The Ohio State Organization Convention was a success beginning with the German Village Tour on Friday afternoon. The First Timers met together to learn about what to expect at the Convention and enjoyed the line dancing camaraderie. All this fun before the convention even officially began! A beautiful and moving tribute to deceased members occurred during the Celebration of Life service Sunday morning and an upbeat, encouraging Inspiration Brunch completed the weekend.
Each keynote speaker brought a special insight and encouragement as the convention emphasized Lighting the Way through Education, through Service, through DKG, and throughout Life. Jonathan Juravich, 2018 Ohio Teacher of the Year, challenged us to provide a voice, leadership, and recognition to education. Travina Adams, Adoption and Foster Care Specialist, took us through the despair of dysfunctional family life, life in foster care, and the hope and success that can occur with the support of a caring person, especially a caring teacher. Becky Sadowski, International First Vice President challenged us to celebrate our DKG journey and Dauna Easley reminded us that teachers do change lives.
The breakout sessions had varied topics and appealed to the interests of those attending whether it was in society business, professional development, or personal enjoyment. Those in attendance celebrating milestone years of membership were recognized and 35 chapters were honored for their milestone anniversaries - 29 of them lighting the way through 80 years. Pass on the Gift of Membership Chapters and Gold Key Chapters were also recognized. The music provided by Cheryl Quay, Reba Barney, and Ohio DKG Choir was delightful.
A first time ever use of voting devices helped us through the eighteen proposed amendments by consent and eleven proposed amendments by floor vote. All passed as proposed and previously distributed with the exception of the removal of Article VIII, Section D, 2 b pertaining to the Communications and Publicity Committee. Complete amended Bylaws will be available in the future. Motions were passed that Diana Haskell continue to serve as treasurer and Eileen McNally as webmaster for the next biennium. The position of editor is open and those interested should contact Melodie McGee, Personnel Committee Chair.
The State Leadership Team for the 2019-2021 biennium was duly elected and will take office July 1st:
President Diana Kirkpatrick, Alpha Delta
First Vice-President Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon
Second Vice-President Melodie McGee, Gamma Nu
Recording Secretary Ann Todd, Zeta
Corresponding Secretary Cindy Lawyer, Alpha Psi
The Nominating Committee for the 2019-2021 biennium was elected to take office July 1st:
Region 1, North East Charlene Johnson-Miller, Nu Rho
Region 2, South East Bonnie Trubee, Beta Iota
Region 3, North West Dr. Molly Helmlinger, Beta Kappa
Region 4, South West Mary Jo "Bunny" Doebling, Beta Nu
Region 5, Central Patty Truex, Beta Rho
A very special thank you to Sue Eades and Jane Houser, Convention Coordinator and Registrar, to the breakout session presenters, and to the steering committee chapters and the many volunteers who made it a successful convention.
Sue Eades and Jane Houser
The convention theme was Lighting the Way.
The important message is
You have your candle,
now go and be the light.
Sue Eades, State Convention Coordinator
What A Wonderful Convention 2019!
Speakers, Teacher of the Year, Sessions of Interest,
Chapter Showcase, Presidents' Parade
Speakman, Presenter
Margaret Murph,
Gamma Phi
30 year member
International First Vice President
Dr. Norma Kirby, ADSOEF
Dr. Paolo DeMaria, Ohio Superintendent
of Instruction
Special thanks to Eileen McNally for being
our photographer-in-residence!
Click here for more:
By Diana Haskell, State Treasurer
Things To Do During Spring
Pay your 2019 - 2020 chapter dues and fees by June 30, 2019
Verify your personal information by logging into
- User name: Membership number
- Sign in >My DKG > My Account > Scroll down to MY ADDRESSES, click pencil to edit
- Update >> Click: SAVE & CLOSE
Email editor of The Voice any changed
email addresses
Inform chapter president and treasurer of your request for a membership status change from active to reserve or from reserve to active
Inform chapter president or state president of your willingness to serve on a chapter or state committee
Members requesting a change in membership status must send the request to their chapter president and treasurer as soon as possible.
A change from active to reserve status is granted by a majority vote of the chapter. A reserve member, so requesting, shall be reinstated to active membership.
In the fall, the chapter treasurer presents a report to the chapter of the names of members who have dropped membership along with their reason.
By Debby Canter
You don't have to stop teaching when you retire.
Educational excellence does not stop when we retire. We have skills and techniques that can be applied to several endeavors.
Retirees can and often do volunteer in a local school to help reinforce reading and math skills in students having difficulties. With our knowledge of books, we can give advice to children searching for a book to read in the school or community library.
Look into working for a local literacy agency helping adults learn to read and navigate the printed word in today's world.
Look for a life-long learning center close to you and offer your services. What knowledge do you have that other adults might want? What courses could you moderate for them?
