The Waldenstrom's Weekly
December 30, 2022
Volume 2, Issue 50
"What an organization!  What staff!  What doctors and researchers!" -P.G.
Dear friends,

On behalf of the IWMF staff, and Board of Trustees, we want to wish our global WM community a Happy New Year.
Newton Guerin, CEO, IWMF
- Special Announcement -
The January 2023 IWMF Torch (issue 24.1)
is Now Online!


With 2023 now upon us, I wish everyone a peaceful, happy, and healthy year.

As much of the world emerges from the COVID pandemic, we who are immunocompromised must still be vigilant with our masking and social gatherings. As a result of that, many of us will also continue to have of feelings of depression…not only from a cancer diagnosis, but also from the social isolation.

Much discussion lately on IWMF Connect and on the IWMF Facebook Support Group page has centered around depression, and many questions have been asked and considered. So to shed a bit of light on the subject, the newest Torch has two articles that address some of those questions: Dr. Marshall Lewis covers why depression can be a very treatable illness, and Dr. Julianne Flora-Tostado offers some of her personal perspectives, including those as a psychotherapist and as a care partner. I hope these will be very helpful and give some encouragement to our readers who may be having issues with depression. In addition, we cover some of the discussion about depression that has appeared on our Facebook page.

In this new year, may we all find empowerment in the education the IWMF provides and companionship in the sharing of our experiences, concerns, and hopes with each other.

Best wishes!
Shirley Ganse
Editor, IWMF Torch
- Education -
Join Us for Our First 2023 Event!
IWMF Global Educational Webinar
January 19th, 2023 from 2:00PM-3:00PM U.S. ET
Treatments, Trials, and Hope –
for ALL Stages of Disease


Dr. Jorge Castillo
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, MA
Join IWMF on ZOOM for this very important topic that affects everyone with a WM diagnosis!

Dr. Jorge Castillo is a GLOBAL SPECIALIST in Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia (WM) AND Clinical Director of the Bing Center Clinic (for WM) at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

The 45-minute presentation will be followed by a 15-minute Q & A.

This is YOUR opportunity to start the New Year by having YOUR questions answered.
This Program is Sponsored by:
Lymphoma Research Foundation Webinar:
Update on Lymphoma from the 2022 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting 
Thursday, January 12, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET ( 11:00 AM PT )
Program Topics:
• Overview of Lymphomas
• New Research Presented at ASH
• Disease-Specific Treatment Updates
• The Role of Clinical Trials
• Questions for Panel of Experts

- Support -
International Young WM Support Group
Monday, January 16th at 7:30PM U.S. ET
The International Young WM Support Group will be having their next meeting for patients and caregivers under the age of 50! Attendees will join Co-Leaders Ryan and Deborah on Zoom for a caring and sharing session, which will last approximately one hour.

Monday, January 16th, 2023
7:30PM - 8:30PM U.S. ET

To join the mailing list for this group, contact Michelle:
Recording Available: Sound Meditation for WM
Popular Monthly Offering!
Relax to the sound of Ann Grace's authentic Himalayan Singing bowls, with gentle verbal guidance to further calm the nervous system. Listen to the recording here.
WM Community Corner
IWMF Swag Alert! Julianne Flora-Tostado, IWMF CONNECT Moderator, uses her IWMF tote bag to carry her watercolor supplies to class. Where will your IWMF swag take you in 2023? Send a photo to
IWMF is dedicated to supporting and educating everyone affected by WM while advancing the search for a cure. Waldenstrom's Weekly is a free service to WM community members to share WM related news and events. Click on downloading photos at the top to view all content. For more information, email or visit