Dear Neighbor,

We'll be hosting our annual Braddock District Budget Town Hall on Monday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. with Braddock District School Board Member Rachna Sizemore Heizer and County Executive Bryan Hill.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns about the proposed County budget before we adopt the budget in May.

You can watch the town hall three different ways:

Do you have a question to submit for the town hall? 

The Board will also host a series of Budget Public Hearings from April 16-18 at the Government Center. We want to hear from residents and encourage you to sign up to speak in person, by video, or by phone at one of the three meetings.

The County has expanded the methods for residents to offer feedback on the Budget. The complete list includes:

Menstrual Supplies Drive

We are joining Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik in supporting a Countywide Menstrual Supplies Drive between now and March 29.

The Braddock District office is serving as a collection site for unopened cups, liners, pads, and tampons to donate to the Annandale United Methodist Church’s Mission Center.

You can drop off these items in the boxes outside of the entrance to the Braddock District Office (9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke). You can drop off supplies Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. or enter through the Kings Park Library side on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

More information (including additional donation sites) is available on Supervisor Palchik's page.

Connector Status

The Fairfax Connector will resume service tomorrow, Friday, March 8.

Fairfax Connector remains committed to providing safe, reliable, and efficient transportation services to the residents and visitors of Fairfax County. The Connector's management team appreciates passengers' patience and understanding during this challenging time and look forward to welcoming them back on board. Read more on the resumption of service.

Yours in service,

Supervisor James R. Walkinshaw

Please share this newsletter with your friends and neighbors. If this email was forwarded to you, consider subscribing to receive Braddock District news and updates.

Continue reading below for more information on:

  • Community Fire and Rescue Academy
  • 2024 Conference for Spanish-Speaking Landscape Professionals
  • Public Meeting on Roue 29 Survey Results
  • Animal Services Consolidation Proposal Town Halls
  • Women Powering Democracy Event
  • FCPS Community Conversation
  • NVSWCD College Scholarships
  • March Code Compliance - Pets
  • Tax Season Resources

Community Fire and

Rescue Academy

The deadline for the Community Fire and Rescue Academy has been extended to Friday, March 8!

Do you want to learn more about your Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department? Join a fun-filled, eight-week Community Fire and Rescue Academy (CFRA) program that will show you what firefighters and paramedics do every day!


The CFRA is open to County residents 18 and older. Learn more or apply by Friday, March 8.

2024 Conference for Spanish-Speaking Landscape Professionals

Sponsored by Plant NOVA Natives, the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia and Fairfax County Park Authority will host a Conference for Spanish-Speaking Landscape Professionals on March 8 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Fairfax County Government Center (12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax).

Attendees will learn more about the benefits of native plants and tips for managing invasive species. Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Questions about this event can be directed to

Clase en español | Aprenda sobre plantas nativas y manejo del paisaje natural 

Abierto para propietarios, diseñadores, foremen, laborers, y empleados de garden centers en Viernes, 8 de marzo a la 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

¡Haga clic para registrarse gratis! Se proveerá el almuerzo.

Public Meeting on Route 29

Survey Results

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The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) recently conducted a study on the Route 29 corridor, between Buckleys Gate Drive/Summit Drive near the Fairfax County Parkway (VA 286) and Jermantown Road. 

The purpose of this study is to reassess the long-term needs of the corridor and develop solutions that serve residents and commuters, including multimodal options. Feedback from this survey will help inform the Fairfax County Comprehensive Transportation Plan.

FCDOT will present the survey results at a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m.

For information on the public meeting, visit the Route 29 study webpage.

Animal Services Consolidation Proposal Town Halls

APP saves hawk

The Department of Animal Sheltering and the Fairfax County Police Department are hosting two in-person town halls to discuss uniting animal care and control services under one department. The proposed consolidation would align Fairfax with industry best practices, expand service delivery to the community, and optimize County resources.

For more information on the proposed consolidation of animal services, visit the Animal Shelter’s website.

Town Hall dates are:

  • Monday, March 11
  • 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
  • Fairfax County Animal Shelter's Michael R. Frey Campus (4500 West Ox Road, Fairfax)
  • Wednesday, March 13
  • 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
  • Fairfax County Animal Shelter's Lorton Campus (8875 Lorton Road, Lorton)

Women Powering Democracy Event

Women always had a leading role in our Democracy, publicly and behind the scenes!

Attend 'Women Powering Democracy' hosted by the Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center (HRC) and League of Women Voters on Tuesday, March 12 at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (10360 North Street, Fairfax) from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

This event will feature several unique records from the HRC archives available for viewing such as early voter registration rolls and information about the women of Fairfax County, including registrar Edith Pullman and African American activist Mary Ellen Henderson. The event will also feature a discussion with professor and author, Dr. Jennifer Ritterhouse and lead archivist, Georgia Brown. Register today!

FCPS Community Conversation

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) invites you to a community conversation focused on addressing the opioid crisis within Northern Virginia and Fairfax County Public Schools. The discussion during this event will center on providing families and students with valuable knowledge about the dangers of drugs and deadly fentanyl. Together, as a community, we aim to explore collaborative strategies to minimize the impact of these harmful and sometimes fatal substances.

