The Week Ahead
Your Weekly News and Updates
July 20, 2020
True Hospitality: Amazing Relief Efforts Worth Pitching in On
In a moving response to the global pandemic, chefs and hoteliers across the globe are producing thousands of nourishing meals to fuel frontline workers by day and providing comfortable beds for them to sleep in at night. For beleaguered doctors and nurses, staying near the hospital and avoiding the risk of bringing the virus home to their loved ones can be lifesaving.
New Stimulus Package—Here’s The Key Timeline
Forbes Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

What’s the timeline for the new stimulus package? Here’s what you need to know. There’s much anticipation about the new stimulus package, which could include several benefits for the American people and businesses, such as: second stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, payroll tax cut, return to work bonus, payment protection program, liability protection, funding for states and schools, other economic priorities. When will the next stimulus happen? Here’s the key timeline so you have full transparency about the legislative process ... Read More
The filing and tax payment deadlines have officially passed! Please click here on how to (and why you should) send your tax returns to us .   Click Here  for our  12-Point Tax Return Review Checklist  that allows you to review specific details from your tax return for tax planning purposes.
This Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 at 4:15pm EST
Invite your friends and family to this General Education Webinar!

Debra Taylor, CPA/PFS, JD, CDFA
Wealth Advisor

10 Things You Should Be Doing For Your Portfolios - With Market and COVID-19 Updates

Debbie will have a Q&A portion, where Debbie will answer all of your questions!

This Webinar is designed for prospects, but all are welcome to join!

Register for our webinar to learn the Top 10 things you should be doing for your portfolios!

Reasons To Attend Our Webinar:

  1. Find out what Taylor Financial Group provides to our clients, which sets us apart from other firms
  2. Find out how we help our clients pursue their life long dreams.
  3. Stay informed on the stock market and the economy and what is coming next 
  4. Learn how to navigate market volatility when it comes to your portfolio and ways to help profit from it
  5. Hear Debra Taylor, Founder and Wealth Advisor, share stories on how she has helped clients for over 20 years manage their wealth and try to help them come out ahead in turbulent markets
Every week, we will provide you with an updated COVID-19 Index that uses stoplights to indicate the financial stress on our health, economy and markets. It reviews the most recent data points and addresses where we are and then provides an Overall Assessment.
New This Week:
  1. Moderna’s vaccine trial looks promising and is expected to be the first in the U.S. to begin Phase 3 trials on July 27.
  2. Cases have spiked significantly in the Sunbelt states, and Florida now has over 300,000 cases.
  3. China became the first major economy to return to growth since the pandemic, posting +3.2% GDP growth in the second quarter of 2020 amid an aggressive push to combat the virus.
  4. Tech mega caps continue to lead the rally. FAANGM accounts for over a quarter (26%) of the S&P 500 market cap share.
Click on the photo above to access your own copy!
This recession has exposed key myths, misconceptions about the economy. Here's how
Yahoo News Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

The current economic downturn has been odd in so many ways. Why shouldn't it expose some economic myths and misconceptions as unreliable, if not outright untrue? When it comes to understanding the relationships involving home prices, bank deposits, interest rates and unemployment, many disconnects arise. Here are a few... Read More
7 Estate Planning Things You Must Do in the Time of Coronavirus
Horsesmouth Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

If you get sick and require hospitalization due to COVID-19, you will be immediately isolated from family. So the time to finish up any unresolved advance planning and organization is now... Read More
The Covid-19 changes that could last long-term
BBC News Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

From the extinction of the daily commute to transforming our relationship with food, Covid-19 is changing our world already – and in some ways, it looks set to get better... Read More
Yes, you can travel this summer. But should you? 
Vox Article Provided by Taylor Financial Group, LLC

There was a brief period from about late March to mid-May, during the first spike in  coronavirus  cases in the US, when domestic air travel virtually ground to a halt. Only about  100,000 people  were traveling per day, compared to the pre-pandemic rate of more than 2 million daily travelers. Some flyers were greeted with nearly empty planes. Then, as states started to open up, the number of flyers began to rise significantly, averaging about 575,000 per day for the last week of June, with little sign of slowdown... Read More

Click on the photo to the left to check out your Financial Planning and Investment deadlines for Summer 2020!

They are quickly approaching!
Weekly Market Commentary 7.20.2020
Published by The Carson Group, LLC

Evidence for a sharp, although possibly brief, economic recovery continues to mount. As shown in Figure 1, retail sales rebounded another 7.5% in June and are now 1.1% higher than a year ago. Signs of economic reopening showed up throughout the data released last week. Internet retailers saw a slight decline in sales from the previous month as shoppers welcomed the chance to return to stores... Read More
Last week with the TFG Team...

Jared Marzocco, our Operations Associate vacationed at Sagamore Resort in Lake George with his family!
Did you know Lake George, the crown jewel in the Adirondack collection of beautiful lakes, was recently named to a list of the  Top 10 Clearest Lakes in the U.S. !
Debbie personally curates our newsletter which offers exclusive insights into events and happenings at Taylor Financial Group, LLC!
Who Can You Help?
We understand how daunting this time is for you and we are trying to provide you with helpful information. Do you know anyone who could benefit from our services?
Debra Taylor - 201-891-1979
Rob Taylor- 201-485-8464
Rob Papa - 201-485-8493
Jennifer Mlynar - 201-485-8098
Jared Marzocco - 201-485-8494
Alexis Cedeno - 201- 891-1130
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail Alexis at