The Weekly Draft

St. Thomas' Episcopal Church

November 22, 2023

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Christ the King Sunday 10 am Bulletin November 26, 2023

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving

from the staff and vestry!

This Week at St. Thomas'

Today, Wednesday, November 22nd is the last day to buy tickets!

Click here for Luau Tickets!

Race Route for Thanksgiving Day!

Lighting of the Garden

Friday, December 1st we will light the garden starting at 3pm. Come and help the men’s club and enjoy libations!

Diocesan retreat in December

All 9th-12th graders are invited to attend the Happening retreat December 1-3 at DaySpring. Happening is created to allow space for high schoolers to have an experience that strengthens their personal relationships with God. Throughout the weekend, students will experience talks, skits, and worship that allow them to think about the ways that they see God working in their lives. All high school youth are eligible to attend. 

Click here to register for the high school retreat 

Music Ministries

Christ the King Sunday November 26, 2023


Prelude  "Nun Danket Alle Gott" - Georg Friedrich Kauffmann

Processional Hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" - 450 CORONATION

Hymn of Praise "Glory to God" - WLP 900

Psalm 90: 1-8, 12 Psalmnary - James E. Barrett

Gospel Acclamation “God my King, Thy Might Confessing" – 414 STUTTGART

Offertory Anthem "Thy Kingdom Come, O God" - Martin How

Presentation Hymn  "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" – OLD 100TH

Sanctus "Holy, Holy, Holy" WLP 859

Fraction Anthem "Lamb of God" S161

Communion Hymn "Draw Nigh and Take" 328 SONG 46

Processional Hymn "Sings of Endings All Around Us" – WLP 721 TON-Y-BOTEL

Postlude "Rigaudon" - Andre Campra

Music Notes

The choir and I will soon complete our first month working together. I am grateful for their dedication, perseverance, and open hearts. In the week after Thanksgiving, we expect to welcome two more ‘new’ people; those who have not sung in the recent past. I have stressed to choir members that the choir changes every week; we work at singing better, and caring for the music, rehearsal space, and each other. Together, we create a place where music is planned, prepared, and sung in praise of God at St. Thomas Church. 

It is interesting to note (pun intended) that it took a simple email and follow up to make a connection with someone. Maybe we’re on to a good idea! Let’s invite people to come to church–not just choir! 

I hope that the Advent and Christmas service music brings both joy and inspiration to your observation of this season. And, maybe you know someone who would join you at church, if you invited them?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Youth Ministry

St. Thomas’ offers sacramental rites (Baptism, Communion Basics, Confirmation), Feasting on the Word for Grades 1-5, Truthseekers class for Grades 6-12, guild apprenticeship ("Behind the Scenes"), and fun activities throughout the school year. The nursery is staffed at both Sunday services during the school year. For an overview of our youth program, check out the website. Go to Formation > Youth Ministry.

Save the date! The first Christmas pageant planning meeting will take place

during Sunday School on Dec. 3rd.

Click here to download the December youth schedule
Download the Owl Post

If you'd like to read all of the families' letters sent by Owl Post, they are now on the website. There are also laminated copies of the letters in the back of the church. The "first years" are elementary school students, and the "fifth years" are middle and high schoolers. The "Learning Faith with Harry Potter" program ends on Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 4pm to Wednesday, Jan. 3, at noon with a movie marathon/sleepover in the parish hall. Nursery kids are invited for dinner and the first movie on Jan. 2nd, 4-7pm. RSVP to Mother Anne if you're coming! HP-themed games and crafts, of course!

Sundays 9am in the Guild Room (take a left after you enter the parish hall). Coffee will be provided.

God Help Me!

A Group for Parents

Kayla and Jonathan Mitchell invite parents of nursery and school-aged kids to meet between services for an informal, layperson-led conversation. The idea is to share the highs and lows of the week, then discuss the gospel for the day - all while the nursery takes care of the kids.

Truthseekers' Class Recap

(Grades 5-12)

Read more about this class

Happy Sunday Everyone! This week we focused on the Gospels. We discussed Jesus as both the messenger of the Good News as well as the fulfillment of God’s new covenant, restoring our relationship and bringing us to the kingdom of God. We reviewed the differences and similarities of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John, and highlighted how they connected the promises and prophecies from the Old Testament. 


We previewed some common apologetics questions and next week we will be voting on the top questions to cover in next semester’s classes. 


Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Mike & Gina

Feasting on the Word (Grades 1-5)

This coming Sunday is our last Feasting on the Word class in 2023. We will meet at 10am in the Library to talk about Matthew 25:31-46. The Good Shepherd. In hearing the parable of the sheep and the goats, children will explore ways to love God through serving others. Teacher: Pat McKibben. See above for December activities during Sunday School. Classes resume on January 14.


See in "This Week at St. Thomas" above the invitation to this year's Hawaiian-themed gala. Mele Kalikimaka means Merry Christmas in Hawaiian.

Pastoral Care

Eucharistic ministers/visitors (except chalice bearers), our lunch is postponed until early in 2024. We're holding steady with assignments (see recent email). Starting in January, anyone taking home communion that week will come up to the altar at the post-communion prayer to be prayed over by clergy. We'll send you out in prayer to bless your service.

