Volume 8 Issue 35 | September 9, 2021
Noticing: A Simple Spiritual Practice
A headshot of Rev. Jen looking at the camera. Rev. Jen is a white woman with short brown hair. She is wearing a blue jacket and earrings and a necklace and is smiling with her mouth closed.
Dear Church,

One of my most reliable spiritual practices is a simple one. It started during a time of intense grief when it felt like the pain might never lift. I’d go about my business, making myself go to class or to the grocery store and on the way I’d walk by a particular tree. Every time I passed that tree, I’d make myself look at the branches and the tips where the buds would one day appear. I was looking for change, trusting that something I could not yet see would one day come to pass. Some days, the tree would look exactly as it did the day before, and other times I’d note a small shift - the reshaping of the branch tip, the way the ice held on and created a crystal to look through, the day the bud somehow emerged. 

Some spiritual teachers call this spiritual practice paying attention or mindfulness or being in the radical present. I like these names, and I’ll admit that for me to engage in a spiritual practice reliably I have to keep it simple. So I named this practice “noticing.” Noticing doesn’t sound intimidating to me. Noticing seems like something I can do even when I’m really busy. Noticing is simple and possible - and it turns out, it brings me great joy. 

Lately, I’ve been making time to walk the building and grounds at church each day. I notice the fresh smell of paint and the new ceiling grid that’s been installed in the social hall. I marvel at the grand open stairway into that welcoming space with its new beautiful wood and glass doors. I head upstairs and see the tile taking shape in the bathrooms, the bright red hearing loop installed in the floor of the sanctuary, the carpet covering it all, growing from a small blue patch in the corner to the rest of the room. I walk up on the chancel twice - using both the stairs and the ramp - imagining what new thing we’ll pull out of our hats for the Christmas Pageant choreography this year. Each change that I notice brings me joy.

It’s usually quiet when I move through the building, remembering your faces and the sound of our voices in the spaces we once occupied together, but yesterday it was different. Yesterday, I saw the fresh faces of children and teachers as Grace Neighborhood Nursery School welcomed kids to their classrooms for the first time. I heard joyful yells coming from the playground. And last night, when I let myself in through the side door off of 34th Street, instead of the usual silence that greets me, I heard music. The choir was rehearsing in the Cummins Room - masked and socially distanced - and their voices followed me as I made my rounds through our long empty space. I teared up with joy.

Change is coming, dear ones. Change is here, slow and steady and breathtakingly fast. Let’s keep noticing and caring for each other. And let’s let in the joy as our voices and our hopes mingle with the love and hope of our ancestors and all those who will come after us, one community wherever we are.  


Rev. Jen

Rev. Jen Crow
Senior Minister
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
In this Issue
New Sunday Service Times
Sundays, Sept. 12 & 19
Wednesday, Sept. 15
Cycle of Life
Aug. 29 Worship Recording
News & Features
Reminder: A Shift in Fall Plans
Staggered Start Up for Religious Education
Adult Programming for
Fall 2021
Solar Panels Installed
September Faithful Action Newsletter
September Board of Trustees Meeting
Women's Ritual Circle
September Senior Hike
Young Adult Meet Up
Plant-Based Potluck
Ongoing Gatherings
In the Community
New Sunday Service Times: 9 & 11 a.m.
Starting this Sunday, Sept. 12, and continuing into this church year, First Universalist will offer two Sunday services each week: one at 9 a.m. and one at 11 a.m. To make sure there is enough time between services for folks to transition in and out of the gathering space safely, these are slightly different worship times than in previous years.

For the next two Sundays, September 12 and 19, we will offer multigenerational worship in-person, offsite, in the church of the great outdoors, at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

  • On Sept. 12 we will gather at the Lyndale Gardens Amphitheater for a service that includes our annual Backpack Blessing, marking our kids' return to school.

  • On Sept. 19, we'll gather at Minnehaha Park for our annual Water Communion service. Activities for children and youth will be offered outside during the second half of each service, with crafts and fun for K-7th graders, an OWL kick-off for 8th-9th graders, and get-to-know-you activities for senior high youth.

