The Draft

Our Weekly E-Newsletter

January 9, 2025

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Bulletin for Sunday - January 12, 2025

Dear People of St. Thomas',

As we watch the horrific images of the blaze consuming parts of Los Angeles, I know our hearts and prayers go out to the people there. We know destruction by nature. We know how bad it is. And yet each destruction is singular, of its own type with its own consequences. What they are going through is not what we have been through, but we can empathize. 

Much has been taken from us. Much has been given to us. Our faith has been tried, hammered on the anvil, tempered in fire and water. My hope is that when we emerge, we emerge changed, stronger. 

I am calling on each of us, therefore, to go deeper in our faith this year. To learn more. To pray more. To read Scripture more. What this means will be different for all of us. For some who have never read a Gospel straight through, it will mean that. For others, it will be dipping into the theology of Augustine or Aquinas or Anselm, and that's just the "A's". For some it will mean reading the Forward Day by Day devotionals, religiously. For others it will mean adding daily Morning and Evening Prayer to their routine. For some, it will mean coming to Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 5:15pm, in addition to Sundays. For others, it will mean making an effort to get to church two or three times a month rather than just whenever they are assigned to a role in the liturgy. Whatever it means for you, I am calling on you to go deeper. Learn more. Pray more. Read your Bible more. 

It is only with a strong faith and a theologically-tuned mind that we can stand up to the exigencies of nature and the cruelties of this world. Check in on one another, too. Don't do this alone. Work with a buddy. As Proverbs says, "Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens the wits of another." I'm going to be providing you with signposts along the way. Perhaps you've already started to see a few. 

Much has been taken from us. Much has been given to us. And above all, God has been and will be with us, always.

God bless you!


Fr. Ryan+

Online Giving

Our Mission: Making a difference for others, because God is making a difference for us.

Our Vision: To create a safe, loving, and accepting place for all people to grow in their faith and spread love out into the beloved community.

Hurricane Assistance: At the drop down, please choose either "Hurricane

Restoration" or "Discretionary Fund".

Methods to donate are on the St. Thomas’ website and on the church’s Facebook page. If you prefer to write checks, please make them to the order of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. On the memo line, please designate "Hurricane Restoration" to help efforts at the church, or "Discretionary Fund" to help those affected by the storm.


Despite Helene's and Milton's devastation, we continue Growing Together in Love.

Upcoming Events

Giving Plate Sunday: January 19

Our Giving Plate for January is Florida Resurrection House. In 1987, Rev. Joe Diaz noticed a disturbing trend in the cold night shelters; there was a steady increase in families with children. Fr. Joe rallied the parishioners of St. Peter's to organize a coalition of churches to create an alternative option to emergency shelters, which were proven to be poorly equipped t handle families. These founders wanted to create an environment providing time, space, and support services which would enable families experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives.

Out of this RH was born. RH is a residence for families experiencing homelessness which offers a safe place to live for up to three years. While parents work on career and educational goals, children are offered tutoring and learning through play opportunities. The entire family engages in age appropriate social-emotional learning and therapeutic services. RH offers Trauma Informed Case management, because there are always underlying reasons for homelessness.

I have been involved with RH sine about 1990 when my sisters and I were models for their fashion show fundraisers. Oce I was ordained, I served on their board as treasurer. Our Giving Plate this money will be in support of their Resource Room. These essential items are not covered by public assistance and often go unpurchased. In addition to the cash you give to support RH on January 19, a list of needed items is also provided. Please place these in the back of the church in the RH marked bins.

The Rev. Martha Goodwill


Resource Room Needs:

Paper towels, toilet paper, hand soap, hand sanitizer, all-purpose cleaner, disinfecting wipes, laundry pods, kitchen trash bags, pull ups (six 2T/3T and 4T/5T). baby wipes, feminine hygiene, shampoo and conditioner (child and adult), Kleenex, dish soap, toothpaste (child and adult).

