1. Three acts of gratitude. Spend two minutes a day writing down three new things you are grateful for. Do this for 21 days in a row. (Note: The reason this is so powerful is you're training your mind to scan for positives, instead of threats. It's the fastest way of teaching optimism.)
  2. Journal one positive experience. For two minutes a day, write in detail about one positive experience you've had during the last 24 hours. (This allows your brain to relive it, and teaches your brain that the behavior matters.)
  3. Exercise. If you hate exercise, here's the good news: All it takes is just 15 minutes of fun cardio activity. (Achor says this is the equivalent of taking an anti-depressant for the first six months, but with a 30 percent lower relapse rate over the next two years. And the reason why exercise is valuable is it trains your brain to believe, "My behavior matters," which is optimism.)
  4. Breathe. Stop what you're doing, hands off the laptop. Now breathe and watch your breath go in and out for two minutes. Do this every day. This allows your brain to focus on one thing at a time. (Achor says it will "raise accuracy rates, improve levels of happiness, and drop stress levels.")
  5. Express kindness through a text or email. The most important of the five: For two minutes per day, write a positive email or text praising or thanking someone you know. And do it for a different person each day. (Achor says people who do this become known as positive leaders with strong social connections--the greatest predictor of long-term happiness.)