These services will also be available online by Sunday evening for on-demand streaming. More details are below!
Rev. Arif, Rev. Jen, Lauren Wyeth, and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout spell out YMCA beneath the Lyndale Gardens Amphitheater.
A light-hearted moment with worship leaders Rev. Arif, Rev. Jen, Lauren Wyeth, and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout as they pose (spelling out the Y-M-C-A) at an onsite planning meeting at the Lyndale Gardens Amphitheatre, where we'll worship this Sunday!
THIS WEEK: Sunday, Sept. 12, 9 & 11 a.m.
Lyndale Gardens Amphitheatre
6400 Lyndale Avenue S, Richfield MN

"What We Need is Here"

Join us for this multigenerational service of song, story, and strength as we remember that no matter what is going on around us or within us, when we are in it together - what we need is here. Backpacks will be blessed for those who carry them, and all of us will come away with the joy of community and a grounding in our deepest commitments.

Worship leaders: Rev. Jen Crow, Lauren Wyeth, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Karen Hutt


Join us in person at Lyndale Gardens Amphitheatre, located at 6400 Lyndale Ave S in Richfield. 

Watch the recording: This service will not be livestreamed due to lack of adequate technology onsite, but it will be recorded and made available here on our YouTube channel on Sunday evening.

Helpful info for those worshiping in-person: We encourage you to arrive by 8:45 or 10:45 a.m. and to bring water and sunglasses, a hat and/or sunscreen as needed for your comfort, and to wear a mask. The amphitheatre benches are concrete; please bring a cushion or folding chair if you have difficulty sitting on a hard surface. 
Directions & access info: Lyndale Gardens Amphitheatre is located off Lyndale Avenue just south of Highway 62, adjacent to Lakewinds Co-op. Please note that the pin on Google Maps is slightly off, and Apple Maps does not include the turn into the parking lot. You can use this pin to navigate to the amphitheatre instead. The amphitheatre is just to the north and west of Lakewinds Co-op. We encourage walking, biking, or riding transit if you are able; the amphitheatre is accessible via MetroTransit Route 4. 
Parking: There is street parking available, as well as a gravel parking lot that can be accessed from Lyndale Avenue by turning West onto 64th Street, just north of the co-op. Please do not park in the co-op parking lot. If you are able, please find street parking in the nearby neighborhood in order to leave the closest parking spaces for those who most need them.
A map of the area surrounding the Lyndale Gardens Amphitheater showing the best way to access the parking lot and the amphitheater from Lyndale Avenue.
Accessibility: The amphitheatre is wheelchair accessible. There is a ramp down to the front row of benches and room for wheelchairs. The most direct route to the accessible path from the parking area requires navigating a short distance over gravel. For directions to a fully accessible drop off location, ask the ushers at the parking lot entrance for assistance.

Follow along with our Sept. 12 Order of Service.

Post-Worship Gatherings 
  • There will be an in-person, casual, un-facilitated fellowship hour immediately following both services.
NEXT WEEK: Sunday, Sept. 19, 9 & 11 a.m.
Minnehaha Park Bandshell

Water Communion Sunday

On September 19, we'll gather at the Minnehaha Park Bandshell for our annual Water Communion service. Watch for more details in next week's Liberal.


In person at 9 or 11 a.m.
  • Minnehaha Park is located at 4801 S Minnehaha Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55417. Worship will be held in the Bandshell.

Watch the service online Sunday evening here on our YouTube Channel.

Post-Worship Gatherings 
  • There will be an in-person, casual, un-facilitated fellowship hour immediately following both services.

Religious Education for Children and Youth
  • Activities for children and youth will be offered outside during the second half of the service, with crafts and fun for K-7th graders, an OWL kick-off for 8th-9th graders, and get-to-know-you activities for senior high youth.
  • More information can be found on our Religious Education website.
Wednesday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m.
on Zoom

Join us for a midweek worship experience for adults and older youth. This 30-minute service is a brief time of connection, centering, and reflection to help us find and keep our balance.

Connect to the live stream on Wednesday, Sept. 15 between 6:55 and 7 p.m.: Enter the Wednesday Zoom webinar here. (webinar ID: 117-312-320). To join by phone (audio only), dial 1-312-626-6799 and enter the webinar ID.

Post-service Care Companions space (7:30 p.m.): Join the Zoom gathering here.
Cycle of Life
We celebrate with Judy and Ray Goebel on their 40th wedding anniversary on September 5th. They were married at the church (at our old location) and we are overjoyed to share in their celebration and happiness.

If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, or celebrating a joy­, please let us know. To be included in our Cycle of Life each Sunday in worship, or if you would like support, contact Rev. Arif Mamdani at arif@firstuniv.org or 612-825-1701.

