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December 5, 2024

Dear neighbors,

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. We have much to be thankful for as residents of a vibrant, diverse, and welcoming place like DC. For my part, I am grateful for many things including the privilege and responsibility to serve as your Ward 3 Councilmember.

During this season, there are many wonderful events that provide an opportunity for residents to take time from our routines to come together and celebrate. There are several upcoming free and family-friendly events listed below under “Government and Community Calendar.”

As we enjoy these blessings, this time of year also calls us to reflect on how too many of our neighbors struggle to provide adequate warmth and shelter for themselves and their families. There are several organizations and resources available to assist residents with the challenges of the winter months. The Public Service Commission (DCPSC) Winter Ready DC campaign hosts events across the city to prepare residents and businesses for winter by offering home weatherization items (while supplies last), information on utility assistance programs, and resources on how to cut energy costs throughout the colder months. The Ward 3 activation will take place on December 19, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW. Learn more here.

Remember, when it gets cold, the District will issue Hypothermia Alerts. Check on unsheltered neighbors, seniors, and vulnerable individuals. If you see someone in need of shelter, call 202-399-7093 or 311, and call 911 if there’s an immediate safety risk. Residents can visit www.cold.dc.gov for more resources. Sign up for free email and/or text alerts at alert.dc.gov, and/or follow @DCHumanServ, and @AlertDC on social media.

In legislative news, on Tuesday this week, the Council advanced the Amplified Sound Mitigation Act, which establishes decibel levels for amplified sound, such as street performances. The bill is a companion bill to the Harmonious Living Act, which sets soundproofing standards for new residential construction in mixed-use corridors and entertainment districts, promoting the music and culture of the District while also providing relief from excessive sound. Additionally, we passed on first reading a bill that allows the Department of Public Works (DPW) to immediately tow and impound vehicles with counterfeit or obscured license plates. The Council also advanced legislation to expand mentorship support in DC, which promotes opportunity and pathways to success for our young people and helps to improve public safety.

The final legislative meeting of 2024 will be held on December 17. You can see the full calendar at https://dccouncil.gov/events/ and you can watch on the DC Council Channel at https://entertainment.dc.gov/service/dc-council-channel-dcc.


Matt Frumin

Ward 3 Councilmember

Ward 3 Public Safety Update

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is investigating a series of disturbing crimes committed in Ward 3 this week. On Sunday, December 1, an Amazon driver was carjacked at gunpoint near the 2300 block of Tunlaw Road NW while trying to make a delivery. MPD located the Amazon delivery van late Sunday night. That same evening and into early Monday morning, suspects used sledgehammers to break into businesses along Wisconsin Avenue between Georgetown and Tenleytown. MPD has identified the suspects’ vehicle and shared surveillance camera images of the suspects. Investigations into the carjacking and burglaries are ongoing. MPD Chief Pamela Smith has promised that MPD will be deploying additional officers, particularly around holiday markets and in commercial corridors.

Sadly, crime typically occurs at higher rates around the holiday season. Amazon Lockers and safe exchange zones are available to shoppers at each MPD District Station. If a package is stolen, report it immediately to MPD by calling 311 and pressing 1 for the Police Non-Emergency Line or file an online police report: https://mpdc.dc.gov/service/file-police-report-online. MPD also encourages residents and visitors to follow these safety tips: 

  • Park in a well-lit space, and be sure to lock the car, close the windows, and hide shopping bags and gifts in the trunk. 
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a check or credit card whenever possible. 
  • When ordering a package to be delivered, track your deliveries, and confirm the delivery has occurred. 
  • Switch your delivery location to your work, or to lockers, such as an Amazon Hub Locker. 
  • Use the Safe Exchange Zones at any MPD District Station when using third-party sellers such as Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, etc. 
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. 
  • Call 911 for assistance from MPD if you see or suspect something out of the ordinary. 

For more information on how District agencies and I are working to improve public safety in Ward 3, view the public safety resources on my website here.

Council Holds Out-of-School Time Hearing

Increased access to before- and after-school and summer programs has proven to contribute to greater academic achievement, economic opportunity, and public safety. While the District is a national leader in out-of school-time (OST) programming, there are not enough OST seats to meet the needs of every student. That is why I introduced the “Universal Out-of-School Time Amendment Act of 2023” to expand programming, with an emphasis on equitable access and at-risk youth. Last week, Chairman Phil Mendelson and the Council Committee of the Whole held a hearing on the bill, during which, we heard more than 70 witnesses testify to the benefits of OST.

