March 26, 2020  |  Vol. 7 No. 13
Connected Across the Continents
Rev. Jen Crow
This past week, our online small groups and worship opportunities reached out across the country and the continents to welcome people in. We had visitors from Saudi Arabia, Hawaii, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Colorado, Arizona, California, Alaska, and New Zealand - and these are just the ones I know about. Our message of love and hope, of no one outside the circle of a love so big that it will not let us go - is needed now more than ever. 

With the world at large and our worlds at home changing so much so quickly, it helps to remember who we are and what is most important. We are the people of love and hope, and no matter what is going on around us or inside of us, love is not cancelled. And I wonder, how is love showing up in your life, and how are you showing love?

Love showed up this past Sunday in my life in the form of a phone call. Your Co-Senior Minister Rev. Justin hit me up on What's App and it was so good to hear his voice. Rev. Justin and his family are living across the ocean in New Zealand during this sabbatical time for him, which runs from January 1 to June 30. The area of the country where they are is not showing community transmission of the coronavirus at this point, and given the lack of federal leadership and testing here in the United States, I encouraged Rev. Justin and his family to stay put, and stay safe, trusting that as a church community we have what we need to take care of each other here. They will continue to monitor the information in New Zealand and here in the United States and make decisions week by week. 

We shook our heads in disbelief together, connected by some magical internet mojo. A global pandemic really isn't in the protocol books for how to do ministry, or sabbatical. What is in the books about ministry, and what is so clearly in both of our hearts, is love. Love for each other and this church. Love for each of you. Love for the larger circle of people we will never meet (some of whom are joining us from Saudi Arabia!). Love for those who are with us and for those who will pass on. It is love that will keep us connected. Love that will lift us up. Love, that will make every suffering bearable for us all. 

Rev. Jen
Sunday, March 29
Our worship services are now being live-streamed via Zoom on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.! Worship services are not being held in person during this time. This is a multigenerational service that can be found at the same place every week:

10 a.m. Multigenerational Worship (webinar ID:  861-805-984)

The 1st grader in this photo was inspired to make a chalice for use at home after attending this past Sunday's online worship service. 

Wednesday, April 1
We've added a second opportunity to connect with us in a worship format during the week. This is a shorter and simpler 20-30 minute service led by one of our ministers via Zoom, and geared towards adults. Same place, every week going forward until further notice!

7 p.m. Wednesday Worship geared toward adults & older youth (webinar ID: 117-312-320)

Sunday Zoom Help & Virtual Social Time
This Sunday, if you'd like to test out your zoom setup, get some help with zoom, or just hang out and chat before the service, head on over to our pre-worship zoom practice and hang out space ( Meeting ID: 318 794 241)  or dial: 1-312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.

If you're stuck and need some personal zoom support, call the church at 612-825-1701 ext 124 and we'll connect you with someone who can help.

And after worship, take a minute to grab some coffee, tea, and/or water, and join us for some virtual social time ( Meeting ID: 459 357 376)  or dial: 312 626 6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.
Sunday, March 29
9 a.m. Coming of Age  (9th grade) with Emma, Ruth, and Advisors - Taking religious education online as we prepare for our milestone celebration for 9th graders. Register here in advance (required).
11 a.m. Senior High Youth Group (10th-12th grade) with Emma and advisors - Weekly gathering to stay connected to community and familiar rituals. Register here in advance  (required).
12:30 p.m. Young Family Story Time (Families with babies to 1st grade) with Seth - Stories, songs and rituals to keep little ones, ages birth through 1st grade (and their grownups!), connected to familiar rhythms and relationships. Register here in advance (required).

Tuesday, March 31
Parent Gatherings, TBA Offerings will be posted on the Children Youth & Family Ministries website by Sunday. Look for gatherings for single parents and for those with children and youth in various age groups.
Wednesday, April 1
11 a.m. Rites of Passage (6th grade) with Lauren and Chloe - Taking religious education online as we prepare for our milestone celebration. Register here in advance (required).
3 p.m. Elementary Cool Group (2nd-5th grade) with Lauren - 2nd-5th graders stay connected to familiar rituals and have fun with friends. Register here in advance (required).
Please join us this Sunday, March 29 at 1 p.m. for a congregational meeting about building renovation plans.

Join the Building Renovation meeting via Zoom ( webinar ID: 686-035-909). To join with audio only, you may also call 1-312-626-6799 and enter the webinar ID when prompted.
Students of Kindness
From Lauren Wyeth, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries

Last night in Wednesday evening worship,  Rev. Ruth MacKenzie quoted a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye that says, "Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing."
Rev. Ruth told us that in this time of pandemic "we are being schooled in kindness, and it's not easy." That word - "schooled" - stood out for me. Our children and youth are not being schooled as usual right now, that's for sure. Might we consider focusing, as their parents and teachers, on what they are learning about sorrow and kindness in this time, above all else? Children, youth, adults and elders - all of us - are being schooled in loss right now, and will likely experience more before the pandemic passes. Through our actions, through noticing all the generosity and love that people are sharing with one another, through encouraging our families to be particularly gentle with each other in these tender times, we will pair the lesson in sorrow with a redeeming lesson in kindness.
And if these lessons fully occupy our attention, there will be other weeks and months for learning math and reading, writing and science. What we teach now will be planted deep in the hearts of our children, so let us choose the seeds with care. What we are experiencing now will lodge in our own hearts as well, so may we be intentional in virtually reaching out to those people and communities who are most generous with us, and in turn offer all the kindness we can to a world so in need of it right now.

The recording from our Sunday, March 23 worship service will be available on Friday over on our YouTube channel.
Learning and Practicing Zoom
As we adjust to worship and meetings on Zoom, staff members Lucia Webb and Liz Farmer are hosting a few drop-in zoom practice rooms as opportunities to troubleshoot technology issues and answer questions about using zoom.  Zoom is the video conferencing tool that the church is using to host worship and meetings during this time of physical distancing.  It is free for you to join a "zoom room" as a participant.
The practice rooms will be unstructured, with no particular content or agenda, so bring your questions. You're welcome to stay for 5 minutes or the whole hour. It's a great time to practice logging in, testing your ipad vs. your desktop computer, and using some of the controls. Lucia or Liz will be in each of the practice rooms to help out and answer questions, and we encourage folks to share what they've learned, as well! We're in this together!   

Below is the information to access the drop-in zoom practice rooms. There is no need to register. Click the link during the meeting time to enter the zoom room on a computer, or call in and enter the meeting ID to hear the audio only. If you need help downloading zoom, accessing the zoom room, or would like individual help, email [email protected] and we will connect you with a fellow congregant who has offered their zoom expertise on our Needs and Resources survey See you in a zoom room!

Friday, March 27, 1 - 2 p.m.
Practice Room facilitat ed by Lucia (Meeting ID: 327 412 539) or call  312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.

Tuesday, March 31, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Practice Room facilitated  by Liz ( Meeting ID: 433 963 245)  or call 312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.

Thursday, April 2, 1 - 2 p.m.
Practice Room facilitated  by Lucia ( Meeting ID: 164 402 022)  or call 312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.
Requesting a Zoom Room
We are working to get many different church functions up and running online, prioritizing the spaces that allow us to meet the spiritual needs of the congregation as a whole in this unprecedented time. We are in the process of connecting with various lay leaders to make decisions about meetings and programming that were previously scheduled. If you are needing to move a previously scheduled/planned church meeting online and would like to request a time slot in one of our zoom rooms, please email Lucia Webb at [email protected]. There will eventually be a google form for such requests, but for now you may contact Lucia directly. Please note that it may take her a few days to get back to you or schedule your meeting. She asks for your patience and flexibility during this time!
Needs & Resources Survey
If you are finding yourself with resources of time, talent, or treasure to share, and/or if you have needs emerging in this time, please fill out the Needs and Resources Survey here.
Supporting the Church Financially
If you are able, please continue to honor your annual gifts and make your capital campaign contributions. If you are not a sustainer and have not yet let us know your intentions for our 2020-2021 fiscal year, or if you're a sustainer and would like to make a change to your commitment,  please get directly in touch with Finance Assistant Chelsea Bertsch at   [email protected]  instead of filling out the giving card.
Cycle of Life and Pastoral Care
Let Us Keep You in Our Thoughts and Prayers
If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, or celebrating a joy, please let us know; contact Rev. Ruth MacKenzie at [email protected]. If you would like support, call the office at 612-825-1701 and follow the prompts for pastoral care on the recording. 
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Subscribe to The Weekly Liberal here
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Church Office Hours
The church office is closed until further notice.
Weekly Liberal Submissions
We encourage you to submit news!
To do so, fill out our  online submission form. Edits for length and/or content may occur.  The Weekly Liberal  is compiled and edited by Communications Manager Jenn Stromberg. Past issues and policies can be found on our  website
Contact Us
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.,  Minneapolis, MN 55408
612-825-1701   |
For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408


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