George Mason University has recently begun a process for a University Master Plan that will serve as a decision-making framework for the use of physical space at our Fairfax, Arlington, and Science and Technology campuses, and guide Mason's mission for decades to come. Last week George Mason University sent out an all-community email regarding the process, including an opportunity to participate in a mapping survey.
This short survey will allow you to place icons on your favorite open spaces, work spaces, study spaces, eating spots, etc. You can also draw your typical routes to, from, and through the campuses, rate spaces, and leave comments. Your collective input will create a rich picture that shows how our campuses function today and will help us better plan for our future.
In the same survey session, you can provide feedback for any and all of the three primary Mason campuses that apply to you (please do not complete separate surveys per campus). The survey should work on most mobile devices, but you may find it easier to navigate the map on a larger screen. Please note that you cannot save the survey and return to it later.