As an articulate student from Dunbar High School said of OST during her testimony, “My creativity and interest can be cultivated and flourished. I have learned a lot. I have met lots of new people from different schools and walks of life, and adults with professions that I'm interested in and I'm now connecting with. I am blessed with the opportunity to learn long-term beneficial things alongside my peers.”

Although DC does not currently have enough OST seats for every student, there is broad support, including in the administration, to meet these needs. I look forward to working with the mayor and my Council colleagues to secure growing funding for OST programs in the next budget. You can watch a recording of the hearing here.

Addressing Challenges in Housing

The latest numbers show unhoused rates are increasing after several years of reductions. The data also tells us that seniors are the fastest-growing group of unhoused people. We must work to help reverse that trend. Last week, I spoke at Anne's Place, one of the many important organizations in our city helping to address these challenges by providing permanent housing and social services to help tenants thrive independently.

On November 20, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) reopened for fiscal year 2025 and received the maximum number of applications for assistance on the same day. This is indicative of the tremendous need residents have for help to afford housing.

In recent housing and affordability discussions, I have also heard a lot about the different dimensions and challenges regarding tenant safety at apartment buildings. The feedback has been clear:

  1.  Landlords must be held accountable for failures that compromise safety. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has proposed the Secure Apartments for Everyone (SAFE) Act, which will have a hearing on December 10. The SAFE Act would enhance the OAG's ability to enforce in situations where crimes of violence or dangerous crimes involving a firearm are occurring at a property and would clarify financial damages that landlords who maintain nuisance properties may be ordered to pay. It would also mandate security assessments and reports, and require standards for maintenance of doors and lighting. Click here for information, to register to testify, or submit written testimony;
  2. Tenants who violate their lease or break the law must also be held accountable; and
  3. The city must provide adequate services and support for high-needs tenants, often those recently exiting homelessness. We need a fuller spectrum of housing options to fully meet the needs of tenants and their neighbors. Independent living is not the right answer for everyone at every stage of life. Where more support is needed, we must provide it. 

Letter to Senate Leadership on Judicial Vacancies

On November 15, members of the Council co-signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell regarding the large number of judicial vacancies at the District of Columbia Courts. The letter urged Senate leadership to quickly fill the seats before the end of the year. As the letter noted, “Ensuring these local judges can be examined and confirmed quickly will help ensure the District of Columbia courts can administer justice efficiently and effectively and will aid in recruiting the best candidates possible.” You can read the full letter on my website here

WMATA Better Bus Plan Now Final

The full WMATA Board of Directors approved the final Better Bus Network plan on November 21. The final plan addressed many of Ward 3 residents' issues, including changes to some of the previously proposed routes, stops, and service frequency. View the plan and resources on WMATA's website here.

From the Chair:

Subcommittee on Recreation and Community Affairs Updates

Subcommittee Roundtable on Collaboration with National Park Service

Yesterday, the Subcommittee on Recreation and Community Affairs hosted a public roundtable on opportunities for collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS). Our public park spaces in DC are consistently ranked among the best in the United States, a credit to the hard work of the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). We are proud that 99 percent of District residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park, which is more than 20 points higher than the national average. Additionally, millions of visitors annually flock to DC to experience firsthand our beautiful monuments, memorials, and other public spaces that are recognized around the world. That tourism helps the District to thrive. With around 90 percent of public parklands in the District of Columbia controlled by NPS, there is a significant opportunity to collaborate on how public spaces in DC are utilized and maintained. 

The roundtable was an opportunity to hear directly from stakeholders and community members as the subcommittee explores future possibilities for coordination with NPS to ensure we get the most out of our resources. Over 90 witnesses submitted testimony for the record, underscoring what an important issue this is for residents. The discussion centered on opportunities to collaborate with NPS to ensure equitable use of, and access to, locally and federally managed parks in the District. The roundtable coincides with the work of the Federal City Council’s DC Neighborhood Parks Project Task Force, of which I am a co-chair along with former Mayor Anthony Williams and Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Nina Albert, which will provide recommendations to the District government for a more effective system to reach cooperative agreements or transfers of jurisdiction with NPS. A recording of the roundtable is available on my YouTube channel at youtube.com/@cmfrumin.

