Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Every year, from September 15 - October 15, we celebrate the heritage and diverse cultures of the more than 900,000 Virginians who identify as Hispanic or Latino and contribute to our Commonwealth and nation.
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Oak Hill Day
The historic Oak Hill mansion, located here in the Braddock District, was built circa 1790 on the historic Ravensworth tract by Richard Fitzhugh, a descendant of one of the first land grant holders in Northern Virginia.
The home exudes the grandeur of Georgian style and was restored in the 1940s by renowned restoration architect Walter Macomber as part of the Colonial Restoration trend in the late 1930s.
In 2004, Oak Hill secured a spot in the National Register of Historic Places. The collaborative efforts of the Fairfax County Park Authority, Supervisor Sharon Bulova, Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, and Seville Homes led to a historic and conservation easement, preserving the privately-owned Oak Hill home and property, including its 200-year-old boxwoods. As part of the agreement, an annual open house event is held at the residence.
This year's Open House is on Saturday, September 30, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. This year's event will exclusively feature guided tours of the indoor area and gardens at 15-minute intervals.
Because this year's event is limited to tours only, satellite parking, shuttles, speaking programs, and food will not be provided. Next year, my office and the Park Authority will host a comprehensive "Braddock History Day" with speakers and other features at Oak Hill.
The Manor is located at 4716 Wakefield Chapel Road in Annandale and on-street parking is available near the intersection of Wakefield Chapel Rd. and Braeburn Dr. For more information about Oak Hill and this year's open house, visit the Oak Hill website.
Woodson High School Renaming Process
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W.T. Woodson High School, which opened in 1962, was named for FCPS’ second longest-serving superintendent who led the district from 1929-1961. W.T. Woodson’s views on segregation, as revealed in historical documents, have led to requests from community members to consider renaming the school.
On September 12, Braddock District School Board Member Megan McLaughlin asked the School Board to support a Forum Request to initiate a name change and the consideration of "Dr. Carter G. Woodson High School" as a new name. Dr. Woodson was a renowned author and scholar known as the "father of Black history" for his work to celebrate the contributions of Black people to our history and culture.
The School Board has initiated the renaming process in accordance with the School Board's policy on Naming School Facilities and Regulation 8170.8. Students, staff, and community members have the opportunity to engage in the process. For additional history on this issue, the Forum Topic can be found on the Woodson High School Renaming website.
The public is invited to share input on the proposed name change in three ways:
Complete the online feedback form, open until October 12
- Attend a Community Meeting at Woodson High School (9525 Main Street, Fairfax) in Cafeteria A on October 4 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Registration is not required but helps with accommodations and communicating any changes to the meeting
- Attend a Public Hearing at Luther Jackson Middle School (3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church) on October 10 at 5:30 p.m.
The School Board will vote on initiating the school's name change at their October 12 meeting. This will kick off a second round of community engagement. Stay informed about this process on the Woodson High School Renaming website.
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Supervisor James R. Walkinshaw | |
Please share the newsletter with your friends and neighbors. If this email was forwarded to you, consider subscribing to receive Braddock District news & updates. | |
Continue reading below for more information on:
- Early Voting Begins Tomorrow
- Supervisor Walkinshaw's First Annual Climate Change Conference
- Lake Accotink Playground Update
- Spanish Language Caregiver Webinar
- Healthy Together Fairfax
- Free Citizenship Classes
- Tutoring at the Pinn Center
- Shredding Events
- LLI October Forum
- Personal Property Taxes Due October 5
- September is National Preparedness Month
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Early Voting Begins Tomorrow | |
Early voting for the November 7 election begins tomorrow, September 22.
In addition to the school bond referendum, ballots for Braddock District residents include elections for the House of Delegates, State Senate, County Board of Supervisors, School Board, Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, and the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Board.
You can vote early in person at the Government Center (12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax) at the following times:
Weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturdays (September 23, October 28, November 4) 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday (Only October 29) 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
For a full list of all Fairfax County early voting sites, information on registering to vote, updating your registration, and copies of sample ballots, visit the County's Early Voting website.
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Lake Accotink Playground Update | |
Installation of the new playground at Lake Accotink Park is underway!
Several pieces of equipment have been installed and more pieces will be finished.
The playground will include, among other things, a tower play structure with a winding slide, a swing set, a teeter-totter, and musical panels to provide children with a wide range of options for play. The area will be covered with an ADA-approved wood-fiber mulch surface. For more information about the playground replacement, visit FCPA's website.
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Supervisor Walkinshaw's First
Annual Climate Action Conference
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Supervisor Walkinshaw's First Annual Climate Action Conference is next Saturday, September 30, at Lake Braddock Secondary School!
If you or someone you know would like to volunteer, different morning shifts are available. You can read more or sign up on SignUp Genius.
Whether you're a renter, homeowner, business owner, or member of the faith community, this conference will provide you with an opportunity to learn about federal, state and local incentives available for energy efficiency investments.
Join Supervisor Walkinshaw, Congressman Gerry Connolly, Chairman Jeff McKay, and Michael Forrester, Assistant Director of Partnerships with the Office of State and Community Energy Programs at the U.S. Department of Energy at the conference on September 30 at Lake Braddock Secondary School (9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke) from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. for this information-packed event. Get your free ticket today!
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Spanish Language Caregiver Webinar | |
Tomorrow, September 22, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging's Caregiver and Support Services Unit will offer its first Spanish-language caregiver webinar, titled "Dignified Aging."
