Last weekend, IWMF Board Trustees, staff members, and volunteers gathered in San Diego, CA at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference.
Peter DeNardis, IWMF Board Chair, attended the conference and shared that "As Chair of the IWMF Board of Trustees, it was my honor to represent the IWMF at this year's American Society of Hematology (ASH) Conference. It was my first ASH Conference, and what struck me immediately was the sheer number of hematologists and blood cancer researchers all gathered in one place (attendance numbers were around 30,000)!
IWMF staff and volunteers in attendance were paying close attention to posters and presentations regarding the latest ongoing research in WM (there were 69 abstracts that included details about the results of WM research). It's very encouraging to see how much the attention to WM has increased over the years - all a testament to the amazing research being conducted around the world, and the efforts by the IWMF to fund basic science and groundbreaking research for our disease.
Meetings were also conducted with non-profit partner organizations, and pharmaceutical company representatives to further the cause for WM patients and caregivers around the world. One of the highlights of the Conference was the annual IWMF Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting, with dedicated doctors and researchers in attendance to discuss the latest developments and how best to help the IWMF in the coming years. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those on the SAC who volunteer their time to provide guidance and advice to the IWMF.
The entire weekend was a very uplifting and encouraging experience to be sure, and we can all look forward to amazing advances in the near future for better treatments and a cure for WM."