Some examples of skills you could share with others:
*Teach a knitting or crocheting class
*A class in making greeting cards
*An upholstery class or wood-working class
*Provide insight into children's books that grandparents could buy for their grandchildren
*Give tips on helping children with homework
*Lead a book study
*Offer a class in local history
*Give insight to other areas of the world by sharing your travels with them
You are a valuable resource to your community - get out there and share!
Janet Hess
Educational Excellence Committee Member
By Diana Kirkpatrick, Chair
"Pass on the Gift of Membership"
Challenge Results
Feb. 1, 2018 - Feb.1, 2019
The Challenge Results...Congratulations to all!!!
The following *51 *Chapters Participated in the Statewide Membership Challenge...
Gamma (1), Zeta (4),Theta (5), Kappa (1), Lambda (2), Mu (1), Sigma (1), Tau (3), Upsilon (2 ), Psi (1), Alpha Gamma (1), Alpha Delta (7), Alpha Zeta (1), Alpha Eta (3), Alpha Theta (2), Alpha Iota (2), Alpha Lambda (5), Alpha Mu (4), Alpha Nu (3), Alpha Pi (7), Alpha Sigma (3), Alpha Upsilon (1), Alpha Psi (3), Alpha Omega (2), Beta Alpha (3), Beta Gamma (
S), Beta Zeta (*S), Beta Eta (1), Beta Iota (4), Beta Kappa (2), Beta Lambda (2), Beta Nu (4), Beta Rho (3), Beta Chi (2), Beta Psi (2), Gamma Alpha (1), Gamma Eta (1), Gamma Theta (5), Gamma Xi (3), Gamma Pi (3), Gamma Sigma (*S), Gamma Upsilon (1), Gamma Phi (S), Gamma Chi (1), Delta Alpha (8), Delta Delta (2), Delta Theta (3), Delta Kappa (4), Delta Upsilon (2), Delta Phi (*S), Delta Chi (3) and Delta Psi (7) Gained a total of
new members!!
completed the challenge survey)
The following chapters completed the required "Pass on the Gift of Membership" Recognition Form and received either the "Gold Gift of Honor" or the "Silver Gift" of Recognition Award.
Gold Gift of Honor (earned 5 points or more)
16 pts. - Alpha Delta
11 pts. - Delta Kappa
10 pts. - Theta, Gamma Theta
9 pts. - Gamma Xi
7 pts. - Alpha Eta
6 pts. - Tau, Alpha Sigma, Beta Rho, Delta Theta, Delta Chi
5 pts. - Beta Nu, Gamma Pi
Silver Gift of Recognition (earned 1 to 4 points)
3 pts. - Gamma, Psi, Alpha Omega, Delta Delta
2 pts. - Alpha Gamma
Dr. Norma Kirby, Chair
Thank You to all members who participated in the second ADSOEF Annual Meeting on April 5, 2019, at the OSO Convention, supported the raffle, and contributed so generously to ADSOEF at the Birthday Luncheon. Reports of the raffle, Scholarship Committee, Biennial Seminar, and the election are included in this issue of The Voice. The June issue of The Voice will include a detailed report of the luncheon contributions and information about Project recipients. Check out the website at adsoef.weebly.com for photos and a copy of the report distributed in Convention packets.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the Biennial Seminar...
It's SO Cincinnati!
The Scholarship Committee experienced a very rewarding and successful year. Twenty-three state-supported university students applied for the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant. The budget allocated $5,000.00 for this grant, thus ten $500.00 grants were awarded to the following students: Jaimie Arnold, Wright State University; Matthew Blum, Ohio University; Daniel Boecker, The Ohio State University, Lima; Marie Dean, Bowling Green State University; Stephanie Hunt, The University of Toledo; Keri Mootz, Ohio University, Southern; Dominique Shiple, The University of Toledo; Trevor Shockey, Wright State University; Gregory Silcox, Bowling Green State University; and Amy Silvestri, The University of Toledo. Five of these young students were able to receive their award at the Convention luncheon.
The Committee has emphasized and encouraged the use of our own Annie Webb Blanton, Ruth Grimes and Margaret L. White Scholarships given to our members for graduate studies. Fortunately, members responded. Tracie Cowgill, Alpha Xi Chapter, received $4,000 to attend Concordia University, Chicago, and Dr. Katharine Delevan, Gamma Theta Chapter, received $1,000.00 to attend Harvard University, both Annie Webb Blanton Scholarships.
Laura Davis, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, is receiving the Margaret L. White Scholarship from The Ohio State University. The amount of her scholarship will be determined by the University.
The new A. Margaret Boyd recipient, Nominchimeg Devannyam, joined us for the Convention. Nomin is also a recipient of the International Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowship Scholarship. She was extremely impressed with the organization of our meetings, convention speakers, and all that we do for our members to enhance their education. Her presence certainly enriched the Convention experience.
The committee wishes to thank all members and chapters for the generous contributions to ADSOEF. Your support and contributions are making a difference in the lives of learners, student teachers, and educators worldwide!