The presentation is in Spanish and will focus on dementia and how to improve brain health with Dr. Monica Fracachan, an Alzheimer's expert at the University of Kansas.
Register online or call (703) 324-5484.
The Fairfax Area Agency on Aging’s Caregiver & Supportive Services Unit lo invita a atender nuestra próxima charla virtual para familiares cuidadores de adultos mayores y/o personas con discapacidades
"Envejecimiento Digno" es Viernes, 22 de Septiembre hasta 12:00 – 1: 00 p.m.
Conozca a la Dra. Monica Fracachan, experta en Alzheimer de la Universidad de Kansas. Esta presentación virtual incluye temas sobre qué es la demencia, cómo mejorar la salud de su cerebro, cómo se detecta el Alzheimer y qué hacer si alguien tiene problemas de memoria y pensamiento. Asimismo, se les ofrecerá la oportunidad de participar en estudios de apoyo a familiares de gente con problemas de memoria y pensamiento mediante mensajes de celular y llamadas de teléfono, sin ningún costo.
La Dra. Monica Fracachan es asistente de investigación en Juntos; Centro para el Avance de la Salud Latina, en el Centro Médico de la Universidad de Kansas. Estudió y se graduó como médica cirujana en Venezuela y se especializó en Otorrinolaringología en la Universidad Central de Venezuela.
- Todas nuestras charlas virtuales son gratuitas y para familiares cuidadores, adultos mayores, adultos con discapacidades, y para la comunidad en general
- Las clases virtuales son grabadas, y las grabaciones son compartidas con las personas que se registraron
- Para dudas o inquietudes, contacte a Giuliana Valencia Ordonez o llame al (703) 324-5484
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Join a fun, free, interactive community event focused on healthy and active living!
Healthy Together Fairfax is this Sunday, September 24, from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Franconia Park (6601 Telegraph Road, Alexandria).
The event includes free health screenings, access to community services and resources, fitness classes, hands-on activities, and ‘bite-sized’ learning for all ages.
Participants can also explore the trails and playgrounds at Franconia Park and enjoy a ride on the carousel.
For more information, visit Healthy Together Fairfax's website.
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The City of Fairfax Regional Library is offering a free 8-week citizenship course for adults beginning next Wednesday, September 27.
The weekly sessions will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and include all materials needed to prepare for the citizenship exam.
For more information or to register, visit the Fairfax Library website.
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Tutoring at the Pinn Center | |
The Pinn Center is thrilled to introduce an array of engaging and educational youth weekend programming for children in the Burke/Fairfax/West Springfield area, including Saturday morning tutoring!
Limited space is available, and a waiting list will begin once capacity has been met.
You can register today or email Desmond Tutu for more information.
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Marian Homes Shredding Event | |
Area non-profit Marian Homes will be hosting a shredding event at St. Mary of Sorrows Parish (5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax) next Saturday, September 30 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Information about the shred can be found on Marian Homes' Facebook. Donations to Marian Homes will be accepted.
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The Lifetime Learning Institute of Northern Virginia (LLI), a senior learning center for adults over the age of 50, will hold a free panel discussion on book banning on October 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the Little River United Church of Christ (8410 Little River Turnpike, Annandale).
The panelists include:
- Matt Callahan, senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia
- Lisa Varga, Executive Director of the Virginia Library Association
The panelists will discuss laws and policies applicable to banning books in libraries (both public and in schools) and bookstores, and whether certain books should be restricted to certain readers based on age or removed from library shelves entirely.
The program is part of the LLI’s monthly Forum Series held the first Wednesday of each month and is free to the community. More information can be found on LLI's website.
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Personal Property Taxes Due October 5 | |
You have likely received your vehicle tax assessment and bill for any vehicles you own that are garaged or parked in Fairfax County.
To mitigate some increases in vehicle tax assessments, for a second consecutive year, the Board of Supervisors applied an assessment ratio towards this year’s property tax. This year's ratio is 90% - cutting car tax bills by more than 18% on average. Because relief is already applied, you will not see a separate line on your bill that shows the reduction.
To better understand the vehicle tax and what options may be available to you for relief, review the Department of Tax Administration's FAQ page. If you believe your assessment is inaccurate, you can appeal.
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September is National Preparedness Month | |
National Preparedness Month occurs every September to raise awareness about the importance of being prepared for emergencies and disasters. 2023's theme is “Take Control in 1, 2, 3".
This theme empowers everyone, especially older adults, to
- Assess needs
- Make a plan
- Engage support networks to stay safe when disaster strikes
The campaign focuses on preparing older adults for disasters, specifically older adults from communities that are disproportionally impacted by the all-hazard events, which continue to threaten the nation.
Every week this month, the National Preparedness Month campaign focuses on a different aspect of preparedness for individuals, families, and communities. The Fairfax County Department of Emergency Management and Security (DEMS) will use the Community Emergency Response Guide (CERG) Series to walk residents through the steps to prepare.
September 18-22: Emergency planning
- September 25-30: Have a plan for any occasion
Ready Fairfax has also launched the 2023 Emergency Preparedness Survey to assess the culture of personal disaster preparedness and resilience in Fairfax County. How prepared are you? Here is your chance to tell them!
Sign up for Fairfax Alerts or follow the County's Emergency Blog.
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