Sunday Service Recordings
August 29: what if god was in space?

Service summary written by Liz Farmer:

As practitioners of a Liberal faith tradition, Unitarian Universalists do not shy away from questions. Neither do we shy away from finding and living out our answers to our most important questions. Our Unitarian Universalist Principles answer the question, “How shall we live?” And our UU Sources are answers to the question, "What guides us?” Each Sunday, through prayers and meditations, we are practiced at noticing what is. Homilies bring us along into questions like, “What is religion?” and “Do you know any prophets?” as we wonder about what might be. This time, we are invited into what immediately seems like a somewhat paradoxical consideration: what is not. What exists in space? What if god is in space? And not just meteors, planets, and moon phases, although those are common places to find god. But what exists in spaces? Between people, between seconds, between tears, between words. Is it empty? What is there, beyond our initial perceptions? 

Join the worship leaders in “loving the questions themselves” as you watch the service on YouTube or listen on the podcast on Spotify or Podbean. You can follow along with the worship service in our Sunday, Aug. 29 Order of Service.
Image description:a still image of Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout from our Aug. 29 worship service recording.
News & Features
Reminder: A Shift in Fall Plans
Guiding Principles

The church's Leadership Team has been following these guiding principles as we plan for the fall:

  • We will base our decisions in reality (science, COVID realities, CDC and Minnesota Department of Health guidelines, and construction/building reality).
  • We will model making faith-based decisions in public, centering the needs of the most vulnerable.
  • We will soften our in-person plans in a way that reduces risk and anxiety and increases care.
  • We will offer an accessible path to returning to the building and in-person gathering for those who can and wish to do so.
  • We will set reasonable expectations and engage in sustainable practices together.

A Shift in Fall Plans

With our faith and these principles as our guide, we have shifted our plans for in-person gathering for the fall. Construction delays, a reassessment of when we’ll realistically be prepared to offer a welcoming and gracious return to worship in the sanctuary, and concerns about reopening as a fourth wave of COVID-19 hits Minnesota, have led us to change our plans for when we will gather again in our sanctuary.

On Sundays, Sept. 12 & 19, we will offer multigenerational worship in-person, offsite, in the church of the great outdoors. These services will also be available online later for on-demand streaming. See the worship section above for details.

Religious Education for older youth (grades 7-12) will begin in-person on Sept. 19 and will continue in-person through the year unless new direction from the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health directs us differently. 

Our sanctuary and social hall will open for in-person and live-streamed Memorial Services beginning on Saturday, Sept. 25.

We hope for an in-person and online celebration of our renovated building and our re-gathered community on Sunday, Nov. 7. Religious Education classes for grades 6 and under will likely begin that Sunday, too.

We know these changes to our communal plans can feel hard, and we hope they will also feel like a relief as we make our way forward in unprecedented times, keeping our faith and our care for each other and our larger community as our guide. 
Staggered Start Up for Religious Education
Over the upcoming weeks and months, Religious Education programming will begin in a staggered fashion for our children, youth, and families. As we plan for the months ahead, the needs of our younger kids, who are ineligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, are at the center of our conversations.

Religious Education for our 7th–12th graders will begin in person on Sunday, Sept. 19 at our Minnehaha Park service, and will continue in person (at church starting Sept. 26) through the year unless new direction from the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health directs us differently. Until further notice, everyone in the classroom will be masked, and all church staff and Religious Education volunteers will be fully vaccinated. Registered families and youth in 7th–12th grades (including 7th grade Neighboring Faiths and 8th–9th grade OWL) have received or will soon receive an email with more information about class times and schedules. The Senior High Youth Group will work together with Emma to develop their in-person meeting schedule and calendar. You can contact Emma at emma@firstuniv.org with questions or for more information.

We know that beginning youth programming before in-person worship at church is an extra lift in terms of transportation for most families, so we'll provide some space at church for family members who wish to stay on site while their youth are in class.

It is our hope that nursery through 6th grade Religious Education and Childcare will begin later this fall as soon as church is fully re-opened. From mid-September through the month of October, you will find resources for Religious Education at home for K-6th graders in the Weekly Family E-News.
Adult Programming for Fall 2021
A note from Rev. Arif Mamdani:

As we look forward to returning to our building and to another season of programming in-person and online, we invite you to consider where and how you’d like to co-create and engage with adult programming at church.

