The Week Ahead
Your Weekly News and Updates
July 13, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci: America Faces a 'Serious Situation' Podcast

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, speaks with The Journal about the U.S.'s surge in coronavirus cases and what could be done to get the spread of the virus under control. 

The filing and tax payment deadlines will officially end Wednesday, July 15th! Please click here on how to (and why you should) send tax returns to us .
Weekly Market Commentary 7.13.2020
Published by The Carson Group, LLC

Stocks continued to climb in the face of an increasing number of new COVID-19 cases and evidence the surge is stifling the economy’s ability to recover. Initial unemployment claims dipped to 1.3 million, but they have remained above 1 million for 16 consecutive weeks. Because new claims are offsetting other jobs being regained, there are still 34.8 million people collecting or waiting to collect unemployment benefits through regular programs or special programs targeting the self-employed... Read More
Need a Quarterly Economic Recap for 2020 So Far?
Article provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

In this Q2 recap: the economy measures the impact of the coronavirus threat; the stock market rises with help from a dovish Federal Reserve and a rebound in some economic indicators; oil prices and mortgage rates touch historic lows... Read More
Invite your friends and family!
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 at 4:15pm
You won't want to miss this!

Debra Taylor, CPA/PFS, JD, CDFA

10 Things You Should Be Doing For Your Portfolios - With Market and COVID-19 Updates

This Webinar will have a Q&A portion, where Debbie will answer all of your questions!

Register for our webinar to learn the Top 10 things you should be doing for your portfolios!

Reasons To Attend Our Webinar:

  1. Find out what Taylor Financial Group provides to our clients, which sets us apart from other firms
  2. Find out how we help our clients pursue their life long dreams.
  3. Stay informed on the stock market and the economy and what is coming next 
  4. Learn how to navigate market volatility when it comes to your portfolio and ways to help profit from it
  5. Hear Debra Taylor, Founder and Wealth Advisor, share stories on how she has helped clients for over 20 years manage their wealth and try to help them come out ahead in turbulent markets
How do health care and medical expenses fit into your retirement plan?
Join us Thursday, July 16, at 3 p.m. EST for our webinar, “Planning for Retirement: Medicare, Medicaid and Long-Term Care.”

We’ll cover:
– The most common expenses as you approach retirement
– When and how to file for Medicare and Medicaid
– The importance of long-term care planning
– Funding and utilizing HSAs in retirement
– And more!
Register here:
Every week, we will provide you with an updated COVID-19 Index that uses stoplights to indicate the financial stress on our health, economy and markets. It reviews the most recent data points and addresses where we are and then provides an Overall Assessment.
Click on the photo above to access your own copy!
Before You Claim Social Security
A few things you may want to think about before filing for benefits
Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

Whether you want to leave work at 62, 67, or 72, claiming the retirement benefits you are entitled to by federal law is no casual decision. You will want to consider a few key factors first... Read More
COVID-19, Nursing Homes and LTC Facilities: Determining the right living arrangement for your senior is much harder now
eMoney Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

The decision to place your loved one in a nursing home or another long-term-care facility is a difficult one under any circumstances, especially since most adults would prefer to remain at home. Human nature is such that seniors tend to be in denial and their families tend to put off the decision as long as possible. The result often then limits your senior’s options for care... Read More
Working Remotely During COVID-19: How to maintain your health and wellness
Guide from American Psychiatric Association, Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is presenting new and unique major challenges. We are navigating unchartered waters with this virus making it important to find new ways to work and interact while also taking care of our mental health and well-being. Many are teleworking full-time for the first time, isolated from co-workers, friends and family. Our daily living routines are disrupted causing added anxiety, stress and strain physically, mentally, and financially. It is completely natural for this disruption and uncertainty to lead to anxiety and stress. Now more than ever, we all must take care of our mental health and well-being. As we protect ourselves against potential exposure to the Coronavirus, keep in mind that social distancing does not mean social isolation. This resource provides practical tips on taking care of our mental health and well-being... Read More

Get ahead of the deadlines!

Click on the photo to the left to check out your Financial Planning and Investment deadlines for Summer 2020!

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life."
- Mark Twain -
Last week with the TFG Team...

Ryan Mancini and her kids spent some time at the Ocean City NJ boardwalk!

Debbie personally curates our newsletter which offers exclusive insights into events and happenings at Taylor Financial Group, LLC!
Who Can You Help?
We understand how daunting this time is for you and we are trying to provide you with helpful information. Do you know anyone who could benefit from our services?
Debra Taylor - 201-891-1979
Rob Taylor- 201-485-8464
Rob Papa - 201-485-8493
Jennifer Mlynar - 201-485-8098
Jared Marzocco - 201-485-8494
Alexis Cedeno - 201- 891-1130
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail Alexis at [email protected]