Weekly Chamber News & Events
6th April 2021
Wednesday 14th April - 09:45 to 11:00
Applying the Key Steps of Elevator Pitches throughout your Business.

Led by Chamber Vice President, Kerry-Anne Kitson of Toucan Business Support Services. Kerry-Anne takes 5 key steps of creating an elevator pitch and shows you how to apply them to your business strategy and website marketing. Bring a pen and paper and plenty of creative thought as you prepare to spend half an hour thinking about your own business planning. Register HERE.
Wednesday 21st April - 07:30 to 09:00 - Networking Breakfast
The nearest we can get, at this time, to a face-to-face event, with opportunities for attendees to gather in small numbers in breakout rooms, just like sitting around a table. Speaker to be confirmed.
Including an update from Chamber Member, Transform Housing & Support.
Mole Valley Chamber & Surrey Chambers Members - FREE
Non-Members - £5.00

Register HERE

Support from MVDC Covid Marshalls - If you have any aspect of covid security that you are unsure about the team are available to contact on covidlink@molevalley.gov.uk They are happy to read and advise on risk assessments and any other issues related to re-opening.

Emails with sector specific advice for Retail, Close Contact Services and Hospitality have now all been sent out. If you did not receive information please email the same address above to request a copy and be added to the list for further updates.

Updated website pages have been created which you may find useful HERE.
Chamber Members, The Grange at Bookham have asked us to share this article with you...

Justin Tomlinson, Minister of State for Disabled People, has vowed to put disabled people at the forefront of the Covid recovery. But he can’t do this single-handedly.

Only 6% of people with learning disabilities manage to secure paid employment, yet they make for great employees – reliable, good with customers and very committed. They often create brilliant PR for a business, too. 

If you took someone on this year, who knows how many of your customers you might inspire to do the same thing? Have a look at this video https://hiringchain.org/ and consider making this a business goal for the year ahead. It can be part time, temporary, an apprenticeship or a Kickstart role: if you’re uncertain, talk it through with The Grange’s Work Placement Coordinator Melanie Sheehan (mel.sheehan@grangecentre.org.uk) and/or take a look at the information on the Down’s Syndrome Workfit programme at http://www.dsworkfit.org.uk/  There’s a ‘win win’ situation just waiting for you…
The Times They Are A-Changing......
..... well actually it’s just the name that’s changing!
Compass Financial Recovery and Insolvency has joined Greenfield Recovery Ltd and so can now call on even more expertise. One thing that hasn’t changed is the personal service that Bob Knight always strives to provide. His advice is always personalised and there’s no “one size fits all” solutions offered to any business or individual facing financial problems,
Bob is contactable on bk@greenfieldrecovery.co.uk, or 01372 822828.
Join Christine Husbands Managing Director, RedArc who provide FSB Care and Hannah Thomas from FSB Employment Protection as they discuss the impact of long COVID on small employers and their employees, small business owners and the self-employed. They’ll be answering your questions about dealing with long COVID in the workplace and the implications for employment law, including:
  • the latest research about long COVID and how it affects our health
  • guidance for employers, such as absence management, Statutory Sick Pay and the Equality Act
  • where you can find additional support if you or an employee is experiencing long COVID
You’ll also hear from FSB member Dave Sharpe about how he’s managing the effects of long COVID whilst running his own business.
Hosted by FSB Member Sandra Garlick MBE, founder of the Woman Who Inspires Network.
We are keen to take your questions so please submit them in advance to Dominique.Carey@fsb.org.uk or there is space to submit them when you book your place.

Booking link HERE.