Wyoming Soccer is beyond excited to bring Sean Covel to our state! He is a Keynote Speaker, Writer, and Movie Producer who grew up not too far from here in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Covel’s credits include Beneath for Paramount Pictures, The 12 Dogs of Christmas directed by Academy Award Winner, Keith Merrill, and the iconic independent film, Napoleon Dynamite. Together, Covel’s films have won multiple awards and generated over one-quarter billion dollars in revenue internationally.

Covel travels the globe on various film shoots, but maintains close ties to his small-town midwestern roots. We all want to break our brain noise, set goals that make us more productive, and fulfill our lives. Sean’s presentations are designed to entertain and give insight. He starts with hilarious stories about growing up in small-town South Dakota, and quickly evolves into behind-the-scenes trivia of making Napoleon Dynamite. All the while he is setting the framework for an “Ah Ha” moment about how we think, how to make things happen and how to improve the lives of others.

As a movie producer, educator and storyteller, Sean abides by one philosophy: “Make ‘em laugh and you can shove a bunch of information into their brains while their mouths are open!”

Audiences leave Sean’s presentations with excitement, focus, and the tools to empower and change the mindset of those around them. …Along with some pretty great stories to tell their friends back home.

Join us for the 2024 Wyoming Soccer AGM and meet Sean and many other fantastic presenters - and STAY for our Annual Awards Celebration!


Will Your Club be Heard?

You have a voice in Wyoming Soccer. Per our bylaws, only club presidents are given a vote at the AGM. If the president is not able to attend, please be sure to have a designated person from your club prepared to serve as a proxy as we elect our new Wyoming Soccer President and Secretary.

Bylaw amendments will also be voted on along with ratification of 2023 board actions. Please view the order of business, elections and bylaw changes here.

Please note that unless your club has been approved for affiliation with Wyoming Soccer Association for the 2023.2024 season, your club will not be part of the voting process.

Please advise Wyoming Soccer via email addressed to our board secretary, Chris Dresang, on who your club representative will be (either club president or designated proxy) as soon as possible. Proxies must be designated by the club president.

Round Table Discussions

During the 2024 AGM & Workshops (see the complete schedule HERE), Wyoming Soccer Association is setting aside time during the lunch hour for three round table discussions. One discussion will revolve around TOPSoccer, one will focus on Coach Development, while the other will focus on referees. Lunch will be provided. As we continue to grow, improve and navigate the ever changing soccer environment, we value all our members and want to listen and offer guidance along their soccer journey.

GotSport One-On-One

Would you like individual assistance with the GotSport software? During the 2024 Wyoming Soccer AGM on Saturday, March 2nd, we will provide 30-60 minute one-on-one sessions with a GotSport Representative to get all your questions answered. If you want a full 60 minutes, simply sign up for 2 consecutive slots. Do not miss this opportunity.

To view recent GotSport updates, please click the Recent Updates button in the top right corner of your GotSport dashboard in your account.


What's for Dinner?

Each year, Wyoming Soccer offers an opportunity for our Club Presidents to mingle and dine together. This year's dinner will take place at Wyoming Rib & Chophouse in Casper on Friday, March 2nd at 6:30 p.m.

All Club Presidents and Administrators are more than welcome to join us. If you are unable to attend, you may select someone from your club to attend in your place. Significant others and/or a guest are also welcome to attend.

In order to properly prepare, we need to know who is able to come. Please RSVP for our annual Presidents' Dinner by clicking the button below. We also have a possible added activity at 9 p.m. - a PRIVATE showing of Napoleon Dynamite with Sean Covel - the producer of the movie! This will be based on our response, so please RSVP!

Presidents' Dinner RSVP
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