Whether you're a renter, homeowner, business owner, or member of the faith community, this conference will provide you with an opportunity to learn about federal, state, and local incentives available for energy efficiency investments.
The Conference will culminate with two Breakout Sessions. In Session #1, we’ll learn about ways to make your home, business, or place of worship more energy efficient. In Session #2, we’ll learn about low-emission transportation options. You’ll have the opportunity to talk to experts and hear from residents who have personal experience with the solar installation process or making the switch to an electric vehicle.
Get your free ticket today!
Suicide Prevention Walk
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September is National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. Suicide is preventable, and there is always hope. If you or a loved one are struggling, you are not alone, and resources are available to help.
Supervisor Kathy Smith and I are leading the Board of Supervisors’ team in The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Annual “Out of the Darkness” Community Walk and invite you to join our team this year!
This year's walk is this Sunday, October 1 at Fairfax City Hall (10455 Armstrong Street, Fairfax) from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Suicide Prevention Resources:
In an immediate, life-threatening situation, call 9-1-1.
The Community Services Board also has a suicide prevention information and resources website with information on their Mental Health First Aid Classes, and specific resources for veterans, members of the military and their families, Fairfax County Public Schools students, and older adults.
Oak Hill Day
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This year's Oak Hill Open House is this Saturday, September 30, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. This year's event will exclusively feature guided tours of the indoor area and gardens at 15-minute intervals.
Because this year's event is limited to tours only, satellite parking, shuttles, speaking programs, and food will not be provided. Next year, my office and the Park Authority will host a comprehensive "Braddock History Day" with speakers and other features at Oak Hill.
The Manor is located at 4716 Wakefield Chapel Road in Annandale and on-street parking is available near the intersection of Wakefield Chapel Rd. and Braeburn Dr.
For more information about Oak Hill and this year's open house, visit the Oak Hill website.
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Supervisor James R. Walkinshaw | |
Please share the newsletter with your friends and neighbors. If this email was forwarded to you, consider subscribing to receive Braddock District news & updates. | |
Continue reading below for more information on:
- Early Voting Happening Now!
- Marian Homes Shredding Event
- Transportation Projects Considered for Funding
- Tier One Domestic Violence Training
- October Community Advisory Committee Meeting
- LLI October Forum
- Personal Property Taxes Due October 5
- Pinn Center's Health and Fitness Expo
- Hearing Scheduled on Application for Adult Day Care Facility
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Early Voting Happening Now! | |
Early voting for the November 7 election is underway.
In addition to the school bond referendum, ballots for Braddock District residents include elections for the House of Delegates, State Senate, County Board of Supervisors, School Board, Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, and the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Board.
You can vote early in person at the Government Center (12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax) at the following times:
Weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturdays (October 28, November 4) 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday (Only October 29) 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
For a full list of all Fairfax County early voting sites, information on registering to vote, updating your registration, and copies of sample ballots, visit the County's Early Voting website.
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Marian Homes Shredding Event | |
Area non-profit Marian Homes will be hosting a shredding event at St. Mary of Sorrows Parish (5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax) this Saturday, September 30 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Information about the shred can be found on Marian Homes' Facebook. Donations to Marian Homes will be accepted.
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Transportation Projects Considered for Funding | |
Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) has developed a proposed list of projects that will be narrowed down further with input from the community to receive a portion of $100 million funding allocated by the Board of Supervisors. To fund safer active transportation facilities, the Board approved $100 million in new funding for one-time investments in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure through FY 2027. To date, 30.2 million of the dedicated $100 million has been allocated for active transportation improvements and maintenance.
FCDOT will hold two virtual community meetings to present how the current list of projects was developed, including the methodology and criteria staff used to select projects for consideration. The project list was narrowed down from a list of over 2,000 unfunded projects to 317. To further narrow down projects for the third round of funding, public input is sought from the community through an online survey.
Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m.
- Join the Meeting
- Join by Phone: 571-429-5982; Access Code: 802892823#
- View the Presentation (will be posted on October 3)
- View the Recorded Meeting (will be posted here on October 5)
Thursday, October 5 at 12:00 p.m.
- Join the Meeting
- Phone: 571-429-5982; Access Code: 453571439#
- View the Recorded Meeting (will be posted here on October 9)
Review the projects in your neighborhood, search for projects on an interactive map (available October 3), and see criteria used to develop project lists before you take the online survey, open from October 3-16. View projects, interactive map and take the survey (begins October 3).
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Tier One Domestic Violence Training | |
The Department of Family Services is offering virtual Tier One training on Tuesdays and Thursday from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. from October 3 until November 2.
Tier One is an 18-hour training on the dynamics of domestic violence (DV), the systems that respond, and resources available in the community.
The training is designed for professionals interested in learning these DV dynamics to deepen their work with clients and community members, and for anyone interested in volunteering with Domestic and Sexual Violence Services.
