This month we are debuting our new
format which we hope gives us a greater opportunity to share our important work with you. This new look includes the same information that you are used to but in a new easier to read format. We hope you enjoy this new look. Thanks to Patricia Reardon and Elizabeth Bogatin-Starr for spearheading this project.
This month I want to highlight two upcoming meetings for our League: the LWVC convention and our Annual Meeting.
We are sending four members to the State convention (May 31-June 2), Carol Watts, Sandy Mory, Sara Nicolson and Erin O’Dogherty. They will be sharing insights from this gathering with us in the future. On June 8 we are having our local Annual Meeting. Here we establish our goals and priorities for the coming year, as well as electing officers and directors and establishing a budget. Our special guest Vilcia Rodrigues will share the efforts the City of San Jose is taking to ensure a successful census this coming year. We can also learn about areas/efforts that can involve each of us.
May 21 was the 100
anniversary of the House of Representatives passage of the 19
amendment. This coming June 4 celebrates the passage by the Senate. This landmark was the culmination of years of efforts to open the right to vote to women, something to celebrate. However, we know this did not guarantee suffrage for all. The struggle for full enfranchisement still continues and is the basis for our work today.
I hope to see you at our Annual meeting so that I can personally thank you for all your support and your efforts over the last years. If you can’t make the meeting, thank you.