The Weekly Courier

January 23, 2025

"We seek to connect people to God, each other, and the wider community and to welcome and affirm all people"

Sunday at First Olympia

Worship this Sunday, January 26, will be

in-person at 10am, as well as live-streamed at this YouTube Link.

This week, we will continue our new Epiphany series "Beloved and Gifted." Through this season, we hope to discover our own spiritual gifts and celebrate the gifts of others! This week, Pastor Alexa will preach on 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 & John 2: 1-11 and the CommonGround Choir will bless us with an offertory.

Be sure to complete a Digital Connect Card each Sunday you attend online worship. You may also give online, using our online giving platform.

Prepare Your Heart...

Before you hear our Song Team sing "Called Me Higher" by Leslie Jordan, check out this beautiful acoustic cover from Mount of Olives worship.

Click on the picture --> 

This Week's Calls to Action!

  • Check out some health tips from our new FAN team
  • Grab a Green Bag this Sunday, 1/26 to fill up and bring back next week
  • Sign up for our Valentines Day Dinner Fundraiser (or buy a FOWIA card)
  • Check our office lost and found on Sunday if you've been missing any jewelry

For more information about all of these events and opportunities, read on below...

A Message From Our Health Ministry Team

Your Health Ministry Team has launched a new program called Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN). The mission of this program is to help church members stay spiritually and physically well. Watch the Courier for a monthly FAN wellness message. If you are interested in promoting wellness for our congregation, we would love to have you join the FAN Team. Please contact Julie Vaniman RN, Faith Community Nurse at

Every Journey Starts with the First Step

For many of us, a healthy lifestyle is more of a dream than reality. Sometimes making changes seems too hard. But the first step toward a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be big. A first step can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or swapping your daily candy with a piece of fruit. Once you decide to improve your health, start with something easy. Every change after that will seem easier. Be a FAN for your health! Small steps can begin today. Click on this link to get more wellness information & a healthy recipe

Happenings At & Around First Olympia

Food and Fellowship

Friends, we are thrilled that so many of you have signed up already to participate in FUMCO Food and Fellowship! Groups are forming now, so THIS Sunday, 1/26 is the very last day to sign up. Sign up in person after church, or at the online form:

Want to Serve in a Work Party?

We received a message from Camp Indianola saying they are having a few extra work parties in preparation for all the amazing camps this coming summer!

We have a small grouped headed up on Saturday, January 25 to spend the day serving. There's room for three more people in one car, but others are welcome to drive separately. We would meet at the FUMCO parking lot at 7:30am, Saturday January 25th. The camp will provide lunch and we'll be back in town by 6:00 Saturday evening.

If you're interested, please let the office know ( ASAP!

Lunch With The Pastor

Join Pastor Heather for Lunch with the Pastor on January 26 after church. 

A light lunch will be served and we will gather for about an hour. This is an opportunity to have conversation with Pastor Heather, learn more about the church, ask questions, and find out about church membership. If you are new to the church, interested in church membership, or just want to learn more about FUMCO, join Pastor Heather at Lunch with the Pastor. We will gather in Room 222 directly following worship.

Green Bag Sunday

Green bags will be handed out this Sunday, January 26!

Items for the bags are any nonperishable food and/or items for the children's Winter activity bags; peanut free snacks, small packs of sidewalk chalk (4-6 pieces) and 4 oz. bubble wands. Bring them to worship with you on Sunday, February 2.

Toni needs one helper to transport the donations to the warehouse on Saturday, February 8th. Please let her know at

Last Affinity Night in Tumwater

If you've enjoyed our Wednesday night fellowship and education opportunities, we're excited to announce that Tumwater UMC will be hosting one final Affinity Night at their church building.

We've been so happy having their community join us here in Olympia, so let's receive their same hospitality and join them each Wednesday night in January. There will be still be a potluck dinner at 6pm and then a break into activities for youth - adults at 7pm.

This week's activities (1/29):

TUMC Choir Practice, Lent Devotionals, Contemplative Prayer & Lectio Workshop, Painting the Tumwater Mural, AA

What’s Your Vision for First Olympia?