Honduras Mission Trip 2025

Informational Meeting: Jan. 19

Calling anyone who may be interested in going on the 2025 Mission Trip to Honduras to an informational meeting on Sunday, January 19 at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary. Our trip this year will be May 10-17 and the team will be comprised of folks from both St. Thomas' and All Saints' Episcopal Church (Tarpon Springs). This meeting is for friends, family, and anyone interested in the trip. Learn about the health clinic, where it is located, the culture, weather, accommodations, and transportation. Also hear from those who have made this trip before. We will have applications and other materials available for you that evening. If you have any questions, please call or email Russ Martin, 904-728-5485,

Learn More about FFIM

TRTH: January 21

We Need You: January 26

A light lunch will be provided!

Meet your Vestry candidates:

Dr. Kanika Tomalin

She is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg. Prior to joining the Foundation, she served as the Chief Operating Officer and Vice President for Strategy at Eckerd College and served eight years as Deputy Mayor and City Administrator of the City of St. Petersburg. She has also served as an executive with Bayfront Health System. She began her career at the St. Petersburg Times. 

Dr. Tomalin received a Journalism degree from Florida A&M University, an MBA from the University of Miami and a Doctorate in Law and Policy from Northeastern University. Her commitment to community is evident in her outreach and service-driven outcomes. She serves on the Boards of The Dali Museum; Academy Prep St. Petersburg; Bayfront Health Foundation; Celma Mastry Ovarian Cancer Foundation; and the Eckerd College National Advisory Council. Previous board and executive leadership positions include: American Heart Association; St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors; Vice-Chair of the St. Petersburg College Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions; St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership; Bayfront Health, Education and Research Organization; Pinellas County Urban League; YWCA of Tampa Bay; Canterbury School of Florida; Great Explorations Children’s Museum; Pinellas Enrichment for Mental Health Services Advisory Board; USF St. Pete Celebrates! Host Committee; American Heart Association Go Red for Women Executive Cabinet and American Stage. She is a member of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. 

Dr. Tomalin was married for 17 years to well-known adventure journalist Terry Tomalin, until his passing in 2016. She is the fifth generation of her family to call St. Petersburg home and enjoys life here with her children Kai and Nia. Kai recently graduated from American University and is a graduate student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Nia is a third-year History and Human Rights major at Barnard College of Columbia University in New York. 

Ed Lanctot

Upon graduation from Cornell University in 1967, I served in The U.S. Army, and subsequently completed my MBA in 1972. Marilyn and I, who were married at All Saints Episcopal Church in Baldwin, New York, moved to St. Petersburg after I accepted the position of Financial Planning Manager of the Tampa based Jim Walter Corp. It was then we found St. Thomas and became members in 1975.During the ensuing years I served as a Lay Reader, an Usher, a Lay Eucharistic Minister, a member of the Finance Committee, and then Chairman of the Finance Committee. Marilyn was also extensively involved in church life, serving with the Flower Guild, Hospitality committee, and assisting with Vacation Bible School. Our children, Eric and Lisa, served as acolytes and Lisa was ultimately married at St Thomas in 2014. Our grandchildren were also baptized in the Church as well.My career changed in the early 1990’s when I accepted a position with the U.K. based Williams Corp. to manage their Western U.S. Operations. This necessitated a relocation to San Diego for a period of 11 years. But we never lost our attachment to St. Thomas. We returned to St. Pete and St. Thomas after my retirement in 2008. 

Ted Badger

I’m a Cradle Episcopalian. Our family has been attending St. Thomas’ since 2008. Soon after coming I served on this vestry for a two-year period, sang in the choir for a total of about six years and served on the search committee following Father John Suhar.

 I’m married to Marilyn Badger, a father of two daughters and grandfather to three grandsons.

I spent six years in the United States Navy, where I served as an Electronics Technician aboard nuclear submarines. Following the Navy I attended the State University of New York, college at Oswego, and obtained a bachelor's degree in economics.

I marketed computers for twenty-five years, while working for Tandy Corporation and completed my career as a General Manager for the department store Stein Mart.

I’m now enjoying an active retirement, where playing golf and working with friends restoring classic cars take up much of my time.

Stations of the Cross Workshop: Feb. 1

Diocesan-wide Absalom Jones celebration featuring Adrian Miller: Feb. 1

The Cathedral Church of St. Peter

“Theology of Soul Food” presentation from 1:00-2:00 pm, Worship Service at 2:45 pm, Catered meal and reception to follow.