Federal Process for RFK Stadium Site Control Continues

There was some big news related to DC recreation on November 19, as the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources took an important step to approve the transfer of Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, commonly known as RFK Stadium, from the federal government to the District of Columbia. Hopefully, the full Senate can bring it home for a hard-fought victory so we can tackle the challenge of how best to use the RFK site, with 190 acres in the heart of our city, to advance the interests of District residents.

Register For DPR Winter Programs

This is a reminder to residents that registration is open for DPR Winter programs for all ages, from yoga, soccer, to water aerobics, and more. Go to http://DPRprograms.com to learn more and sign up. 

District Updates

Health Insurance Open Enrollment Happening Now

Health insurance open enrollment season is going on now! Health insurance helps cover the cost of care like doctor visits, prescriptions, vaccines, and more. If you or your family members are uninsured, you could be on the hook for big medical bills. You can apply to get covered with an affordable insurance plan to keep your family healthy and give you peace of mind. The deadline in DC is January 31, 2025. Residents can learn more at: http://DCHealthLink.com

Leaf Collection Continues

The first pass for Leaf Collection in Section D will begin on Monday, December 9, 2024. If you live in Section D, have your leaves raked to the tree box or curbside by Sunday, December 8, 2024. Visit http://dpw.dc.gov/leaf  to learn about leaf collection and when DPW will be in your neighborhood.

When it is your section’s turn, have your leaves raked to the tree box or curbside before the collection window. Residents can also view the real-time leaf collection tracker, and download the MyDPW App for leaf collection updates. A reminder that DPW launched the Unified Communication Center (UCC), and residents can reach out directly to DPW’s UCC for customer service needs at (202) 673-6833 (Mon – Fri); or by email: dpw@dc.gov

Share Your Comments on DC Water's Piney Branch Tunnel Project Environmental Assessment

NPS and DC Water have released he Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Piney Branch Tunnel Project. Residents can review the assessment and comment online at https://parkplanning.nps.gov/dcPineyBranch. According to DC Water and NPS, this project will improve water quality by reducing pollution in Piney Branch, Rock Creek, and downstream areas including the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. The deadline to submit comments is December 6.

Help Shape DC Public Library’s New Rules of Behavior 

DC Public Library wants your input. The Library is in the process of updating its rules for expected behavior in libraries. Your feedback will help inform these rules and ensure that libraries are a safe, welcoming, and equitable place for all. You can share your thoughts by taking a 5-minute survey. To take the survey, click here. To learn more information, visit the DC Library site by clicking here.

Registration Now Required for DPW Special Waste Collection Events

DPW Special Waste Collection Events for safe disposal and recycling of household hazardous waste, electronics, and secure document shredding are hosted twice quarterly. To accommodate everyone in a safe and timely manner, DPW is now requiring registration to participate in the Special Waste Collection Events. Residents are now asked to sign up for a 15-minute entry slot for arrival and a DPW staff member will provide help. Only one ticket is required per vehicle. No entry will be allowed after 2:00 pm. Please bring proof of residency (e.g. driver's license, utility bill, lease agreement) and Eventbrite registration. No commercial waste will be allowed. View upcoming dates and register at tinyurl.com/hhw-register. For more information on residential special waste, visit the District's Zero Waste.

Matt on the Move

UDC Strategic Plan Launch

On November 15, I spoke at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC)'s launch of its new strategic plan, entitled "Delivering on the Promise." As the District's only public university and under the leadership of President Maurice Edington, there is tremendous potential for positive change and growth. The plan lays out a five-year vision to boost program completion rates, raise enrollment, increase housing, increase fundraising, and establish UDC as a research hub to make the school a world-class institution.

Janney Elementary 5k and Fun Run

On Saturday November 16, I stopped by the Janney Elementary 5k and Fun Run. I am more of a biker than a runner these days, but as a proud parent of Janney graduates, I was happy to cheer on the participants and celebrate the wonderful families and staff members that help make Janney a great school. 

City Ridge Tree Lighting

On November 23, I participated in City Ridge’s third annual Holiday Tree Lighting Festival. It was great to see neighbors come out to celebrate the season during this joyful occasion. 

