensitive. 

Please send me an estimate of the monetary amount that your chapter has contributed to the Foster Care Initiative since it was announced as the state project. Also include the name of the county or counties that have benefited. I need this by March 10. Thanks for all you have done so far!

Debby Canter, Educational Excellence Chair
Send to DEBBY


Josh Houston and Molly Dickson treated the members of Alpha Gamma Chapter to a summary of their work as Music Therapists at our local Pioneer School. The two provide therapy to groups and individuals through songs and musical instruments.The therapy is aligned with each student's IEP. Josh and Molly  are contracted by the Pioneer School and are available to hospitals, assisted living, and mental health settings, as well as school settings. They earned their degrees at the University of Dayton. 

For more information, visit the American Music Therapy Association at .
Sue Eades, State Convention Coordinator
Join us  April 5 - 7 to celebrate  the 
Delta Kappa Gamma Ohio State Organization Convention

Dear Delta Kappa Gamma Sisters,

                     WE INTERRUPT THIS E-NEWS 
President Meier Bauer, the Steering Committee and I have been hard at work over the last few months planning a convention that has something for everyone.

Begin your weekend with a guided tour of Historic German Village, dinner at the famous Schmidt's Sausage Haus and a stop at the Book Loft, a one of a kind bookstore.
There is a special session for First Timers at 4:30.
Be motivated, inspired and moved by the keynote speakers.
Meet Becky Sadowski the International First Vice President who will take us on a DKG Journey.
Attend breakout sessions (17 choices) on a wide range of topics with outstanding speakers.  Learn new things, become empowered to take these ideas back to your chapters and classrooms.
At the Executive Board Meeting learn of the new and innovative changes that are happening within our Society.
Interact with different chapters as you visit the Showcase of Chapters displays and learn about creative projects around the state.
At the Birthday Luncheon we will honor members, install the new officers, meet the Scholarship recipients and have the opportunity to support ADSOEF .
Enjoy a Social Hour with light fare, cash bar, and the ever popular ADSOEF Photo Booth.
A great way to unwind after a busy day.
The Presidents' Banquet is a time to dress up, enjoy the presentation of Past State Presidents, Chapter Presidents, recognize milestone chapters, enjoy a delicious meal and live music in an elegant setting.
Last, but certainly not least on Sunday morning there is a beautiful Necrology Service where we celebrate and honor the lives of our sisters who have passed on. Following the service there is a brunch.  Dauna Easley will remind us in a motivational and heartwarming presentation why we chose to teach and inspire students. 
I hope that this has inspired and motivated you to attend this great weekend.
But, time is running out for you to register.
Registration Deadline is MARCH 15, 2019
Light Your Way to your destination- the Columbus Hilton/Polaris Hotel, April 5-7, 2019

Sue Eades
Convention Coordinator 

By Diana Kirkpatrick, Chair
The Ohio Membership Committee cordially invites you to....
Come to our convention break-out session!   
Develop an understanding of what makes each generation, from the baby boomers to the millennials, "tick." Learn how to communicate, work together and build multi-generational chapters to ensure the future of DKG/Ohio.        

Welcome to the Ohio State Organization of DKG!
We welcome the following initiates and reinstated individual/s as committed and valuable members of our state organization. Congratulations for being selected and recognized as a key woman educator who has demonstrated leadership capabilities, inventiveness, commitment, enthusiasm and/or has proven to possess the potential for distinctive educational excellence. We look forward to working with each of you as a contributing member of the Ohio State Organization of DKG.

New Initiates

Gamma - Diane Hendrickson; Mu - Natalie Scott; Tau - Chelle Ver; Psi - Elizabeth Hahn; Alpha Sigma - Kelly Stahl; Gamma Upsilon - Megan Halko; Delta Kappa - Laura Bemus, Lisa Colebaugh, Libby Langston and Sara Plozay; Delta Chi - Dr. Sharon Averwater


Tau - Dorann Block-Taylor; Rho - Janice Arnold; Psi - Jane Keyser; Alpha Sigma - Beppie Walerius and Deb Wicherham; Alpha Phi - Patricia Matthews
 Dr. Norma Kirby, Chair

Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation Annual Meeting will be conducted on Friday, April 5, 2019, at the Convention of Ohio State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. in Polaris B & E. The Directors of ADSOEF encourage members to attend the meeting. Please direct questions to ADSOEF Directors. Director contact information and documents for the meeting are included. All members of Ohio State Organization are also members of Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation. 

We welcome you to the Annual Meeting of the Foundation 
and look forward to seeing you!


At the Birthday Luncheon, members will be invited to contribute to ADSOEF. At one time, all Birthday Luncheon contributions were designated for the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant Fund. Now members may choose to support any of the following funds managed by ADSOEF:

           International Studies Fund - A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Fellowship
           Student Teaching Grant Fund - Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching                                                                  Grant
           Scholarship Fund - Annie Webb Blanton Scholarship
           Lifelong Learning Fund - Biennial Seminar
           Leadership Fund - Leadership Memorial
           Educational Project Fund - Individual/Classroom/Community Project
           Without Donor Restriction - Unrestricted
Your support for ADSOEF makes a difference in educators' opportunities for professional and personal development, and in learning opportunities for students of all ages. Members and chapters are invited to give from the heart to support their favorite Educational Foundation funds.


In Honor of Our Sisters

Dr. Mildred Allred Delta Alpha December 24, 2018
Fannie Dauterman Alpha Sigma November 7, 2018
Mary Fisher Delta January  20, 2019
Marianne Fulop Sigma December 20, 2018
Shirley Graham Gamma Upsilon July 25, 2018
Patricia Heckler Beta Kappa December 4, 2018
Marianne Helmlinger Beta Kappa September 13, 2018
Valjean Knerr Alpha Pi January 27, 2019
Betty Leiwig Alpha Chi December 2, 2018
Jeanne Luddy Gamma Nu January 3, 2019
Vera Schwartz Beta Kappa January 16, 2019
Marcella Strong Alpha Alpha January 7, 2019


April 5-7, 2019 - Alpha Delta State Convention 
Polaris Hilton Hotel 
Columbus, OH

Calendar of Chapter Responsiblities - click below:

Meier Bauer,  Gamma Phi  

First Vice President/Membership Chair:
Diana Kirkpatrick Alpha Delta  

Second Vice President/Educational Excellence:
Debby Canter,  Delta Epsilon 

Re cording Secretary/Gold Key Coordinator:  
Karen S. Dombrowski,  Alpha Nu  
Corresponding Secretary
Communications and Marketing Committee Chair:
Ann Todd,  Zeta 

Nominations Committee Chair:
Tammy Schroeder,  Beta Eta

Diana Haskell,  Gamma Phi 

Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Gamma Xi

Immediate Past President:
Patricia Cermak,  Gamma Rho

Scholarship & Grants Chair:
Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa

Eileen McNally , Beta Delta 

Editor, The Voice:
Margaret Archangel, Delta Theta

Your Editor...
All the best to all of you,
Margaret Archangel, Editor

Changed email addresses?
Just let me know ~ Thank you!

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