The John E. Culmer Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, St. James House of Prayer, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, and the Diocese of Southwest Florida invites you to an engaging talk by Adrian Miller tracing how soul food evolved from a cultural term rooted in spirituality to an iconic cuisine, shaped by African American church life. He explores the deep ties between soul food, faith, and African American identity as it spread from the rural South to cities nationwide. 

The Sunday of the Feast of The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple, a high holy day on the Church's calendar. Incense will be offered at the service.

Workshop: Anglican Prayer Beads: Feb. 15

The Rev. Canon Shana McCauley is the Canon Vicar at Trinity Cathedral in Portland, OR. Canon Shana consults for parishes in discernment, facilitates the new clergy group, and is the Dean of the Columbia Convocation for the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon. Before Trinity, she was the vicar of St. Edward's in Silverton, OR where she helped build tiny homes for homeless women. She holds a Master of Divinity from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary where she won the Helen Ledyard Field Prize in Homiletics, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington. She is married to her husband Ryan, and they have three sons, a dog, and a bunch of fish.

Music Ministry

Our Organist and Choirmaster is away this week but look for his return next week.

Jordan R. Markham

Organist and Choirmaster

Music for Sunday

January 12, 2025

Opening Voluntary

Opening Hymn #121, Christ, when for us you were baptizedCaithness

Sequence Hymn #120, The sinless one to Jordan cameSolemnis haec festivitas

Offertory Music: Piano selections

Communion Hymn #337, And now, O Father, mindful of the loveLobet den Herren

Ending Hymn #448, O love, how deep, how broad, how highDeus tuorum militum

Closing Voluntary

Guest Pianist: Rebecca Kasang 

Lights, Camera, Action!

(L to R, Top to Bottom): Sandwich makers on 1/5, Guest Pianist Derek Donaldson on 1/5, Choir Outing at Three Birds on 1/2, Epiphany Service on 1/6, Chalking of the Doors on 1/6, Blessing on 1/6, Christmas all bagged up on 1/7, The Flower Guild and helper cleaning up on 1/7, and Christmas boxed up with poinsettias ready to be given away on 1/7.

Congratulations Michelle!

Former Junior Warden, Michelle Jennings is featured in the current issue of St. Pete Life Magazine as part of their "Women in Business spotlight!

Read article here

Poinsettias Available

The Flower Guild thanks you for your donations to the Flower Guild's Christmas decor.

If you wish to take a poinsettia home, they will be available alongside

the Chapel wall on Sunday, December 12.

Ministry Opportunities

Coffee Hosts Needed

Our Sunday morning coffee hour is an extension of our worship, a time to deepen our friendships with members of our St. Thomas' family. It is a very important ministry that we share with each other. 


New hosts are now needed to assist with this ministry on the 4th Sunday of the month (host and assistant). Coffee hosts do the following:


    Purchase refreshments (reimbursable)

     Prepare coffee and refreshments prior to service

    Serve and greet parishioners and visitors during coffee hour

    Clean up following coffee hour


Volunteers are also needed to serve as substitute coffee hosts.


Please contact Liz Stiles (727-643-8581 or to volunteer. She will help familiarize you with being a coffee host and will assist you as you learn.



A very special thank you to Laura Reitan who has served as a coffee host for several years and is now retiring. Thank you also to our faithful hosts Charlotte and Don Higgins, Ellen Burkhart, Rene Clark and Richard Davis who have all served for many years and to Viki Sheahan and Peggy Lewis who have been assisting more recently. Your dedication to St. Thomas' is deeply appreciated.

Help Needed! - Can you spare 30 minutes?

On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, Isaiah's Place makes food for those who need food. It is prepared at Allendale United Methodist Church, 3803 Haines Rd N, St. Petersburg, FL 33703.

We need helpers between 1:30-2:00pm to help boxing up the 2o0 hot meals and loading them in the vehicles that will deliver them. Please consider helping with this vital ministry. Please join us on 18th for the next opportunity.

