Dec. 2024/Jan. 2025

Vol. 71 No. 4

President's Column

Protecting Democracy

By Aedín Clements

Thank you, League members, for all your hard work during this election season! Thank you for all the many ways you have worked to support our democracy.

Some were very active in voter registration and education; a dedicated group produced and delivered over twenty thousand Voter Guides; League members worked in many different capacities at the elections; and we recently observed the canvass following the elections. This support of the electoral process is an important part of the League of Women Voters’ work.

The League's priority is our Democracy Agenda: voting rights, National Popular Vote (ending the Electoral College), campaign finance reform, and redistricting. However, the League is also involved in advocacy to promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans. The League has positions on environment, climate change, health care, immigration, firearm safety and many other issues, and it advocates at the national, state and local level as appropriate.

Here in Kalamazoo, the LWVKA has established an Advocacy Committee to promote local advocacy and appropriate participation of our members in advocacy at the state and national levels. Members interested in advocacy are especially invited to attend Program Planning on Saturday, January 25, 1-3pm (see Program Planning article). At that meeting members will hear about the plans for education and action in various issue areas, including from the committee on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environmental Justice.

As we make our new year plans, here are some ideas for engagement:

  • Defend Democracy locally: Join the Observer Corps which monitors public meetings and keeps government accountable locally. 
  • Keep informed about state-level legislation, and make sure you are receiving email from the LWVMI, which include Action Alerts.
  • Ensure that you are receiving emails from the LWV so that you can also keep abreast of national issues and participate in contacting elected representatives on key issues.
  • Volunteer with the LWVKA. Watch the Voter as well as email from the LWVKA for opportunities, or talk with any member of the LWVKA Board.
  • Share our information on social media Facebook and Bluesky.

Plan on coming to the Founders Day Brunch in February, which is currently being planned. We look forward to some good discussion – that is always a great opportunity for members to learn about opportunities and to become involved in our work.




December 2024

n3 Giving Tuesday

n4 Lobby Day Michigan Voting Rights Act, see article

10 Book Group Planning, contact Aedín Clements

11 Development Committee Meeting, 

NN10am, Zoom (Ken Manley)

15 Bill of Rights Day

17 Electoral College Meeting


No LWVKA or Calhoun Unit Board Meeting this month

January 2025

11 E.V.E.N.T.S Meeting

20 Martin Luther King Day

20 Inauguration Day

21 Book Group 

25 Program Planning 

27 LWVKA Board Meeting

Giving Tuesday is Here!

By Paula Manley

#GivingTuesday 2024 is Tuesday, December 3rd. Retail stores come together to offer deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday brings the nonprofit community together on a universal platform to raise awareness about the importance of supporting our valuable missions and work.

In this time of heightened partisanship, gridlock and increased frustration among the public, there has never been a more urgent need for the reasoned, factual, and civil voice that the LWVKA brings to our community. 

Consider giving your support to the LWVKA on Tuesday December 3. You may donate at or send your check to LWVKA, PO Box 2106, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-2106.

12/4 Lobby Day for MIVRA!

By Denise Hartsough

Join the Promote the Vote (PTV) coalition in Lansing in support of the Michigan Voting Rights Act on Wednesday, December 4, 9am-5pm. Click here to sign up. Location will be announced after registration.

During the Lame Duck session, the Michigan House has a chance to pass crucial bills approved by the Senate to protect our right to vote. The Michigan Voting Rights Act (MIVRA; Senate Bills 401, 402, 403, and 404) represents one of the most significant steps we can take to protect our democracy.

For years, federal courts have been chipping away at the protections of the federal Voting Rights Act. It is up to states to lead the way. The MIVRA will provide comprehensive protection for the right to vote for all Michiganders, including:


  • Provide new legal tools to fight discriminatory voting rules.
  • Expand language assistance for voters with limited English proficiency.
  • Ensure advance public notice of key voting changes.
  • Provide protections and assistance for voters with disabilities.
  • Establish a central hub for election information to increase transparency and promote best practices.
  • Allow courts to require judicial preapproval before voting changes can go into effect in jurisdictions that have violated voting rights laws.

PTV will provide trainings, materials and food and a 2-page summary of the MIVRA to inform your conversations.

Travel assistance can be arranged, including gas cards which can be requested by filling out this brief form

PTV will set up meetings for you to talk to your House Representative or their staffer about passing the MIVRA, or you may schedule a meeting yourself. For a guide to legislators, click here.

LWVMI strongly supports the MIVRA. Identify yourself as a League member who is working to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy here in Michigan!


Federal Judiciary Study Coming!

By Denise Hartsough

The League is taking steps to craft a national position on the federal judiciary, including the US Supreme Court. All League members are invited to participate in this process of study and consensus.

An LWVUS committee is preparing study materials and consensus questions. You can read briefing materials currently available here. The committee will offer a town hall in January, details to be announced.

LWVKA will hold its consensus meeting in February or March. Watch upcoming issues of the Voter and your email for more information, so you can participate in this exciting process!

Voter Registration Update

By Aimée Bedard

Thank you again to all our volunteers who supported Voter Registration and Education activities throughout 2024. With your help, we participated in 45 events and connected with over 1000 potential voters. I wish everyone a very restful holiday season. Please be on the lookout in January 2025 for new volunteering opportunities.