The trainings are free, but registration is required. For questions, email John Crownover or call (703) 324-6860.
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October Community Advisory Committee | |
The West Springfield District Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will host a Community Engagement Meeting on Tuesday, October 3, at 7:00 p.m.
These meetings offer the community a chance to dialogue and communicate more effectively with officers of the Fairfax County Police Department. Members of the Crisis Intervention Team's Co-Responder Unit are October's guest speakers. They will be discussing how te unit helps people in need.
The meeting will be held in person at the West Springfield District Station (6140 Rolling Road, Springfield). Consider signing up for the West Springfield CAC newsletter by emailing wscacmailbox@gmail.com.
CAC meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m., and all ages are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, contact MPO Tony Capizzi at (703) 277-2363.
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The Lifetime Learning Institute of Northern Virginia (LLI), a senior learning center for adults over the age of 50, will hold a free panel discussion on book banning on October 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the Little River United Church of Christ (8410 Little River Turnpike, Annandale).
The panelists include:
- Matt Callahan, senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia
- Lisa Varga, Executive Director of the Virginia Library Association
The panelists will discuss laws and policies applicable to banning books in libraries (both public and in schools) and bookstores, and whether certain books should be restricted to certain readers based on age or removed from library shelves entirely.
The program is part of the LLI’s monthly Forum Series held the first Wednesday of each month and is free to the community. More information can be found on LLI's website.
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Personal Property Taxes Due October 5 | |
You have likely received your vehicle tax assessment and bill for any vehicles you own that are garaged or parked in Fairfax County.
To mitigate some increases in vehicle tax assessments, for a second consecutive year, the Board of Supervisors applied an assessment ratio towards this year’s property tax. This year's ratio is 90% - cutting car tax bills by more than 18% on average. Because relief is already applied, you will not see a separate line on your bill that shows the reduction.
To better understand the vehicle tax and what options may be available to you for relief, review the Department of Tax Administration's FAQ page. If you believe your assessment is inaccurate, you can appeal.
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Pinn Center's Health and Fitness Expo | |
Next Saturday, October 7, from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., the Pinn Center will host a Health and Fitness Expo for all ages!
Activities include:
- Yoga
- Zuba
- Nutritionist Consultations
- Biometric Screanings
- Flu/Covid Shots
- Healthy Cooking Demos
- + more!
Parking is available at Robinson Secondary School (5035 Sideburn Road, Fairfax) and transportation to the Pinn Center will be provided from there.
The Pinn Center is located at 10225 Zion Drive, Fairfax. Questions can be emailed to Desmond Tutu.
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Hearing Scheduled on Application for Adult Day Care Facility | |
Friends Adult Day Care has filed an application for a Special Exception (SE-2023-BR-00015) to operate an adult day care facility on the third floor of an existing office building at 8003 Forbes Place in Springfield, near the intersection of Forbes Place and Port Royal Road, just south of the Ravensworth Shopping Center. The applicant had previously operated an adult day care within the Calvary Church of the Nazarene in Annandale and now proposes to relocate and enlarge its operation. They are proposing to convert the third floor of the office building to adult day care use for up to 200 adults, with the first two floors of the building remaining occupied by office uses. Approximately 40 employees would be on-site at any one time. Operating hours would be 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays. The applicant stated that there would be minimal traffic impact because most clients would arrive by buses or minivans.
The Health Care Advisory Board (HCAB) will hold a public meeting to review this Special Exception application on Monday, October 9, at 7:30 p.m. The HCAB reviews zoning and special exception applications for medical care facilities from a health care rather than a land use perspective, and will make recommendations regarding the proposal to the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. At the October 9 meeting, the applicant will have 15 minutes to present the proposal, then HCAB will ask questions and discuss the proposal, hear public comments, and develop its report.
Members of the public are urged to attend and provide comments. Individuals will be given three minutes; those representing an organization will be given up to five minutes. To be placed on the speakers’ list, please call HCAB staff at (703) 481-4005 or (703) 246-8679 by Friday, October 6. Speakers should indicate whether they will appear in person or whether they will participate via Zoom.
Written comments will be considered if they are received prior to the HCAB meeting. These should be sent to:
Sara Brinkmoeller
HCAB Staff Coordinator, Health Department
10777 Main Street, Suite 200
Fairfax, Virginia, 22030
You may also e-mail comments.
If you would like to review the zoning application, it is available on the PLUS website. If the record does not show up from the link, select the “Zoning” tab and enter the application number, SE-2023-BR-00015, in the search box on the right side. Click on the “Record Information” arrow on the left and then click on “Attachments” in the drop-down menu (it may take a little while to load). The most recent documents should be at the end of the list. Details on the application are typically in the “Statement of Justification,” and the “Special Exception Plat” shows the drawings. You may also call the Department of Planning and Development, Zoning Evaluation Division at (703) 324-1290. All other questions or comments should be directed to HCAB staff at (703) 246-8679.
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