Longest Night Service: Thursday, December 21, 6:30 pm, St. Thomas Chapel

December 21st is literally the longest night of the year when the winter solstice creates more hours of darkness than light. For some the entire Christmas season can be too long amidst the merriment of others. Feelings of bereavement, illness, estrangement or worry, can often be amplified during the holidays. On the other end of the spectrum, others may be simply overwhelmed with too much Christmas and not have time to truly reflect on its meaning. Either way, the Longest Night Service offers comfort, hope, wholeness, and renewal for a time of quiet reflection, and meaningful liturgy. All shared in the good news of “God is with us: Immanuel!”


The list of names in the Prayers of the People will be published in the bulletin every week and in this section of The Draft.

If you would like to have someone's name mentioned in the prayers during a Sunday service, before the service, write the name(s) into the notebook on the lectern (the podium) on the Prayers of the People's page. These names will only be read at that service. To add someone to the long-term prayer list, contact Grace.

Long-term prayer list: Dona, Geoff, Sharon Joanne, Tara, Anne, Ed, Yvonne, Howard, Marcia, Ann, Jean, Jan, Pat, David, Billy, Carolyn, Brenda, Marissa, Katrina, Joe, Cindy, John, Sharon, Joey, Mike, Nancy, Anne, Donna, Michael, Tricia, Joyce, Susan, David, Charlie, Don, Robert, Estelle, Gina, Matthias, Jennifer, and Matthew.


Next Sandwich Sunday will be on December 3 - We'll meet in the parish hall to make sandwiches between the 8am and 10am services. All ages welcome! I deliver them to Robin Taylor at Isaiah's Place. All ages welcome. - Mother Anne

Click here for more information

Thanks to all for your help with Pack-a-Snack at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church


Pack-a-Snack Volunteers for the Week of November 26th

Purchasing: Laura & Bill Vrooman

Staging: Linda Davis, Marilyn Smith

Packing: WOW!, 11/30/2023

Delivery: Julie Songster, Thursday, 11/30/2023


Pack-a-Snack Volunteers for the Week of December 3rd

Delivery: Lee Coryell, Thursday, 12/07/2023


Pack-a-Snack Volunteers for the Week of December 10th:

Purchasing: Laura & Bill Vrooman

Staging: Linda Davis, Marilyn Smith

Packing: S&P, 12/12/2023

Delivery: Lee Coryell, Thursday, 12/12/2023

*Triple order to accommodate Christmas Break*


Special thanks to Liz Stiles for her generous donation to Pack-a-Snack. Her gift helps this St. Thomas' ministry in curbing food insecurity for our community's most vulnerable children. We much appreciate Liz' gift!

Adult Formation

Women of the Word meet on Thursday mornings at 9:30 in the Founders Room.

We will be using a new devotional book “Move” by local author Amy Scott. The devotions are based on Joshua.

Please contact Julie Songster for information, 737-420-6839. 

Men's Bible Study - Wednesdays 7:30am

Art Ministry



The St. Thomas' Art Project needs a volunteer or volunteers to post information about current and upcoming shows to our Facebook and Instagram accounts. The efforts are not needed daily or weekly, but we do hope for several posts announcing upcoming shows and other activities and some to recap exhibition openings. 


Are you the answer to our prayers? If yes, please email art co-chairpersons Mary Jane Park ( and Gina White (


Virtual Happy Hour

Please join us on Thursdays from 6 - 7:15 pm. Connect through Zoom:

Meeting ID: 969 2031 5905

Password: 06182020

virtual happy hour.jpg

Happy Birthday Blessings this week go out to: Rory McMahon, Dominic Nicolas, Whitaker Mitchell, Linda Sordan, Dick Nelson, Michael Mahoney, and Sarah Giberson.

Happy Anniversary blessings this week go out to: Grace and Rick Smith.

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Lay Minister Schedule

Acolytes: Colin Burkhart, Caroline Whitley, Luke Evanoff

Acolyte 8am: Rob Carter

Altar Guild: Barbara Bice, Linda Sordan

Camera Operator 10am:

Coffee Host: Laura Reitan

Flower Guild: Elizabeth Alison, Pam Holley

Healing: Anne Elstun

Lector 8am: Mike Bice

Lectors 10am: Mary Mellstrom, Laura Hine

Musicians: Chancel Choir

Oblations: Anne and Jim Elstun

Prayers of the People 10am: Jaime Elstun

Ushers 10am: Tom Brady, Tom Shevlin

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View the Whole Calendar

Parish Calendar

Friday, November 24

Office Closed

Saturday, November 25

Sunday, November 26-Twenty Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Spoken

9:00 am. - Truthseekers (Founders' room)

9:00 am - God Help Us! A Parents Group (Guild room in Parish hall)

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Sung 

Chancel Choir

Monday, November 27

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

9:30 am - Staff Meeting

Tuesday, November 28

9:00 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, November 29

7:30 am- Men's Bible Study

9:00 am- Morning Prayer

5:15 pm - Chapel Eucharist

6:00 pm -Supper, Song, and Prayer

6:45 pm -Compline

Thursday, November 30

9:00 am- Morning Prayer

6:30 pm - Chancel Choir

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