First, know that all church policies and practices regarding COVID-19 apply to adult programming. Any in-person programming will require that participants observe appropriate spacing, masking, and any other requirements as per the current guidelines that the church is following.

The last year+ of online programming has taught us a lot and significantly increased our comfort with running programming on zoom. While it isn’t a replacement for in-person connection, we also know that not only can online connection be quite good, it offers some unique benefits that just aren’t possible in person.

Given all that we’ve learned over the last year, here’s what programming will look like in the coming year:

Some groups will only meet online, some groups will only meet in person, and some groups will be both in person and online. In person and online groups will start on or after September 19, 2021.

Online only groups: online only groups will meet online using church Zoom accounts as we have been since March of 2020.

In-person only groups: In-person groups will meet at the church and make use of our newly renovated classroom space, the Cummins Room, or the Social Hall for meeting space. Room assignments will be made based on availability and group size. Participants will be asked to follow COVID-19 precautions including distancing and masking.

Both online and in-person: So far, there are two versions of this “multiplatform” option for adult programming, and we may develop more as we gain experience:
  • Version one: In-person participants will meet at the church and make use of the church’s A/V technology so that online participants can join via Zoom.
  • Version two: group members will have an initial in-person gathering at church. Following this initial in-person gathering, the entire group will meet online via Zoom. At the conclusion of the group, the group will again gather in-person for a final group meeting.

Registering for groups:
Expect a list of programming and registration info to be available later this month.
If you have questions or concerns about the different formats for meeting, please be in touch with Rev. Arif Mamdani or Liz Farmer. Both can be reached at 612.825.1701.

Being a program facilitator, and suggesting program ideas:

Now that we know how we’ll gather and when, I want to make a special invitation to you to get in touch with program ideas and to apply to be a small group leader.

Adult ministry small groups are one of the most important ways that the congregation creates and builds kinship at church. These facilitated groups offer a guided journey through a set of reflection questions that invite you to share within a small, supportive community how your spirit is moving and how the themes we’re considering as a church are taking shape in your life. They are one of the ways we give, receive, and grow together. Church staff and ministers provide training and support for group facilitators. Facilitating a small group is a learnable and transferable skill, you don’t have to be an extrovert, and it is often a deeply rewarding experience in itself. Apply here to be a small group facilitator.

And please be in touch with your ideas too! Whether a program idea becomes a program that the congregation can register for depends on a lot of things, including alignment with the church’s mission and vision, availability of facilitators, and timing. Let us know what programs you’re interested in this year! Groups/programs can be based on a desire to learn or share a spiritual practice, a shared identity, a specific conversation and question you want to hold in community, or a significant past or present life experience. Not sure about your idea? We’re here to listen and help discern!

With care,
Rev. Arif Mamdani
Solar Panels Installed at First U
Submitted by Cheryl Ritenbaugh for the EJ Team:

We are thrilled to announce that the solar panels on the Religious Education roof are now installed, as you can see from the pictures below.  A small group (Bill Elwood, Todd Pierson, and Cheryl Ritenbaugh) met with the contractor and engineer from Impact Power Solutions on Wednesday, and learned about the progress. Harlan Limpert and his drone joined us for these wonderful pictures.

Next steps include the full wiring of the panels, connection to the inverter and to Xcel's grid, and then the switch will be thrown and the energy production will be live. We look forward to a formal dedication of the roof installation in the coming months.

We are deeply grateful to all who contributed to Phase 2 of construction and to the solar panels! This is one more step toward a zero emissions church that demonstrates our commitment to the UU 7th Principle of respect for all of creation.
Photo taken from above of solar panels on the roof of First Universalist Church.
We're Hiring! Program Assistant for Children, Youth, and Family Ministries
Children, Youth & Family Ministries at First Universalist is hiring a Program Assistant. Find the job description here. We need a diverse pool of qualified applicants in order to move forward in our hiring process.

While it is the church's policy to not hire church members for staff positions, we would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about this opening. Do you know someone who would enjoy working at First Universalist Church? Please share the position announcement and encourage them to apply!
September Faithful Action Newsletter
Text reads First U Faithful Action where Spiritual Growth and Justice Work intersect
Find ways to get involved with our Faithful Action Community Partners in our September Faithful Action Newsletter. This newsletter contains opportunities to connect through volunteering, donating, advocating, and learning. Our Faithful Action Community Partners are community organizations that share our vision of love and justice. We work through Faithful Action Community Partnerships in order to leverage our energy, commitment and expertise. You can find more information about our Faithful Action Community Partnerships on our website.
September Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, Sept. 16, 6:30–9 p.m.

