President's Message from Carol Watts
Oh my, what a change from a month ago!!! I hope all of you are safe and well.
At the beginning of March, we canceled our 100th Birthday Celebration which was to be held on March 29. This has been rescheduled to June 14. But, in these uncertain times, we are not sure that our world will return to enough normality, so stay tuned.
We postponed our Lunch with League for March 19 with hopes for holding a live event on April 16. As our shelter-in-place order continues until May 3, so let’s hope we can hold it in June.
We are planning to hold our first Zoom .
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Date TBD, 11:30 am
Palermo's Restaurant
791 Auzerais Ave, San Jose, CA 95126
We will be hosting our Lunch With League events on future dates when health guidelines indicate that we can relax our social distancing practices. In the meantime, you can see currently scheduled League events
HERE. Please note that future events may be rescheduled if needed to conform with health guidelines.
Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the League
June 14, 2020, 5-7 pm
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Chambers
70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110
Join our colleagues from all of the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County in a festive celebration of the League's 100th Anniversary. Cindy Chavez will host this informative event which will include guest speakers sharing the important work that the County Leagues have accomplished over the years. Beverages and a light dinner will be served. You will be notified if this event needs to be rescheduled.
Register for this inspirational evening
City of San Jose Keeps Us informed During Health Crisis
The City of San Jose has launched
Silicon Valley Strong
, an online hub to keep the city informed and engaged during our current health crisis.
Keep updated on current health reports, volunteer to help others, and connect with support organizations. See Silicon Valley Strong
Action Committee Update from Gloria Chun Hoo
The Action Committee has suspended all live in-person activities during this period. However, our Action efforts can continue virtually while we shelter in place. See how each of us can work from home to move our goals forward during this difficult time.
- Use our positions for advocacy HERE
- Read our Coronavirus Prevention Guidelines HERE
- Work on Criminal Justice reform HERE
- Work on Climate Change HERE
Voter Service Committee Update from Sara Nicolson
Make Every Day Count!
Well, we did it. We showed up. We held candidate forums. We presented the pros and cons. We updated Voters Edge. We tabled. We handed out bookmarks and our new Voters Edge business cards. We worked at vote centers. We volunteered at the ROV sorting mail-in ballots. We got the word out there. And, we deserve a break!
OK, well this wasn’t quite the way we hoped for a break, but indeed we are on break. As the story goes, God created the world in six days and rested
.... read more
Census 2020 Outreach Update
from Sandy Mory
Many of our plans to be Census Ambassadors have been put on hold because of the Coronavirus health guidelines. But, there are still ways to encourage everyone to respond! It has never been easier to respond to the census on your own. You can respond online
HERE, over the phone, or by mail—all without having to meet a census taker. If any adjustments need to be made the Census Bureau will communicate .... read more
Find out more information on the 2020 Census
LWV San Jose/Santa Clara Annual Funding Campaign Raises $6,122 from Karen Nelson
I want to express our gratitude with a sincere thank you to all our members and loyal non-members for your generous donations to LWV SJ/SC. And I also want to share my great appreciation to the Funding Development Committee with a “
You are incredible
” following the resounding success of our annual donation campaign.
We succeeded in raising $6,122 from ... read more
Subscribe to the League eList NOW!
How do you get the latest news from the League in between the monthly Voter? Subscribe to our San Jose/Santa Clara elist. These informative email blasts will keep you up to date with the latest local, state, and national League news and calls to action. Our elist blasts are timely and will keep you on top of all the breaking news. Subscribe to the elist by sending an email
Insights and Perspectives
Insights and Perspectives will suspend new taping for the duration of the health guidelines. But, now is a good time to catch up on shows that you may have missed. Our shows are shown on CreaTV and are broadcast on Comcast channel 30, Sunday at 4:30pm, Monday at 7:30pm, and Wednesday on channel 27 at 5:30pm. Or, v
iew our archived
Insights and Perspectives
he League's work relies on members
like you
who volunteer to put our goals and plans into action.
Please volunteer now for these important activities:
Welcome new members:
Kathleen Haydel
Did you change your personal contact information?
Contact Sandy Remmers
to update our files.
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Links to Elected Officials
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to the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara