The Waldenstrom's Weekly

June 9, 2023

Volume 3, Issue 20

IWMF is dedicated to supporting and educating everyone affected by WM to improve patient outcomes while advancing the search for a cure.

Donate Today

- Walk for Waldenstrom's -

The annual Walk for Waldenstrom’s fundraiser will be taking place across the globe throughout the month of September.  Please join us in raising WM awareness and support for the IWMF.

If you would like more information on arranging an in-person walk in your community, or if you need assistance setting up a Mightycause fundraising page to share on social media, please reach out to me at or 317-919-8238.

Thank you all for your support with this important IWMF initiative!

Annette Preston, CFRE, CFRM

IWMF Director, Donor Engagement

- Story of Hope Update -

From Canada: Lucie Martineau's Six-Year Sequel

"When I last wrote my Story of Hope, I had so many items on my bucket list that I vowed to keep healthy in order to live a long life and accomplish as many of them as I could."

Read More Here

- Education -

WMUK Webinar on July 12th

click the image above to register, or click here!

- Support -

IWMF Survey Opportunity

We strive to help you live well with WM!

The IWMF is proud to be founded and driven by individuals who live with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. As such, we are inviting you to take part in a short survey to help us improve and possibly expand our wellness programming. We would like to continue to support and empower your well-being in the most effective ways possible. It should only take about five minutes of your time to help us plan for the future, and YOUR input is critical!

Click Here for the Wellness Survey 

IWMF & FreeWill

Make An Impact in the Lives of Those with WM

Are you looking for ways to save while making an impact? Donating appreciated stock to the IWMF is one of the best ways to invest in the future of research and find a cure for WM, once and for all. Our partner FreeWill lets you learn more about this way of giving while helping you make your gift in under 10 minutes! Get started today.

WM Community Corner

Don Brown (right), IWMF Support Group Leader and LIFELINE Volunteer, attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago, Illinois. Don represented the IWMF and partnered with The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) as a 2023 ASCO exhibitor. Shown with Don is Alexandra Folleco, NORD Membership Associate. Don shared regarding his experience at ASCO that he was "impressed by the size of the ASCO Annual Meeting and how NORD brings a great umbrella-like focus on rare diseases like WM."

The IWMF website calendar is updated regularly with upcoming IWMF Support & Specialty Topic Groups, International Affiliate Meetings, and IWMF Partner Meetings. Check out what's on the horizon HERE!

The information about this clinical trial is intended to be helpful and educational, but it does not constitute an endorsement by the IWMF and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The IWMF strongly encourages discussions with their health care professionals about specific medical conditions, side effects, and treatments.  

Waldenstrom's Weekly is a free service to WM community members to share WM related news and events. Click on downloading photos at the top to view all content. For more information, email or visit

IWMF, 6144 Clark Center Ave., Sarasota, FL 34238 | | 1-941-927-4963
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