Sept. 14, 2018
The Energy Department is asking whether the energy usage of internet-connected home appliances, such as Samsung Family Hub refrigerators that can report the weather and play music, should be regulated.
The department is
public feedback on how it should approach regulating the energy efficiency of home appliances such as refrigerators, televisions, dishwashers, and clothing washers and dryers that are wifi-connected.
Government Executive
Sept. 17, 2018
Thirty-two years after its enabling legislation, the school asbestos program at the Environmental Protection Agency has become a low-priority and underfunded federal initiative, an inspector general reported on Monday.
Only one of 10 EPA regions has a clear strategy on managing dangerous asbestos in buildings, and the federal program accounted for only 13 percent of the desirable inspections from 2011-2015, compared with 87 percent by states, said the
signed by EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins Jr. The region with a strategy is Region 8, the mountains and plains states.
“This creates the risk that asbestos exposures in schools could occur and go undetected, unenforced or not properly remedied,” the report warned.
Washington Post
Sept. 19, 2018
BOONE, N.C. — What remained of an unnamed hurricane ripped across the mountains and ravines of this dramatic and sheer landscape, home to Appalachian State University, spitting out days of rain. The earth, already soaking from previous rains, soon gave way, almost liquefying, spilling out nearly 2,000 landslides.
Dozens of structures were destroyed and 14 people were killed in that August 1940 storm here. The county was sparsely populated then, with about 18,000 residents.
Short Title: “Disaster Savings and Resilient Construction Act of 2018”
Sponsor: Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY)
Introduced: Sept. 17, 2018
Sponsor: Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV)
Latest action: Reported by Committee on Environment and Public Works Sept. 18, 2018
Energy Dept.
Sept. 17, 2018
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is initiating a data and information collection process through this request for information to better understand market trends and issues in the emerging market for appliances and commercial equipment that incorporate smart technology. DOE aims to gain greater perspective on the direction of the emerging smart technology market, including any energy efficiency trends or issues with respect to appliances or equipment incorporating smart technologies.
DOE understands the significant investments in innovation being made with respect to such products. DOE's intent in issuing this RFI is to gather information to ensure that DOE does not inadvertently impede such innovation in fulfilling its statutory responsibilities in setting efficiency standards for covered products and equipment.
DOE welcomes written comments from the public on any subject within the scope of this document, including topics not directly outlined in this RFI. DOE also welcomes comments on any additional topics that may inform DOE's overall understanding of relevant smart technology issues, including any suggestions for reducing or avoiding regulatory burdens within this context.
Dept. of Energy
Sept. 21, 2018
On July 1, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a final rule adopting a test procedure for integrated light-emitting diode (LED) lamps (hereafter referred to as “LED lamps”) to support the implementation of labeling provisions by the Federal Trade Commission, as well as the general service lamps rulemaking, which includes LED lamps. This final rule amends the LED lamps test procedure by allowing for time to failure measurements to be taken at elevated temperatures consistent with the ENERGY STAR program requirements.