Youth Ministry


Confirmaton Class meets this Sunday

in Fr. Ryan's Office

at 9:00 am

Truthseekers:  Lesson Recaps

New Beginnings #76

Feb 28 - March 2

New Beginnings is a retreat weekend for Youth in the Diocese of Southwest Florida at Dayspring Episcopal Conference Center. This retreat weekend is focused on Middle School participants but staffed by High School youth and adults from our Diocese. The goal of New Beginnings is to help youth recognize and grow in their relationships with God, each other, family, and friends. On the retreat weekend, youth can expect to hear short talks, sing songs, play games, see skits, and participate in small group discussions.

More Information Here

Adult Learning Opportunities

In preparation for the bishop's visit on February 2, Fr. Ryan will be offering an adult confirmation class on Wednesday evenings, as follows:

January 8 - Introduction and The Bible

January 15 - Episcopal Worship: The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal

January 22 - Church History

January 29 - Church Governance

Please contact Fr. Ryan if you are interested in attending. This class will be by Zoom and once you have registered, Fr. Ryan will send you the Zoom class link.

Women of the Word

Meets on Thursday morning at 9:30 am in the church.

This year WOW is studying the book of beginnings, Genesis. This is the story of God’s purpose and plan for His creation, and it sets the stage for the entire Bible. Our guide will be A Journey through Genesis, edited by Marek P. Zabriskie and published by Forward Movement (2023).

Please contact Joan Barns if you have questions,

757-567-5488, or email

Men's Bible Study

Meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am in the church.

The Men's Bible Study is studying the Old Testament book Exodus and using the "Story of God" commentary by Christopher J. H. Wright. You should acquire this commentary in whatever format best suits you. 

LARGE PRINT editions of the Forward Day by Day are now available in the back o the church at the usher's station.

News from the Farm

Martin Luther King, Jr (Holiday)

Please join us on Monday, January 20, from 9am to noon for a day of reflection and work on the farm. Our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Douglas Scharf, will be there to lead us forward as we have some tasks we need to finish in preparation for the many volunteers who will be with us. In the space where our very first raised beds are, south of the Earthboxes, we will install cement block beds. We need to level the dirt that is there and then, with the expert help of Tyson Martin, we will lay a sample bed. The volunteers can then help us finish off this area.

Repair the chicken coop roof and secure the wire where the zip ties are broken. Tyler & Ed Long will work on the roof, but volunteers can help us with zip ties and general clean up around the coop.

Other tasks for ourselves and the volunteers:

  • Planting:
  • Onions can go in beds 33, 34, 35, 37 
  • Greens can go in beds 37-32
  • Tomatoes go in bed 36
  • Earthboxes, seedlings of chard and broccoli
  • Dismantle 2 of the southernmost raised beds near the prayer garden. This will leave 10 beds in that zone and give us more space to gather in the prayer garden.
  • Clean up in the creek area. 
  • Move all the items stored between the two sheds, fill the hole and re-lay the pavers.

I am sure there is more, but this will do for now!




Mercy Keepers

 Thank you for your many contributions of imperishable food, clothing 

and household items! 


Please remember your BOGOs. Keep one, share one.


If you have slightly used clothing and household items, 

so many would appreciate those items as well.


Please place your donated items in the back of the sanctuary, in the baskets near the baptismal font.


Thank you! We know that there is so much need for many of you

 and also for numerous in our community.



Please be advised, this ministry is currently on hold until St. Thomas' has the ability to provide this vital service to

North Shore Elementary.

Our Next Sandwich Sunday: February 2

Please join us at 9:00 am to make sandwiches for those in our community that need food. We will gather in the kitchen to prepare the sandwiches. This is an important outreach ministry and the sandwiches we make go in support of Isaiah's Place food ministry.

Find More Ways to Get Involve with Isaiah's Place Here


Pledge Packets, including commitment letters, were mailed on, Friday, November 15. If you did not receive a packet, please email Joe Master, and let him know. Several packets have been returned by the Post Office and marked not forwardable.


Please join us on Thursdays from

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm 

Meeting ID: 852 5738 4996

Password: 220612

Connect through Zoom:

VHH Zoom Link

News from the Diocese of Southwest Florida

Bishop Appoints Provost of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter

The Rev. Michelle L. Robertshaw has been appointed as Provost of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter effective February 16.  Her first service at the Cathedral will be Sunday, March 2. Mother Robertshaw will serve a three-year term. She will be the first woman to lead the Cathedral in its 136-year history.