Safeway Feast of Sharing

On November 27, I shared a meal with residents and spoke during Safeway’s 25th annual Feast of Sharing presented by Events DC at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Attendees enjoyed a warm and delicious Thanksgiving meal, as well as information booths, giveaways, and entertainment. This is always a wonderful event, and I appreciate the volunteers and everyone who make it possible.

Dunbar Wins the Turkey Bowl

The annual Turkey Bowl, the DC Interscholastic Athletic Association (DCIAA) football championship game on Thanksgiving Day, is one of my favorite DC traditions. This was the 54th edition of the game, and saw Coolidge take on Dunbar at Eastern High School’s stadium. Congratulations to both schools on successful seasons, and congratulations to the Dunbar Crimson Tide on their championship victory. The historic Paul Laurence Dunbar High School is a school rich in history and football tradition. Established in 1870, it is the first high school to serve African Americans in the United States, and boasts too many groundbreaking alums to name, including Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and my Council colleague and former mayor Vince Gray. This is Dunbar’s second Turkey Bowl win in a row, and Dunbar is also the alma mater of many football greats including NFL players Vernon Davis, Vontae Davis, Josh Cribbs, Nate Bussey, and Arrelious Benn. This year’s Turkey Bowl was one of the many recent examples of DC’s thriving athletics culture bringing members of the community together in a positive way.  

Have a Ward 3 Service Request?

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or requests you may have. My Constituent Services team is here to help you.

Submit a Constituent Services Request

Government & Community Calendar

Upcoming Advisory Neighborhood Commission Meetings

ANC3A: Tuesday, December 17, 7 pm, at the McLean Gardens Ballroom & Zoom 

ANC3B: Thursday, December 12, 7 pm, Zoom

ANC3C: Monday, December 16, 7 pm, Zoom 

ANC3D: Wednesday, January 8, 7 pm, Zoom    

ANC3E: Thursday, December 12, 7:30 pm, Zoom 

ANC3F: Tuesday, January 14, 7 pm, Zoom  

ANC3/4G: Monday, December 9, 7 pm, at Chevy Chase Community Center & Zoom

Find Your ANC Here

DC Holiday Hunt Going on Now

The DC Holiday Hunt runs through January 5 in neighborhoods across the District. The Holiday Hunt is an interactive experience for DC residents and visitors. Travel throughout DC to accomplish as many tasks as possible for a chance to win prizes. The event gives residents an opportunity to try out new foods, meet new businesses, and experience DC. Main Streets and Corridors in Ward 3 participating include Cleveland Park, Tenleytown, Chevy Chase, and Friendship Heights. Learn more at dcholidayhunt.com

Chevy Chase Winter Market

Chevy Chase's Winter Market will be held on December 7th from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm for a festive day along Connecticut Avenue NW. Participating businesses will have festive specials and activities, along with a holiday vendor market. Learn more on the event page here.

Cathedral Commons Holiday Tree Lighting & Celebration

The Cathedral Commons Holiday Tree Lighting & Festive Celebration will take place on Friday, December 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at 3701 Newark St NW. There will be free photos with Santa, holiday performers, live music & more. The Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony is at 6:30pm. Click here for more information

Cleveland Park Winter Market

Shop for gifts from local businesses and vendors on Saturday, December 14th from 12:00 pm-5:00 pm at the Cleveland Park Winter Market. There will be arts and crafts activities, caroling, and photos with Santa and The Grinch. Learn more by visiting the event page here

Van Ness Holiday Pop-Up

The ninth annual Van Ness Holiday Pop-Up will be on Saturday, December 14, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm inside and outside at 4340 Connecticut Ave NW. There will be more than 25 local artisans, sales of books and vinyl, and a special musical performance from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Get more information on the event page here.  

Save the Date For EdFEST 2024

Save the date and join My School DC at this year’s EdFEST events. With the My School DC lottery application opening on December 16, 2024, for the 2025-26 school year, EdFEST is a great opportunity to check out the District’s diverse school options and discover the school that is the best fit for your child. This year’s events include:

  • Schools serving grades 9 to 12: Saturday, December 7, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, at Eastern High School

  • Schools serving PK3 to Grade 8: Saturday, December 14, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, at the DC Armory

The events will offer language support services in American Sign Language, Spanish, Amharic, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and French. For more information and to register for this free event, visit MySchoolDC.org.

Councilmember Matt Frumin

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Suite 408


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