The First Universalist Church Board of Trustees typically meets the third Thursday of each month, August through June.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, Sept. 16 at 6:30 p.m. The September Board meeting will be held in-person in the Cummins Room and on Zoom.

Board meeting materials will be posted here on our website the week of the meeting.
Women's Ritual Circle: Open Rituals this Fall
Wednesdays, Sept. 20, Oct. 6, and Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m.

Women (cis and trans) as well as non-binary folks who find their home in women-centric spaces who are interested in earth-based and pagan spirituality are invited to the upcoming open rituals of the Under Northern Skies Women’s Ritual Circle. The circle is open to newcomers on Wednesday, Sept. 20; Wednesday, Oct. 6; and Wednesday, Oct. 20. Fo people who choose to join the circle, there will be a commitment ritual on Thursday, Nov. 4, after which the circle will close to new members until fall of 2022. The circle currently hold rituals via Zoom, beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m. and meeting for about an hour. Contact Beth at belovedporcupine@gmail.com for more information and Zoom information if you would like to attend.
Senior Hiking Group: September Hike
Thursday, Sept. 23, 10 a.m.

Tom Saterstrom will lead the September Senior Hike in Bloomington along Nine Mile Creek, starting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23. The group will meet at Moir Park (address: 10320 Morgan Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55431), and have lunch at Willie McCoy’s Restaurant after the hike. Willie McCoy’s is located at 10700 France Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55431. Since attendance at some recent hikes has been unpredictable we ask that all who plan to join this hike please notify Tom (saterstromtom@yahoo.com) ahead of time so that we can provide a head count to the restaurant.
Young Adult Group Meet-Up
Sunday, Sept. 26, noon – 1:30 p.m.

Wanting to connect with other young adults (20s and 30s), but unsure of how to do so as COVID continues to change? Feeling a little lost as you decide what might feel best on a given day: social time? alone time? screen time? face to face time? Cool! We’re right there with you! So let’s talk about it!

Here’s what we know for sure:
We want to be together! Young Adults (and honorary Young Adult, Rev. Arif!) will gather on Sunday, Sept. 26 after the live-streamed service from 12–1:30 p.m. for conversation and fun. We’ll discuss how we’re all navigating this time: what ways of connection feel both energy-giving for our spirits and healthy for our bodies? How might we want to be together as a group in the future? We’ll follow recommendations as given by CDC, MDH, and First U surrounding masking, distancing, etc. In addition, please let us know what additional guidelines or practices will help you feel most comfortable.

Here’s what we will determine together:
We intend to gather with food available at an outdoor space in Minneapolis, and that exact location will depend on how many folks wish to join us. So, please let Angela Bowles Edwards (angelambedwards@gmail.com) know if you’re interested! Also, please pass along any suggestions you have of a good location! We’ll confirm the location by Thursday, September 23rd, and will provide updates on any COVID-related precautions via email if/when they are announced.
September Plant-Based Potluck
Tuesday, Sept. 28, 6–8 p.m.

Submitted by First U member Betsy Allis:

Reconnect with UU friends (kids welcome!) at our fourth backyard potluck at the Richfield home of Carol and Liz. Relax and enjoy yummy plant-based dishes and a short educational interlude (stay tuned!). Sponsored by First U’s Environmental Justice Food Solutions team, part of a fast-growing movement of Americans (now 30 percent) eating less meat and more plant foods to reduce climate warming and improve animal and human health. For directions, RSVP here by September 26.
Four images. Top image is of an overflowing cornucopia with text potluck. Lower three photos are of First U members and friends at past Plant Based Potlucks.
Ongoing Gatherings
UUs in 12-Step Recovery
Every other Sunday, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (Sept. 19 & Oct. 3)
Every other Tuesday, 7–8 p.m. (Sept. 14 & 28)
Weekly drop-in group for UUs in 12-step based recovery from all kinds of addiction and family dysfunction. Participation is confidential. Join us via Zoom here. (Meeting ID: 922 6965 4151 Passcode: 839388) For more info contact Dick Young at 952-893-1188.