The conversation will be on Monday, March 18, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium of Lake Braddock Secondary School (9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke). Read more or sign up here.

NVSWCD College Scholarships

The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD) is currently accepting college scholarship applications up until April 1.

Fairfax County high school seniors or college freshmen are eligible to receive a $1,000 Future Conservation Leaders Scholarship from NVSWCD. This scholarship supports students studying in the field of natural resource conservation and is focused on investing in the talented youth of Fairfax County.

NVSWCD’s Future Conservation Leaders Scholarship award winner will also be submitted to the VASWCD Educational Foundation committee for review and may be eligible to receive one of four $2,000 state-wide scholarships.  


If you need an application sent tvia U.S. mail or in an alternative format, email NVSWCD or call (703) 324-1460 | TTY 711.

March Code Compliance - Pets

Are you an animal aficionado? A fowl fan? A dog devotee? Fairfax County residents love their pets, but you should know there are rules in place to make sure animals don’t become problems for the neighborhood.


Learn more about do’s and don’ts for keeping animals in the Department of Code Compliance’s (DCC) March’s Code Compliance Corner. 


Many people love sharing their home with an animal, but few may know the Zoning Ordinance regulates the types, numbers, and ways that animals can be kept. Below are some of the most common zoning considerations for the keeping of animals. Additional and more specific information is available on DCC’s animals and pets website.

  • You can have up to two dogs on any lot. If you want more than two, it will depend on the size of your lot. Dogs must be licensed in Fairfax County.
  • Roosters are only permitted as part of an agricultural operation, like a farm. 
  • You need at least two acres to keep chickens and other poultry, and livestock, such as horses, goats, and llamas.
  • Structures, such as barns, beehives, cages, and pens, must meet location requirements so they are setback from property lines to minimize impacts on other lots. 
  • There are no zoning limits on cats, but residents are encouraged to consider options, such as microchipping, spaying, or neutering to prevent growth of community cat populations. 


Since many limits depend on the size of your lot, you may be wondering how large your lot is. Information on how to access this information and more about your property can be found on the County’s map website. Pet owners should also know about the Animal Shelter’s Pet Resource Center which provides information about vaccinations, help with supplies, and finding veterinary care.


DCC is available to help – if you have questions, want to make a report, or if you are the subject of enforcement and need to contact DCC. You can report problems online, learn about what happens during an investigation, reach DCC via email, calling (703) 324-1300 | TTY 711, or visit DCC’s office in person (12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 1016, Fairfax).

Tax Season Resources

Tax Relief Workshops

Staff from the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) are holding Tax Relief Workshops through March and April to assist with filling out the 2024 tax relief application form, as well as answer questions.


The Braddock District Tax Relief Workshops will be held at Braddock Hall (9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke) on:

  • Tuesday, March 12 (10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
  • Tuesday, March 26 (10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)


To ensure DTA is assisting individuals promptly, workshops will utilize appointment scheduling. To request an appointment, call (703) 324-3747 or email


For more information, or to view other workshop dates and locations, visit DTA's website.

Real Estate Assessments

2024 real estate assessments are now available. Homeowners will receive a copy in the mail, or you can find your assessment online. The Department of Tax Administration has developed a useful tool for residents to see how their neighborhoods’ home values have changed from last year to this year. Click here to view the map.

It's important to note that Virginia law requires homes to be assessed at fair market value, which is not set by the Board. On average, due to higher mortgage rates and slower sales, assessments went up countywide by just 2.86%; in the Braddock District, the average increase was 2.52%. By comparison, one year ago the increases were 6.97% and 7.04%, respectively.


If you'd like to learn more about how the assessments are calculated, you can visit the Department of Tax Administration (DTA)'s page.


If you believe that your real estate is incorrectly assessed, you can file an appeal through DTA.

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Free Tax Preparation Help Available until April

Tax season is officially underway — and so too is free tax preparation assistance by the AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide program.

Fairfax County is partnering with the nonprofit to provide eight county facilities where residents can get no-cost help filling out their federal and state taxes through April 15.

Tax-Aide volunteers are trained and IRS-certified every year, according to AARP. At every location, volunteers can help you prepare your federal and Virginia state tax returns, and some locations can also assist you with District of Columbia and Maryland taxes. Find a Tax Aide near you.

Tax aides can help you with most — but not all — tax returns, including returns with:

  • Wages, interest, dividends, capital gains or losses, pensions and Social Security benefits
  • Self-employment income with limits
  • Qualified business income deduction with limits
  • 1099 income
  • IRA contributions
  • Health savings accounts

However, volunteers can’t help with complicated tax returns that involve a small business with employees, rental income or alternative minimum tax.

Before you visit an assistance location, check what kinds of tax returns the program can and can’t prepare.

Do Taxes Yourself

If you want to do your taxes yourself, the federal and state governments offer free online tax preparation and filing for people within certain income limits.

Learn more:

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