Are you curious about how we make decisions as a local church body? Do you wonder how our values show up in our budget? Do you have thoughts to share about where First Olympia is heading in the next few years? 

If you answered YES to any or all of these questions, join Your Church Council on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the Gathering Place from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Contact the church office if you’d like the Zoom link. The more perspectives we have, the better our visioning, planning, and budgeting will be. Join us!

By Elizabeth Castro, Your Church Council Chair

Valentine's Day Dinner Fundraiser!

On Saturday, February 15th, come support our family ministry program with a special dinner event. From 5-9pm, enjoy a delicious pasta dinner, dessert, and sparkling cider with chocolates and flowers available for purchase at the door.

Reservations are required; seating for couples and groups are available. You can RSVP right here: Child care will be provided for those who need it. Ticket prices are $25 per person.

FOWIA Valentines Day Card Sale

Beautiful, handmade Valentines will be on sale in the Narthex on Jan 26th, Feb 2nd, and Feb 9th. Valentines are $5 each or 5 for $20. We also have sale Valentines that are $3 each. 

All the funds raised from the sale go to Church World Service for the purchase of emergency blankets that are sent throughout the U.S. and the world. Please support this great cause!

Upcoming Interfaith Works Dates

Join Interfaith Works for their Winter Compassion Meditation Series events. Together, we'll spend time offering compassion to all who suffer. We'll be at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (1515 Harrison Ave NW) from 7:15* - 8:30pm on the following dates:

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025
  • Thursday, March 27, 2025

*please arrive at 7:15pm, meditations will begin at 7:30

This Compassion Meditation Series is currently offered to members of Interfaith Works affiliated communities and organizations. We are not yet open to the public.

Jan-Feb Upper Rooms

January-February issues of the Upper Room are ready for pick-up for $1.00!

You may get yours on a Sunday morning, before or after worship. Or swing by the church Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm.

Come Join a Choir

Our Common Ground Choir meets on Thursdays @6:45pm in the Gathering Place.

And the Jeffords Memorial Handbell Choir 

meets on Wednesdays @5:30 in the Choir Room. Please come join us!

Missing Any Jewelry?

Are you missing an earing? How about a favorite bracelet?

Check with the lost and found in the front office. Just describe it and we may have it! Stop by on a Sunday morning or during any normal office hours.

Thank You For Your Pledges

Thank you! A huge thank you to everyone who turned in a Pledge Card for 2025! Our pledging is up this year which is a huge blessing and will help us fund our growing children's ministry, support of Madison School, education for students around the world, staff salaries, building maintenance, and more! None of this is possible without you!  

It is not too late to turn in a pledge card. You can follow the link below to fill it out electronically or stop by the church office to get a paper copy. Again, thank you!

Please Recycle Your Christmas Wreath

The green team will have a box in the narthex for Christmas wreaths starting this Sunday, January 19th for the next four Sundays, ending February 9th. Drop your wreath in the box and it will get recycled.

Do You Have the FUMCO App?

Did you even know our church has our own app... well, never fear! It's the easiest place to stay connected with our announcements and upcoming events. You can also listen to our pastors' sermons and give right from your phone.

Available on both Apple and Android phones, you can download the free app at this link:

Or hover your phone camera over the QR code below and follow the directions.

We Remember

Mary Snyder who passed away on 12/30/24 her memorial service will be on Friday, January 24 @1pm. You can also join online on the First Olympia UMC YouTube page:

We remember Margaret Neff who passed on 1/1/25. Her service will be held on March 15.

Our Welcoming Statement

First United Methodist Church of Olympia welcomes people of all ages, all abilities,

all sexual orientations and gender identities, all nationalities and ethnicities,

the poor and the rich, single people and the many forms of family.

See our Church Calendar.

Visit our webpage!

Watch our latest worship service

Read the latest Joys & Concerns

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by phone: 360-943-2661 by email:

OFFICE HOURS: Sunday 9am-noon | Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm

The Weekly Courier editor: Lauren Fontanilla