The Waldenstrom's Weekly

December 8, 2023

Volume 3, Issue 46

The IWMF mission statement is to support and educate everyone affected by Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM) to improve patient outcomes while advancing the search for a cure.

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Happy Hanukkah to all our community members who celebrate the holiday

- Special Announcements -

IWMF Board and Staff Members at ASH Meeting

IWMF Board and staff members are gathering in San Diego, CA this weekend at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference. Stay tuned to our social media platforms for updates throughout the weekend!

- Story of Hope Update -

Chris Moakley: The Story Continues On

Chris in Scotland

I last wrote an update five years ago, finishing with

“I hope to write again soon.”

Read More Here...

Looking for a Holiday Gift?

Join the IWMF Alaskan Cruise in 2024!

Click here for information and join the fun!

- Education -

Next week!

Webinar hosted on December 13th with Marty Vanderlaan on his experience developing and then getting treated with Rituxan

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

1:00PM - 2:00PM US Eastern Time

Rituxan has been pivotal in treating various conditions in the realm of oncology. Hearing from a scientist involved in its development can provide unique insights into the drug’s creation and application. 


Martin will share his own personal experience with taking this drug because he has Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia.

Join Sarasota Florida Support Group Leaders Sharon Piotrowski and Michelle Postek to better understand the drug's development and its impact on patients like Martin.

Register Here

Recordings Available!

Lymphoma Research Foundation Ed Forum

The Lymphoma Research Foundation held their annual Education Forum in October 2023. For recordings of the sessions, click here.

- Support -

Recording Available!

Coping with Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance

Cardio + Strength with Sharon

Friday, December 15th at 12:30PM U.S. EST

Cardio and strength on Friday December 15

Take an exercise class with ACE Certified Personal Trainer Sharon Piotrowski, who is also a WM community member! 

💪 This dynamic 30-minute low-impact workout combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training, and includes warm-up and warm-down. Great for all levels of fitness as Sharon will share modifications to keep you safe. Let's work together towards a healthier and stronger you! 

Email Ann Grace ( to receive the Zoom link and follow-up recording. If you joined Sharon for any of her previous offerings, you are already on the mailing list.

Holiday Self Care - Thursday, Dec 21st at 1PM EST

Holiday Self-Care session with Ann on Thursday, December 21st

Give yourself the gift of presence during this busy time of year! During this short, 20-min self care practice, we’ll manage stress through mindful movements designed to recharge your batteries and focus the mind. We’ll practice a short meditation to encourage connection and compassion during the holiday season, and conclude with a mini restorative sound bath. WM friends, staff, and caregivers are invited!


Reach out to to receive the Zoom invitation (if you have attended any wellness event or class, you are automatically on our list.)

december wellness calendar

Waldenstrom's Weekly is a free service to WM community members to share WM related news and events. Click on downloading photos at the top to view all content. For more information, email or visit

IWMF, 6144 Clark Center Ave., Sarasota, FL 34238 | | 1-941-927-4963
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