The Provost has full canonical authority and responsibility as the Cathedral’s spiritual leader. The Provost serves a longer term than a typical interim dean and is eligible to be called eventually as the permanent dean. The position has been vacant since the retirement of the previous dean in June 2023.

Water and the Word Conference

February 21-22

Registration is now open for the 2025 Water and the Word conference. New speakers, engaging workshops, meaningful worship, and plenty of time for prayer and fellowship. You'll hear from Bishop Doug Scharf, the Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile, Dr. Elisabeth “Lisa” Kimball, and many more who will help guide us as we explore the theme: Fully Alive in Christ. Centered around Ephesians Chapter 4, this two-day event will deepen your understanding of how to grow and mature in your Christian faith and help you discover your leadership path, re-imagine how your church can serve its community, and magnify your mission at the intersection of faith and family. We’re also delighted to welcome back Liturgical Folk, who will once again enhance our worship experience with their beautiful music. In addition, this year we’ve expanded our offerings to include youth-centered experiences and special retreat activities for deeper spiritual connection.

Youth Registration
Diocesan Event Calendar

News from the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion

Archbishop Justin Welby

The 105th Archbishop resigned on January 6, 2025. Coincidentally, he was born on January 6, 1956. He spent his final day in office privately at Lambeth Palace. He attended Morning Prayer, lunchtime Eucharist, and Evensong. Concluding his day with Complain. Placing his crosier on the altar as a sign of is relinquishment of office.

The search for a new Archbishop commences formally now.

More Episcopal Church News

Pastoral Care

The list of names in the Prayers of the People will be published in the bulletin every week and in this section of The Draft. To add someone to the long-term prayer list, contact Russ Martin in the church office: 727-896-9641 or

Names stay on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.

Prayer list: Dona, Geoff, Sharon Joanne, Barbara, Carrie, Yvonne, Jo, Terry, Julia, John, Russ, Kevin, Freddy, Nancy, Rosalie, Anje, Joyce, Linda, Rick, Lee, Carol, Beverly and all adversely affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Healing Prayer Ministry

Healing prayer is offered at the 10:00 am Sunday service. After communion you are invited to come to the back of the Cathedral and receive a confidential healing prayer from a trained parishioner. Prayer ministers share the heart of Jesus' love and care, and are guided by the Holy Spirit to listen, love, and pray into your prayer requests for physical, emotional, and/or spiritual needs. Intercessory prayers for others can also be given. If you have any questions about the healing prayer ministry or feel called to serve, please call Joan Barns, 757-567-5488 or email

January Celebrations!

Happy Birthday blessings this month go out to: John Holley (Jan. 2), Fred Razook (Jan. 3), Timothy Coop (Jan. 5), Katrina Kaufhold (Jan. 5), Elizabeth Walter-Alison (Jan. 5), Rebecca Wilson (Jan. 6), Lloyd Chapin (Jan. 7), Bryson Ball (Jan. 8), Hannah Wetmore (Jan. 10), Laura Labbee (Jan. 12), Pat McKibben (Jan. 12), Mary Melstrom (Jan. 12), Mike White (Jan. 13), Jennifer Hiecke-DiNobile (Jan. 14), Jackson Thompson (Jan. 15), Alondra Rios (Jan. 17), Jackson Ball (Jan. 18), Lee Harvard (Jan. 18), Blythe Mitchell (Jan. 18), Timothy Lowry (Jan. 19), Pippa Mpunzwana-Hill (Jan. 21), Tom Alison (Jan. 22), Don Higgins (Jan. 22), Kelly Hallas (Jan. 27), Stuart Hine (Jan. 29), Lisa Johni (Jan. 29), Tom Alonzo (Jan. 30), and Everett Carlan (Jan. 31)

Happy Anniversary blessings this month go out to: Carrie Wilson and Susan Calder (Jan. 1), Lloyd and Louise Chapin (Jan. 6), Dick and Sandy Nelson (Jan. 7), Scott and Gigi Fleming (Jan. 9), Don and Charlotte Higgins (Jan. 11), Dick and Sue Malmad (Jan. 20), and Ryan and Elise Whitley (Jan. 24).

