2019 Logo

December 2019
President's Message from Carol Watts
Come help us celebrate the holiday season on Thursday, Dec. 5, 6-8pm. Every December we have a Holiday Party where we enjoy food and drink and fun conversation.  

This is a great opportunity to renew League friendships and meet new people. We are so pleased to have several new members join our organization in the last year. Let’s get together! Please let us know you plan to come and RSVP below. And, please bring a partner or a friend!

We've received a few questions about our board meetings. Your League is managed by a board of directors and four officers who were elected at the Annual Meeting by the membership last June. We generally meet on the first Monday of each month at the Sobrato Center for Nonprofits from 11:30 - 2:30. At these meetings, we make decisions about ... read more HERE
Join Us at the League Holiday Party
December 5 th , 2019, 6 - 8 pm
46 W. Julian St.
San Jose 95110

There is still time to RSVP to the League’s holiday party if you missed the chance last month. Join your League colleagues at an evening of food, festivities, and fun. We will be gathering in appreciation of your valuable support and in anticipation of the work yet to be done in the New Year.

Share the experience and bring a partner or friends. The more the merrier! RSVP HERE .
League Calendar
Dec 2 -- Board Meeting
Dec 5 -- Climate Change Meeting
Dec 5 -- Holiday Party
Dec 16 -- Action Committee Meeting
Dec 20 -- Voter Articles Due

Click HERE f or information on all Member Calendar dates.
Click HERE for information on all League Public Events
Test Your Regional Planning Skills  
"The Mayor of Bayville" Interactive Experience gives you a chance to contribute to our Bay Area Regional Plan.

This new, interactive online game designed to involve residents in Plan Bay Area 2050 is now available HERE. The “Mayor of Bayville” allows players to chart the course for the future of a fictional Bay Area city by creating plans for transportation, housing, the environment and the economy. Responses to the game will help determine which strategies the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) should consider as they develop Plan Bay Area 2050.
Annual Program Planning Meeting  
February 15, 2020
Please join us and make our 2020 program planning worthy of the League's 100 th Anniversary. How can we add value for our members? Do we need more explanation regarding how our Principles and Positions are used for advocacy? Are there positions you want to review? Should the League conduct a study on important issues of the day? 

Contact Roma Dawson HERE to help us plan our future and reach consensus on our priorities for 2020.       
Annual Donor Drive from Karen Nelson
It’s that time of year when so many of you support our important work. Your donations help us:
  • Encourage informed and active participation in our democracy.
  • Increase understanding of key public policy issues.
  • Advocate for community programs and public policy through education and public comment.

Your generous tax-deductible donation of any amount will make a difference. Donate HERE with a credit card or use PayPal. OR, send a check directly to P.O Box 5374, San Jose CA, 95150. 
Voter Service News from Sara Nicolson
WE NEED YOU! All I want for Christmas are some dedicated volunteers. 
It is 105 days until the March Primaries, when registered voters will go to the polls to select their choice for the candidate of their party for President of the United States. We also have a few BIG local elections and will be hosting our first two candidate forums on January 14 and 16.  California Assembly Seat District 15 has been held by Jim Beall for 10 years. This elected position has TERM limits. His term is up and a number of local figures are vying ..... r ead more HERE
Our League in ACTION! from Gloria Chun Hoo
The Action Committee held its monthly meeting on Nov. 11 and decided to expand its research to include a review of how the local government structure works in several cities including Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, Portland, Austin, and Charlotte, NC. The committee has already looked at Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco as part of a fact-finding review of this structure. This work is in preparation for a future more extensive study ... read more HERE.
The League Fights Climate Change from Rita Norton
Carol Watts, our President, is providing a testimonial to the City in support of San Jose Clean Energy’s TotalGreen product.
The LWV is on record as a community leader – and communicating our understanding of the importance of acting to support climate change mitigation. With our board's approval, we encourage our members and community associates to educate themselves on the impact and solutions for the Climate Crisis that demands a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to minimize ... read more HERE.
Subscribe to the League eList NOW!
How do you get the latest news from the League in between the monthly Voter? Subscribe to our San Jose/Santa Clara elist. These informative email blasts will keep you up to date with the latest local, state, and national League news and calls to action. Our elist blasts are timely and will keep you on top of all the breaking news. Subscribe to the elist by sending an email HERE.

Are you a subscriber to the elist and want to send important news to other League members? It's easy! Just click HERE to send your email. Don't forget to add this email address to your directory for quick access. leagueofwomenvoterssanjosesantaclara@yahoogroups.com
Insights and Perspectives
Gloria interviews Tim Richie, President & CEO, The Tech Interactive on What’s New at The Tech? The show will air the week of December 23.

Also in December, Gloria interviews Ray Bramson from Destination Home on solving the homeless problem in Santa Clara County. The program airs on December 30 and January 13.

In January, Rosaleen Zisch will discuss the problems with vaping with Mike Robinson from the Santa Clara Police Department. Watch it on January 6 and 20.

Insights and Perspectives is shown on CreaTV and is broadcast on Comcast channel 30, Sunday at 4:30pm, Monday at 7:30pm, and Wednesday on channel 27 at 5:30pm. Or, v iew our archived Insights and Perspectives programs online HERE .
The League Needs YOU!
T he League's work relies on members like you who volunteer to put our goals and plans into action.

Please volunteer now for these important activities:

Member Information
Did you change your personal contact information? Contact Sandy Remmers HERE to update our files.

Quick Links

League Members Website (PW: votesforwomen)
Links to Elected Officials
Join the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE
Donate to the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE