June 4, 2020  |  Vol. 7 No. 23
Taking Responsibility for Our Learning

Four days ago, Unitarian Universalists from across the country tuned into our Sunday, May 31 worship service, curious to understand how our Twin Cities UU community is responding to the killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by Minneapolis police, and feeling compelled to be with us in solidarity and to show their support.

Since then, many of the white folks in our congregation have reached out and asked, "What can I do to help?" "What is our church doing?"

Here are some places to begin: 
  • If you haven't yet, watch the recording of Sunday's service. If you've already watched Rev. Karen's sermon, watch it again. Share it with friends and family. Use it as an opportunity to learn and reflect. Use it as an invitation to have a conversation with someone about racism and white supremacy and what's happening in the Twin Cities right now - and what's been happening in this country for four hundred years. The recording of the service in its entirety, along with standalone videos of Rev. Karen's sermon and Lauren's Message for All Ages, are included below. 
  • If you identify as white or as an ally in support of Black lives, consider committing to a daily racial justice learning practice in June:  Justice in June
Unitarian Universalism is a demanding faith. We share common principles and values, and as individuals, we discern how to best put our faith into action. The common principles we share as we work to end racism and eradicate white supremacy culture include:
  • We follow Black leadership. We listen to what Black leaders are asking for and we support it. Now is not the time for people who identify as white to develop their own ideas about how to best support the Black community. 
  • Each person is responsible for their own learning. We do not ask Black, Indigenous, multi-racial and people of color to teach white people about racism and white supremacy culture. We do listen deeply to the experiences of Black, Indigenous, multi-racial and people of color when they choose to share their own experiences and wisdom. 
  • If you find yourself feeling a sense of urgency about what to do, please go back to the two suggestions above. Listen to and share Rev. Karen and Lauren's messages. Read and engage with the recent statement from the UUA. Choose one or many of the suggestions offered there. 
We are in this together, each with our own part to play as we do the work of building the world our faith calls us to create - a world where each and every person knows what it feels like to be treated as whole and holy and worthy. Let's build that world, together, right here, right now.

"Why Hope?" May 31 Sermon by Rev. Karen Hutt

All my life I have heard that it was going to take time for America to change. I believed it and I worked for it. But I have a message to my own childish aspirations today from the #MeToo movement. And that message is: Time's up. 

How much time does it take to see us as human? How much time does it take for our pleas to be heard? You know, there's a great relief in saying "Time's up." It means that something else is going to happen. It means an end of something. It means "Now what?" 

What it doesn't mean is hope for something better. It means actions for something better. 

I have come to the conclusion that hope is a deadly aspiration for black people. 

America depends on black people to wait and hope and pray so white supremacy can continue maintaining and adding to our suffering. My great-grandfather hoped, and he and my family taught during the uprising in 1968 that the political arithmetic of this country wants us to hope while it's saturated with violence. It was founded on looting in the Boston harbor. It looted the land of the Native folks. It looted the shores of Africa that brought me here. It looted the environment. It looted black communities of their wealth. Thus, nonviolence is a misnomer, or somewhat of a ruse. Hope is a black sacrifice. 

Message for All Ages by Lauren Wyeth

I want to talk to our kids this morning about what's happening here in our city of Minneapolis. As Unitarian Universalists, we promise to speak the truth in love. Sometimes, the truth we have to speak about is very sad, or very complicated, or scary, or unfair. But we speak the truth in love, anyway, because the truth will set us free. 

Our neighborhoods are hurting. We are full of so many feelings about George's death, including deep sadness, fear and rage. Ever since George Floyd died, lots of people have been protesting what happened. We carry signs and demand that the police officers - all four - who murdered George Floyd be arrested. But many people think it will take more than that to change things.  

Sunday, May 31 Worship Service - Full Recording

Sunday, June 7 at 10 a.m.
This Sunday's worship service includes a message by Rev. Jen Crow, beautiful music, and our Child Dedication ritual.

Connect to our live streamed worship online or by phone:

10 a.m. Multigenerational Worship (webinar ID:  861-805-984)
To join by phone (audio only), dial 1-312-626-6799 and enter the webinar ID.


~11 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour
After Sunday worship, join us for virtual coffee hour ( Meeting ID: 212 168 092)  or dial: 1-312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted. 

~11 a.m. BIPOC Virtual Coffee Hour for those who are Black, Indigenous, Multiracial, POC
  Join here ( Meeting ID: 825 3313 5300; Password: 982432 ) or dial: 1-312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted. 

Wednesday, June 10 at 7 p.m.
This midweek worship experience for adults and older youth is a brief time (20-30 minutes) of connection, centering, and reflection, to help us find and keep our balance during this time of pandemic and physical distancing.

7 p.m. Wednesday Worship (webinar ID: 117-312-320)
To join by phone (audio only), dial 1-312-626-6799 and enter the webinar ID.

Sunday, May 31: Flower Communion Sunday

Summary by Liz Farmer, Adult Ministries & Admin Assistant:

Many across the nation joined us for our worship service this past Sunday in solidarity with Minneapolis UUs. In a powerful sermon, Rev. Karen spoke truth to our hearts and minds, and more directly, our hopes. She says that she was told, and believed for a long time, that a change is gonna come. But to her younger self and all of us she says, "time's up. Time's up means something else is gonna happen. What "times up" does not mean is "hope." It means actions for something better. Liberal, white, UU progressives, if we are truly progressing toward some better, future, maybe-some-day society, why is suffering increasing at such an alarming rate? In response to this inquiry, are you telling black people to remain hopeful? To keep safe, keep hope alive, keep struggling? Hope is a deadly aspiration for black people... While we hope, we continue to suffer. America depends on black people to wait, hope, and pray so that white supremacy can continue to maintain and add to our suffering." Rev. Karen implores us to "try for a day to let go of political hope...and live out an active, spiritual, human, life-centered, life-giving hope that is rooted in the world that we have now, not the one we dream of." Listen to Rev. Karen's sermon, and the whole service here.   

Cycle of Life from Sunday, May 31

We hold Michele Edwin who mourns the death of her father John Goddard, who passed away unexpectedly on May 6th. 

Let Us Keep You in Our Thoughts and Prayers
If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, or celebrating a joy, please let us know; contact Rev. Ruth MacKenzie at ruth@firstuniv.org. If you would like support, call the office at 612-825-1701 and follow the prompts for pastoral care on the recording. 
A Note from Rev. Justin Schroeder
Rev. Justin Schroeder
Dear ones,

My heart has been breaking to be away from all of you right now. And I am clear that it is time to end my sabbatical and for me to come home to Minneapolis. I have a flight booked for June 9. 

Words cannot begin to express the overwhelming gratitude l have for this time away, and the gift it has been  for my own renewal, for my spiritual practice, for my family, for my health, and for my ministry. Words also fail to express the gratitude I feel for my Sr. Co-Minister, Rev. Jen Crow. She, and the staff team, and so many of you, have met this moment with courage and compassion and commitment. I am in awe.  I know it has not been an easy time for any of you, particularly for our staff and congregants of color. I am returning to be in solidarity with you. I have been away for an incredibly traumatic time in the life of our city, state, country, and world, with the epidemic of Covid-19 and the ongoing epidemic of racism and white supremacy. 

I am returning with a deeper groundedness, a renewed love for you and for ministry, and an even fiercer commitment to being an anti-racist faith community. I am trusting that the gifts of this time away will serve our community as we continue to meet this moment with fortitude, love, and grace striving to dismantle white supremacy culture and building a community where all of us can flourish. I'll "see" you next Sunday, June 14.

With love,
Barb Melom Featured in Congregational Spotlight by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
"It takes real commitment to make change." Back in late February, when people went out freely, giving hugs without hesitation, (little did we know), several of us from First U headed over to our capitol in St. Paul. We were there to advocate for more affordable housing in Minnesota, alongside one of our Faithful Action Community Partners, Beacon Interfaith Housing. Among us was a long time congregant, Barb Melom. Barb was interviewed by the Beacon team and is a feature of this article. We invite you to read a little about what motivates Barb to be involved in this important cause. 

- Autumn Huiras, Team Leader for the First Universalist / Beacon Interfaith Housing partnership. For more information on how you can get involved with Beacon, contact Autumn at: alhuiras@comcast.net.
Ideas for Staying Engaged from the Faithful Action Council
Distance doesn't have to mean disengagement. Distance engagement may sound like an oxymoron, but there are many ways we can continue our faithful action as members of First Universalist in this time of physical distancing. First U's Faithful Action Council has been discussing ways our members can continue to support our nonprofit partners while following the social distancing required to slow the spread of Covid-19. The organizations in our community that serve the most vulnerable among us now face rising demand for their services just as their volunteer and financial resources are diminished. There are ways that we can continue our support even in these times. The Faithful Action Council offers First Universalist members these ideas in the spirit of love and hope.
Celebrating Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
As has been announced, the Rev. Ruth Mackenzie will be retiring from her ministry at First Universalist on June 30th. Ruth's varied and dynamic ministry has been a profound gift to the entire congregation. Now it is time to celebrate her launch into a new life with all the energy and love she has brought to us over the last 10 years.

Here are some of the ways you can participate:

LETTERS/NOTES/CARDS:  Ruth would love to have letters, notes, and cards from congregants, actual items she can hold and re-read. Mail notes to the church marked Attn: Celebrating Ruth.

SPECIAL DONATION:  Consider making a special financial donation to a retirement gift fund for Ruth. We have some fun ideas for gifts for Ruth, but no church budget, so we need one-time, specially designated donations.  These are free will, as the spirit moves you, and not tax deductible as they are separate from ongoing church support. Electronic gifts can be made here. Checks may be sent or delivered to the church with "Ruth's Gift" in the memo line.

With gratitude for all Ruth has given us,
The Celebrating Ruth Team
Annual Meeting of the Membership Is June 14
Members: Please plan to attend our virtual Annual Meeting, which has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 14, 2020, at 11:30 a.m., following our 10 a.m. worship service.
This year our church business includes approval of the annual budget and the election of members to the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee, as well as a proposal to approve Rev. MacKenzie as a Minister Emerita.  

The annual meeting is a time when we celebrate a successful year and conduct the business of this church that only church members can do. We need a quorum to conduct the meeting - please give us the gift of your time so that we may complete this work!

We will be meeting virtually via Zoom webinar, and while this will be different than gathering in person, we are confident that we have the mechanisms in place for meaningful democratic participation that are fully in line with the recommendations from the UUA.  Because of the virtual meeting, it is really important that you register ahead of time . We will vote using the Poll feature in Zoom. Therefore, each member needs to have their own device for voting - you can use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. If you live in a household with multiple members, please have each member register separately, and attend the meeting from their own device. 

A reminder that per our bylaws, only members in good standing can vote at the annual meeting. To be a voting member, you need to have officially joined the church and have made a pledge in any amount to the current or upcoming annual operating fund or have a ministerial waiver. Please contact Arif Mamdani at 612 825-1701 ext 124 or  arif@firstuniv.org if you would like to have a waiver from this requirement. 

Members: Register to attend the annual meeting of the membership  here before Sunday, June 14. (We will do our best to approve registrations day of, but cannot guarantee same day registration approval in cases where membership status may be in question.) After registering and once your membership has been verified by staff, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Non-members: Those who wish to observe the meeting may do so via YouTube live; the meeting live stream will show up on our  YouTube Channel at 11:30 a.m.

Relevant Documents and Information

Building Renovation Meeting Recording (April 2020) (transcript coming soon)

Virtual Gatherings for Adults
Sunday, June 7, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Start your week well by joining a congregant-led meditation group that welcomes all forms of meditation practices. The purpose of this group is to support your ongoing meditation practice or help you start a regular practice. 
Join here (Meeting ID: 857 1493 2445; Password: 673643 

Tuesday, June 9 at 8 a.m.
Begin your week with spiritual grounding and sustenance with Rev. Ruth, taking time to connect with your breath, your heart, your woundedness and your joy, in this half hour interactive session in which we will check in with others, and engage with a spiritual practice.
Join here (Meeting ID 788 856 879)
Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m.
In the Calming Circle, hosted by Rev. Ruth MacKenzie and Pastor Stephanie Vos, we check in with one another, engage in a somatic experience of spiritual practice (stretching our bodies, and our spirits) and then gather in prayer and spiritual practice, holding one another in compassion and kindness.
Join here (Meeting ID: 392 868 331)

Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m.
The Young Adults group (for those in their 20s and 30s) is now gathering on a weekly basis. Connect with fellow First U young adults after Wednesday worship for conversation and fun.
Join here  (Meeting ID: 137 172 572)
Virtual Gatherings for Children, Youth & Families


1:30 p.m. BIPOC/Multiracial Youth Group with Daryn, Sarah, and youth leaders, for youth who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color and/or multiracial. Email Lauren at lauren@firstuniv.org to be connected to the group.

8 p.m.  Single Parents Gathering with Rev. Sara Smalley - Parents/guardians who are single and/or co-parenting gather for mutual support and spiritual sustenance. (Meeting ID: 984 9990 9070;  Password: connection)

8:15 p.m.  Parents of Babies and Preschoolers (ages 0-4 years) with Lauren - Parents/guardians of little ones gather for mutual support and spiritual sustenance. (Meeting ID: 273-644-536 ; Password: 446240)
Association of Universalist Women
AUW members are staying connected via a weekly Zoom Social Hour. Please join us to check in and share whatever is on your mind. We often use the "breakout room" feature to share in small groups.  Thursdays, 5 p.m. (ending time is flexible - you can leave any time).  Join here.   
If you need technical assistance with Zoom, contact Kit Ketchum:   kitketchum@hotmail.com 952-412-4015
12-Step Spirituality
12 Step Spirituality Workshops, which had been hosted at First Universalist one Saturday per month, continue every Saturday (weekly!) on Zoom. The workshop begins at 9:30 a.m. and will run on this weekly basis - now extended through October 2020. All people in or interested in the 12 steps are welcome. The workshop includes meditation, centering prayer meditation instructions, short talks, small groups and more. Join here at 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays. The meeting ID number is 392-510-399. Visit www.12stepspirituality.org for more details instructions on how to join. If you have any questions call Dick Y. at 952-893-1188.
Online Coffee Hour Hosts Needed
This is the leadership opportunity you've been waiting for: be an online coffee hour host!

This has been a difficult week for us all, and one of the things that helps in times like these is the opportunity to gather in community. If you're someone who can create a welcoming space and facilitate conversation, please apply to be an online coffee hour host. Since moving church online, coffee hour has also moved online and as we settle into the ways we'll connect online for the foreseeable future, we're reaching out to recruit folks to help make coffee hour a place of connection for the church. There's a job description that outlines what it means to be a coffee hour host and we hope you'll consider applying. Questions? Contact Arif - arif@firstuniv.org or 612.825.1701 x124.
Beware of Email Phishing Scams Targeting Churches
In recent times, churches across the country have been targets of email phishing scams, in which scammers pretending to be ministers ask congregants (via email) to purchase gift cards for a worthy cause. 

The frequency of these phishing emails seems to have increased over the last two months. We can assure you that nothing has been hacked - the email addresses used seem to be mined from our website - but please be aware of this trend and don't fall for a phishing scam! If you receive an email that looks like it's from one of our ministers but seems suspicious, it probably is.

Read more about this on the  FTC Consumer Information site
Thank You for Supporting Augsburg Fairview Academy
Thanks to all congregants who donated food for community partner Augsburg Fairview Academy (AFA) students and their families this spring. Some of you dropped off bags of groceries and many donated food through Amazon Prime.

Our contributions supplement the government allotted meals that  are delivered to students by AFA staff. Donations are not needed after May 26 and will resume again in the fall.

Thank you for your generosity! Know that you made a difference for students and families experiencing economic, housing and food insecurity.
Needs & Resources Survey
If you are finding yourself with resources of time, talent, or treasure to share, and/or if you have needs emerging in this time, please fill out the Needs and Resources Survey here.
Supporting the Church Financially
If you are able, please continue to honor your annual gifts and make your capital campaign contributions. If you are not a sustainer and have not yet let us know your intentions for our 2020-2021 fiscal year, or if you're a sustainer and would like to make a change to your commitment,  please get directly in touch with Finance Assistant Chelsea Bertsch at   chelsea@firstuniv.org  instead of filling out the giving card.
Making Gifts Online
We offer several options for making donations online, whether it's a contribution toward the offering plate, your annual or capital gift, or for a specific project for which we're raising funds. 

Text to Give
To make a donation via credit card, use your smartphone to text " firstuniv" (without quotes) to the number  73256. You'll receive a link to a secure form where you can enter your information. Select the appropriate fund from the dropdown menu.

Square Cash
Make a contribution using a debit card via the Square Cash app. Download this free app ( iPhone or  Android) and set up your account - you'll need your debit card and a $cashtag (user name). Then:
  • Enter the amount you want to donate
  • Click "pay"
  • In the $cashtag space, enter $FirstUniv
  • In the For space, let us know what it's for - the Sunday offering plate? Your annual gift?
  • Click "pay"
ACS (our online giving system)
Make a one-time gift using the secure form located on our website here. Make sure that you've selected the correct fund (such as offering plate) if it's not an annual gift.

It's also okay to mail checks to the church, even though the office is closed. We are still receiving mail, though we are only collecting it once per week. It will likely take us longer than normal to process check payments, but you are welcome to send checks if you prefer!
A Quick Guide on Where to Direct Commonly Asked Questions:

Scheduling a Zoom meeting on one of the church's accounts: Lucia ( lucia@firstuniv.org)
Support for your circle or small group: Liz ( liz@firstuniv.org) or Arif ( arif@firstuniv.org)
Inquiries about pledges and giving: Chelsea ( chelsea@firstuniv.org)
Finance, reimbursements: Brad ( brad@firstuniv.org)
Communications requests (emails, website, publicity): Jenn ( jenns@firstuniv.org)
Building Renovation questions: Rev. Jen ( jen@firstuniv.org)
Pastoral Care: Rev. Ruth (ruth@firstuniv.org)
Membership, Adult Ministries: Arif ( arif@firstuniv.org)
Children, Youth & Family Ministries: Lauren ( lauren@firstuniv.org)
Unsure?: Jenn ( jenns@firstuniv.org)
Join Our Mailing List
Subscribe to The Weekly Liberal here
Sign up to receive our weekly Children Youth & Family Ministries news here
Church Office Hours
The church office is closed until further notice.
Weekly Liberal Submissions
We encourage you to submit news!
To do so, fill out our  online submission form. Edits for length and/or content may occur.  The Weekly Liberal  is compiled and edited by Communications Manager Jenn Stromberg. Past issues and policies can be found on our  website
Contact Us
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.,  Minneapolis, MN 55408
612-825-1701   |   firstuniversalistchurch.org
For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408


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