"TO GO BAGS" For Foster and At-Risk Children
Nadine Steele, Co-President of the Alpha Eta Chapter in Springfield, presented the Family and Children's Services of Springfield with 37 "To Go Bags."
The bags included various items of necessities for different ages. Small children received diapers, blankets, clothing and toiletries.
YOU Are Invited!
DKG Sisters, consider this your special invitation!
You are invited to attend the Biennial Seminar in Cincinnati
June 18 - 20, 2019
A fun skit during Convention all about Cincinnati
The theme of the
Biennial Seminar 2019 will be
"It's SO Cincinnati!"
ve tried to see that the places you
will see, the points of interest you will visit, some of the food you will eat, and the speakers
you will hear are SO Cincinnati!
The host hotel will be the Embassy Suites by Hilton in the Blue Ash area of Cincinnati -
4554 Lake Forest Drive, Blue Ash, Ohio 45242. It is easily accessed from I-71 and I-75.
Cincinnati Tour: We will visit Carol Ann
's Carousel and hear the story of how the carousel animals were carved, tour the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, eat lunch at Montgomery Inn (known for their BBQ ribs), tour the highlights of Cincinnati by bus, and visit the American Sign Museum. We hope you will join us to increase your overall knowledge of Cincinnati, enjoy new learning experiences, and get away for some fun, entertainment, and bonding with your DKG Sisters
in the process.
Registration for this event can be submitted at any time through May 24, 2019. However, the sooner, the better! At the DKG Convention, Janet Davidson will be accepting registrations at the Biennial Seminar display table. Cost of the Seminar is $150. The event is open to both members and nonmembers.
Participants are responsible for their own room reservations.
For direct reservations to Embassy Suites Blue Ash, call (513) 733-8900. Please state that you are with Delta Kappa Gamma (or DKG) in order to receive the group rate. 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. is the best time frame to call and ask for Emily.
Room rate: $119/night for king bed (plus tax)
$129/night for double beds (plus tax)
This rate includes a free breakfast and evening reception (with drinks and snacks), free parking and Internet, and a microwave and refrigerator in each room. Three persons could easily
occupy the double-bed suites. There is also a couch in each room.
So, mark your calendar now for June 18-20 and make plans to attend the Biennial Seminar in Cincinnati. We think you will be glad that you did!
Click here to register by May 24th>> BIENNIAL SEMINAR
Betsy Foreman, Delta Chi
Biennial Seminar Coordinator 2017-2019
Flora Ackerman
March 25, 2019
Joan Bupp
Alpha Theta
March 18, 2019
Susan Lehtonen Crawford
Nov. 15, 2018
Ardyce Garman
March 25, 2019
Ruth Heins
Beta Kappa
March 24, 2019
Rose Isch
Alpha Psi |
March 20, 2019 |
Helen Neel |
Alpha Nu |
March 27, 2019 |
Molly Schiff |
Beta Rho |
March 23, 2019 |
Gladys Shoemaker
Alpha Delta |
March 11, 2019 |
Patricia Trotter |
Alpha Iota |
March 9, 2019 |
'Extra, Extra Read All About It!'
Do You enjoy and have a talent for Editing Publications?
Do you have basic knowledge and skills in the areas of...
Editorial Grammar?
Page Design and Layout?
Computer Literacy?
The position of Editor of
The Voice is available.
We welcome additional questions and offer help in the transition.
This is your opportunity to be the first to know all that is happening is the Ohio State Organization and to be of terrific service to OSO.
This is a paid position with a $559 honorarium.
We would appreciate contact by May 10th so that plans can be made for the coming biennium.
For more information, please contact Melodie McGee, Revmelmom@aol.com DKG Ohio State Organization
Personnel Chairman.
June 18 - 20, 2019 - Biennial Seminar
Embassy Suites Blue Ash
Cincinnati, OH
June 27 - 29 - International Conference
Crowne Plaza Golf & Tennis Resort
Asheville, NC
August 29 - September 1
DKG Santa Fe Trip
Calendar of Chapter Responsiblities - click below:
First Vice President/Membership Chair:
Diana Kirkpatrick,
Alpha Delta
Second Vice President/Educational Excellence:
Debby Canter,
Delta Epsilon
cording Secretary/Gold Key Coordinator:
Karen S. Dombrowski,
Alpha Nu
Corresponding Secretary
Communications and Marketing Committee Chair:
Nominations Committee Chair:
Tammy Schroeder,
Beta Eta
Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Gamma Xi
Immediate Past President:
Patricia Cermak,
Gamma Rho
Scholarship & Grants Chair:
Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa
Eileen McNally
, Beta Delta
Editor, The Voice:
Margaret Archangel, Delta Theta
All the best to all of you,
Margaret Archangel, Editor
Changed email addresses?
Just let me know ~ Thank you!
Visit our Alpha Delta State website ... WEBSITE
Visit and "Like" our Facebook page!
Send a tweet to @ADSOhio