Lay Ministry Schedule

Lay Minister Schedule.jpg

The First Sunday After the Epiphany

Acolytes: Joni James, Jace Viera, Hannah Wetmore

Altar Guild: Linda Sordan, Laura Labbee

Camera Operator/Digital Commentary: Joy Howerton, Russ Martin

Coffee Host: Charlotte Higgins

Flower Guild: Teri Andrés Coryell

Greeters: Valerie Hendry

Healing: Kay Mahoney

Lay Eucharistic Minister (10 am): Dudley Savage

Lector (8 am): Beverly Littlejohn

Lectors (10 am): Elise Whitley, Jack Day

Nursery: Angel Bickert, Joan Groendal-Patterson

Oblation Bearers: Steven and Suan McMullen

Prayers of the People (8 am): Beverly Littlejohn

Prayers of the People (10 am): Tom Alison

Ushers: Tom Shevlin, Bill Hendry

Oh my Saints!

William Laud

William Laud was born in 1573 and became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1633, having been Charles I’s principal ecclesiastical adviser for several years before. He was the most prominent of a new generation of church leaders who disliked many of the more Protestant ritual practices that had developed during the reign of Elizabeth I, and who were bitterly opposed by the Puritans. Laud believed that the Church of England was in direct continuity with the medieval church, and he stressed the unity of church and state, exalting the role of the monarch as the supreme governor of the church. He emphasized the centrality of the priesthood and the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist, and he caused consternation by insisting on reverencing the altar, returning it to its pre-Reformation position against the eastern wall of the church and hedging it about with rails. As head of the courts of High Commission and Star Chamber, Laud was abhorred for the harsh sentencing of prominent Puritans. His identification with the unpopular policies of King Charles, his support of the war against Scotland in 1640, and his efforts to make the church independent of Parliament all made him widely disliked. He was impeached for treason by the Long Parliament in 1640, and finally beheaded on January 10, 1645. Laud’s reputation has remained controversial to this day. Honored as a martyr and condemned as an intolerant bigot, he was compassionate in his defense of the rights of the common people against the landowners. He was honest, devout, and loyal to the king and to the rights and privileges of the Church of England. He tried to reform and protect the church in accordance with his sincere convictions. But in many ways he was out of step with the views of the majority of people in his day, especially about the “Divine Right of Kings.” Laud made a noble end, praying on the scaffold: “The Lord receive my soul and have mercy upon me, and bless this kingdom with peace and charity, that there may not be this effusion of Christian blood amongst them.”

[Feast Day: January 10]

Genesis 21: 6

God has given us the ability to laugh for a reason. It may seem like a little thing, but laughter is vitally important in the battle against stress, anxiety, fear and worry.

Parish Calendar

View the Whole Calendar 

Pastoral Emergency:

Please call

The Rev. Martha Goodwill


Thursday, January 9 (Julia Chester Emery)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer - Church Chancel

9:30 am - Women of the Word - Church Chancel

6:00 pm - Zoom Happy Hour

7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, January 10 (William Laud)

Saturday, January 11

Sunday, January 12 - The First Sunday after the Epiphany

7:45 am - Nursery - Canterbury Courtyard

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

9:00 am - Truthseekers (Confirmation Class) - Fr. Ryan's Office

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Monday, January 13 - (Hilary)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer - Church Chancel

5:30 pm - Arts Project Meeting

Tuesday, January 14 (Kentigern)

9:00 am - Morning Prayer - Church Chancel

6:30 pm - Stewardship Committee

Wednesday, January 15 (Paul of Thebes)

7:30 am - Men's Bible Study

5:15 pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite I

6:00 pm - Supper, Song & Prayer

6:45 pm - Compline

7:00 pm - Adult Confirmation Class via Zoom

Thursday, January 16

9:00 am - Morning Prayer - Church Chancel

9:30 am - Women of the Word - Church Chancel

6:00 pm - Zoom Happy Hour

7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

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