The Week Ahead
Your Weekly News and Updates
August 17, 2020
Virtual Tour - South Rim Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park encompasses 277 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. It is known throughout the world for the vistas it offers to visitors on the rim, its overwhelming size, and its intricate and colorful landscape. This Grand Canyon National Park Virtual Tour takes you on the greenway with numerous outlooks and viewpoints over Grand Canyon National Park. Click on the photo on the right to watch this Virtual Tour of the Grand Canyon.
How Russia's Rushed Vaccine Could Backfire
The New York Times Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

When Vladimir Putin announced Tuesday that Russia had approved a coronavirus vaccine — with no evidence from large-scale clinical trials — vaccine experts were worried. “I think it’s really scary. It’s really risky,” said Daniel Salmon, the director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Salmon and other experts said that Russia is taking a dangerous step by jumping ahead of so-called Phase 3 trials, which can determine that the vaccine works better than a placebo and doesn’t cause harm to some people who get it...Read More
TFG Fall 2020 Webinars

Thursday, September 10th at 4:15pm EST
  • 2020 Trump vs. Biden Tax Proposals: Learn About The New Tax Proposals And How They Will Affect Your Wealth

Are you nervous about the upcoming presidential election? 

Do you have questions about how each candidate’s tax proposal will impact your finances? 

Join Debra Taylor to learn about the key points of each proposal and what they could mean for your Investments and your retirement plans. There will be ample time to ask Debra any questions you have regarding this important topic during the webinar.

Thursday, October 1st at 4:15pm EST
  • Medicare Mastery: Get the Best Coverage at the Best Price! Debra Taylor and Nancy Schwartz, Medicare Specialist, discuss Medicare Open Enrollment.

Did you ever wish there was a Medicare class you could sit in on? A simple Medicare 101 seminar or course to learn Medicare basics?
You are now in luck!

Thursday, November 5th at 4:15pm EST
  • Debra Taylor and Thomas Toomey, J.P. Morgan Asset Management Vice President, discuss Moving Beyond Market Volatility and What's Next?

With the Coronavirus leading the headlines and the recent stock market volatility, find out from J.P. Morgan's Asset Management Vice President the best path to take for moving into 2021.

Will Political Changes Affect the Economy?
Client Announcement Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

With all of the storm and stress of the year 2020, you’d be forgiven if you momentarily forgot that we’re due for another national election in November. Many states will be selecting governors, representatives, and senators, while the country itself will be voting in the presidential election...Read More
Risks That Can Derail Retirement
Forbes Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

The day you retire, a weight on your shoulders seems to remove itself as you no longer need to work to survive. The years of punching a clock, worrying about losing a job and making uncomfortable small talk with that guy from accounting are over. But, among the bliss that is your 20-year vacation, there is a list of risks that retired individuals face more now than when they were working...Read More
The filing and tax payment deadlines have officially passed! Please click here for instructions on how to send your tax returns to us. Click Here for our 12-Point Tax Return Review Checklist that allows you to review specific details from your tax return for tax planning purposes.
Small Businesses Are Dying by the Thousands — And No One Is Tracking the Carnage
Bloomberg Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

Big companies are going bankrupt at a record pace, but that’s only part of the carnage. By some accounts, small businesses are disappearing by the thousands amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and the drag on the economy from these failures could be huge. This wave of silent failures goes uncounted in part because real-time data on small business is notoriously scarce, and because owners of small firms often have no debt, and thus no need for bankruptcy court...Read More
Why Is Anyone Going to Disney World Right Now?
The Atlantic Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

Almost as soon as Serena Lyn stepped back inside the Magic Kingdom, she burst into tears. It’d been four months since the theme park and crown jewel of Walt Disney World’s Florida stronghold had shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic. Before the parks closed, Lyn had been visiting them twice a week; it was part of her job as a Disney blogger and an Instagrammer with more than 71,000 followers. As a devoted Disney fan who’d moved with her husband, two kids, and dog to Orlando, close enough to the parks to see their fireworks shows every night, not being able to set foot inside Disney World had been painful...Read More
Weekly Market Commentary 8.17.2020
Published by The Carson Group, LLC

U.S. economic data last week supported the view the U.S. is entering a period of slower economic growth after a sharp recovery in May and June. Mandatory and voluntary social distancing efforts limit how quickly the economy can recover when certain segments, such as restaurants, are still struggling. Retail sales, as shown in Figure 1, rose 1.2% after much more rapid increases in recent months...Read More
"Actions are remembered long after words are forgotten"
- John Maxwell -
Last week with the TFG Team...

Debbie presented a virtual workshop to over 100 TD Ameritrade Clients, where she discussed The Economy, Markets, Government Stimulus and how it all fits together!

Debbie personally curates our newsletter which offers exclusive insights into events and happenings at Taylor Financial Group, LLC!
Who Can You Help?
We understand how daunting this time is for you and we are trying to provide you with helpful information. Do you know anyone who could benefit from our services?
Debra Taylor - 201-891-1979
Rob Taylor- 201-485-8464
Rob Papa - 201-485-8493
Jennifer Mlynar - 201-485-8098
Jared Marzocco - 201-485-8494
Alexis Cedeno - 201- 891-1130
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail Alexis at [email protected]