LWVUS Update — October

By Paula Manley


n3 Giving Tuesday

15 Bill of Rights

17 Meeting of the Electoral College

31 New Year’s Eve


n1 New Year’s Day

n9 Carrie Chapman Catt’s Birthday

13 Korean American Day

20 Inauguration Day

nn Martin Luther King Day

21 15th Anniversary of Citizens United decision

22 52ndAnniversary of Roe V. Wade decision

LWVUS is urging President Biden to enshrine gender equality in the Constitution by instructing the US Archivist to publish the ERA Amendment. League members have received an Action Alert to contact the President. Alice Paul introduced the Amendment in 1923. In 1972 Congress passed the Amendment by the required 2/3 vote. Thirty-eight states were needed to ratify the Amendment. Virginia was the 38th State to ratify the Amendment in 2020. Since the time limit established in 1972 has passed, there is a joint resolution in Congress (S.J. Res.4/H.J.Res.25) affirming that ERA is valid as the 28th Amendment and addressing the time limit.

At the June National Convention delegates approved a Federal Judiciary Study. The LWVUS Federal Judiciary Committee will be sharing information with League members. 

News from the Membership Chair

By Jennifer Snyder

Membership Renewal Changes

In the next few months, League membership renewals will be processed differently nationwide—a mandatory change voted in at the LWVUS Convention. LWVUS feels this will improve efficiency and diversify membership. It will also increase the funding that local and state Leagues receive from membership payments. 

LWVUS will receive 33% of dues payments—a decrease of 18% from the current system. State Leagues will receive 47%, and Local Leagues, including LWVKA, will receive 20%--an increase from the 12% received in the past.

What to Expect

  • In January or February, you’ll receive an email from LWVUS to log in to the ChapterSpot portal to “claim your membership.” For this reason, it is very important that we have a working email address for each member. 

  • Your current membership will be in effect until 1 year from the date you last renewed. When it’s time to renew, you’ll receive an email from LWVUS. Payment will made be online, though mailing a check will be an option. 

  • Dues will be pay-as-you-can, with a recommended rate of $75 and a minimum of $20. We hope you will continue to renew with a payment of at least $60—our dues level for many years. This will allow us to continue our current level of outreach.

  • Household and student memberships will no longer be available, but two people can be members for as little as $40 (the minimum dues x 2). We hope the individual dues payments of two members in the same household will total at least $90—our current household dues rate. 

LWVKA’s Membership Chair, Webmaster, Treasurer and Co-Presidents are participating in ChapterSpot training, so more details will be coming soon. In the meantime, contact Membership Chair Jennifer Snyder,, with email address updates and questions. 

New Members

Since our last newsletter, we’ve been pleased to welcome Pam Jackson of Kalamazoo; Diana & Chip Falahee and Jennifer Mitts of Portage; Sharon & Martin Sauter of Paw Paw: Dana Baker-Pearlman of Battle Creek; and Linda Kolmodin of Albion. 

Board of County Canvassers

By Aedín Clements

For some years now, following elections, the League of Women Voters has observed the Board of County Canvassers. This is coordinated by the Michigan League, who provide training and also collect reports from the observers. Here in Kalamazoo, ten of us took turns observing the Kalamazoo Board of County Canvassers. They took nine days to check through every precinct and certify those votes. 

Some of our members also visited St. Joseph County and Van Buren County to observe those canvasses. This was very valuable work, as it is important for public meetings to be transparent and easily observed. 

Thank you to all who took on this important and interesting work. Those who have done this agree that the people who make up the Canvassing Boards deserve our thanks.

(Pictured above: The Kalamazoo Board of County Canvassers and the County Clerk and staff kindly allowed a photo as their work reached a successful conclusion.)

Founders’ Day

Mark your calendar for February 15, (tentatively) 10 am-Noon for our Founders’ Day Celebration. We are working to secure a venue and will send information out when plans are finalized. This is our recruitment meeting. Please consider who you can bring as a guest to the Founders’ Day Celebration—who in your circle of friends and/or acquaintances might like to know more about the League?


By Barb Dircks

Members shared appreciation for all the League had accomplished during the busy election season. Planning for 2025 is next as new concerns and actions are contemplated. Interested members who wish to get involved and share expertise can start here, as the committee focuses on a variety of issues in one or several of the areas of education, voting concerns, engagement with community/ networking growth, technology and social media outreach efforts. The next meeting will be January 11, 2025.

Plan for Advocacy in 2025

By Denise Hartsough, VP for Program and Advocacy

All LWVKA members who care about advocating at the local level are urged to participate in Program Planning! We will convene on Saturday, January 25 from 1-3pm on Zoom.

This is where we brainstorm and plan for LWVKA’s local advocacy and education. What issues around government, social policy and the environment are percolating? What education and advocacy may the League want to do on those issues?

Watch for an email in early January with the Zoom link and a review of 2024 activities. Look at what LWVKA has done and think about what local advocacy and education you are willing to lead or support in 2025.

We will also check our local positions and LWVMI positions to ensure that those positions are a firm basis for the advocacy we plan to conduct. If they are not, we can take steps to propose changes.

Anyone not yet a member is most welcome, once they have joined. It’s easy to join—go to to sign up.

You're Invited!

By Barb Dircks

Here’s your invitation to join others and share conversation as league members get to know one another in an informal setting! We will be gathering in the New Year to celebrate where we have been and where we are headed. Coming together benefits everyone! Watch for an email at the start of 2025 that announces the details! Happy Holidays! 

Special Tributes

In honor of John Lewis

MMMJim Calonico & Patti Meyer

Calhoun County Unit News

By Susan Stuart

Lori Kline-Closson of the Calhoun County Unit giving a civics lesson at Marshall High School.

The Management Team of the Calhoun Unit wishes to express our sincere gratitude to our committed members who participated in 2024 elections in so many ways. Some were election workers, some sent postcards, some sent 25,000 text messages, others distributed voter guides. Lastly, ten members observed the Board of Canvassers process to certify election results. All contributed to a safe, secure, accurate, and accessible vote in Michigan’s general election. 79% of Michigan’s registered voters voted! 

We will host a holiday gathering in early December to share our appreciation for each other in person and renew our solidarity toward defending democracy. Watch for an announcement!

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