November 17, 2022

Sunday at First Olympia

Worship on Sunday, November 13 will be in-person at 10:00 am, as well as live-streamed at this YouTube link.

This week we will conclude our stewardship series: Tender Mercy by reflecting on what's on the other side of the shadow of death. Pastor Alexa will preach on Psalm 23 and Luke 1:68-79, Mark will lead the music, and our hand bell choir will bless us with an offertory. So, be sure to complete a digital Connect Card each Sunday you attend online worship. You may also give online, using our online giving platform.

Prepare Your Heart...

Before you hear our Praise Team's rendition of "Revelation Song" by Jennie Lee Riddle, check out this amazing performace from Kari Jobe.

Click on the picture --> 

Happenings At & Around First Olympia

Last Week to Send in Your Photos!

Advent is almost here... and this year, our Advent Worship Series will be called "Everything is Sacred" and we need YOUR help putting together our graphics. 

All you need to do is send us photos of the things you find sacred in your own life. Whether it's your family, your pets, the sunrise, a difficult Sunday crossword, crayon stick figures holding hands, an empty email inbox, or the existential pendulum swing between feelings of unfulfilled anticipation and surprise from the gloriously unexpected... what do you find sacred around you?

Please send your photos to Lauren ( BEFORE November 20th and we'll be sure to incorporate them into our upcoming worship graphics. We're looking forward to seeing our sacred world through your eyes!

(p.s. All your your photos so far have been amazing)

The Hanging of the Greens

Join us this year for our annual "Hanging of the Greens" event on Sunday November 20 starting at 12:00 pm. In preparation for advent, we'd love your help decorating the sanctuary for this coming advent season. We have tasks for ALL skill levels from assembling the Christmas tree and climbing ladders to simply arranging poinsettias on the altar. Everyone is welcome! And if you have a favorite First Olympia decoration you want to see in the sanctuary this year, feel free to let us know!

Charge Conference Business Meeting 

On Nov 22 at 6:30 pm we will gather for the annual Charge Conference Business Meeting. The meeting should last about an hour. All are welcome to attend. At this meeting we will conduct the following church business:

  • Setting the pastor's salary for the coming year
  • Approving the church budget (or authorizing Church Council to set the budget)
  • Approving New Committee Members (and authorizing Church Council to do this in the coming year)
  • Receiving a report from the Membership Secretary
  • Receiving Reports from Retired Pastors
  • Checking on Annual Business such as the status of our non-profit filing and payment of our property insurance

Come Join the Tech Team!

First Olympia is proud to be able to offer a weekly livestream in addition to our in-person Sunday worship. But we need YOUR help to keep it going...

We have a variety of positions for a comfortable spectrum of tech-savvy individuals. Some jobs are as simple as just clicking the "next" slide.

So, if you're looking for an easy way to volunteer on Sunday mornings by clicking a few buttons to create a more inclusive experience for our siblings in Christ worshiping from home, this might just be the perfect opportunity for you.

If you're interested, please reach out to our multimedia coordinator, Lauren (that's me!)

Wishing Angelina "See You Soon"

Our amazing Director of Congregational Life, Angelina Goldwell, will be taking six weeks off for vacation and renewal leave. SPRC granted Angelina's request for leave with prayers that she will find the time off a blessing.

During this time of leave, we are asking that no one from church contact Angelina. We want her to have the space to disconnect completely from her work life. The only contact Angelina has indicated she would find helpful is cards with prayers. You can mail those directly to Angelina or drop them at the office and we will get them to her.

We will welcome Angelina back in January!

Our Advent Worship Series:

Everything is Sacred

As you prepare for the next four weeks of worship, consider the question: "What could our experience of the Advent and Christmas season be like if we lived it seeing ALL things as sacred?"

Interfaith Works - Resetting the Sacred Table

This year’s event will feature speakers and musical contributions including: The Bridge Music Project, The Olympia Peace Singers, spoken word poets, local songwriters (with their family band!), the Alleluia! Handbell Ensemble, and more. Our keynote speaker for this year is Jerad Koepp. Mr, Koepp is the Native Student Program Specialist for North Thurston Public Schools and the 2022 Washington State Teacher of the Year.


November 20, 2022

2:00 - 3:30 pm

Temple Beth Hatfiloh

201 8th Ave SE

Olympia, WA 98501

OR online Zoom link available at interfaith works' website. Click here for more information about Interfaith Works and this event

Pledge Sunday Reminder

Have you filled our Pledge Cards yet? Well... you still have time.

This Sunday, November 20th is the last week of our 2022 Stewardship Series: Tender Mercy and officially Pledge Sunday. So, if you do plan on supporting the church and the work our community does, be sure to turn in your pledge cards at the church or pledge online at

And if you haven't received your Stewardship mailer yet, here's a digital copy just for you.

November-December Upper Rooms

Issues of the Upper Room are ready for pick-up for $1.00! You may get yours on a Sunday morning, before or after worship. Or, swing by the church Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm.

Morning Prayer Team

For prayer opportunities with your church friends, join the Morning Prayer team, Monday-Saturday at 9:00am. Access our Zoom Link right here or directly email the church office.

UWIF Holiday Bazaar

Saturday December 3rd from 9 am to 3 pm United Women In Faith's Bazaar (formerly United Methodist Women) will return as an in-person event this year.

Mark your calendars to come check out $25 Fresh Christmas Wreaths, Fresh Nuts, Fleece Throws, Cookie Walk, Homemade Candies and Baked Goods, Vintage Items, Gift Baskets for All Sorts of People, Comfort and Care and other Specialty Things for the Holidays and Rest of the Year-- all reasonably priced.

Come join the FUN! And all funds raised go to local and international nonprofits for women, youth and children.

We Remember...

We remember Esperanza Mostales and Jim Barnard who passed away on November 8th. Esperanza's memorial service will be held at the church on December 4th and Jim's will be on December 11th.

You can read Jim's obituary here and one for Louise Adams (who also passed earlier last month) here.

Our Welcoming Statement

First United Methodist Church of Olympia welcomes people of all ages, all abilities,

all sexual orientations and gender identities, all nationalities and ethnicities,

the poor and the rich, single people and the many forms of family.

See our Church Calendar.

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Watch our latest worship service.

Read the latest Joys & Concerns

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by phone: 360-943-2661 by email:

OFFICE HOURS: Sunday 9am-noon | Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm

The Weekly Courier editor: Lauren Fontanilla