First Sunday Meditation Group
Sunday, Oct. 3, 11:15 a.m.
Join this monthly congregant-led group for silent meditation on Zoom. The Zoom space opens at 11:15 a.m.; meditation starts at 11:30 a.m. Join the Zoom gathering here.

Weekly Meditation Group
The Weekly Meditation Group is meeting on Tuesday mornings from 9–10:15 a.m. by Zoom. This group plans to begin a multi-platform gathering model when the church reopens. Contact Sara McMullen at saramcminneapolis@gmail.com for Zoom and in-person meeting information. 

Single Parents Gathering
Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
Parents/guardians who are single and/or co-parenting gather for mutual support and spiritual sustenance. Email church member Rev. Sara Smalley (smalley.sara@gmail.com) to be connected to the group.

First Universalist Accessibility and Inclusion Group
(note: this group is on break for the Summer and will resume in the Fall)
This group is designed for people with all types of physical disabilities, hearing disabilities, and visual disabilities. Ages 13 and older are welcome. For Zoom information please contact BOTH Lauren Wyeth at lauren@firstuniv.org and Birch Cappetta at birch.cappetta@gmail.com.

Association of Universalist Women Happy Hour(s)
Every Thursday at 5 and 7 p.m. Come to one or both! These are ongoing Zoom events and the Zoom information is the same every week. The two gatherings have different Zoom information. Join the 5 p.m. Happy Hour here (Meeting ID: 834 7301 7986; Password: 557571). Join the 7 p.m. Happy Hour here (Meeting ID: 817 4022 5684; Password: 675052).

Parents of Babies and Preschoolers (ages 0-4 years)
(Note: this group is on break for the Summer and will resume in the Fall)
Parents/guardians of little ones gather with Lauren for mutual support and spiritual sustenance. Email Lauren at lauren@firstuniv.org to be connected to the group.

12 Step Spirituality
Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.
All people in or interested in 12 steps are welcome - Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, CODA, etc. The workshop includes meditation, Centering Prayer meditation instructions, a short talk and small groups. Meeting details available at 12stepspirituality.org

Religious Education for Children and Youth
Religious Education classes for children & youth resume this fall, in a staggered fashion. Programming for youth in grades 7 - 12 will begin at our in-person service at Minnehaha Falls and Park on Sunday, Sept. 19. Details available on our Religious Education website.
In the Community
Feeding Hope with Mental Health Connect
Mental Health Connect logo. Text reads mental health connect We help open doors. To the left of the text is an image of intertwined arcs of shades of green. Circles over the arcs imply heads and arms and give the impression of people embracing each other.
Wednesday, Sept. 15, noon–1 p.m.

Submitted by Janet Houck, First U Mental Health Connect Advocate:

Bringing H.O.P.E. (Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences) to Those Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Feeding Hope Series Webinar from Mental Health Connect

After a challenging year of fighting the global pandemic, social unrest and so much change, we are all looking forward to life slowly getting back to "normal." But how have we been impacted by what has happened, and what have we learned from our experiences? How can we take what we’ve experienced and use it to help us heal and grow?

As we look with hope towards the coming months, we examine these questions in this continuing education webinar series— a collaborative effort between M Health Fairview Interfaith Health, AccentCare Fairview and Ebenezer. This event features Mental Health Connect's Board Co-Chair Ann Ellison, Interfaith Health, M Health Fairview. Sign up for the Zoom information for this webinar here and learn more about this event here.

About Mental Health Connect:
Mental Health Connect is a free community resource to help you, or someone you know, find the resources needed for improved mental health. For free, confidential help with navigating resources contact the Mental Health Connect Navigator: call or text 612-312-3377, or email navigator@mhconnect.org.
Resources & Information
We Care Ministries at First Universalist Church
The care team at First Universalist is here to help in a whole lot of ways—from phone calls to say we’re thinking about you to a listening ear when you need someone to accompany you through whatever’s happening in your life. COVID-19 has changed some of the ways we provide care, but there is a lot we’re still doing. Here is one of the ways we’re here to provide support:

We Care Rides

Though we’re not currently driving folks to medical appointments and the like, church is happy to help with an Uber or Taxi ride. As a member recently said, “I broke my foot last year, and wouldn’t you know it, it was my right one and my doctor wouldn’t let me drive with my left! Thank goodness the rides ministry at church was there to help.” To get set up with a ride or to access any of our other caring resources, contact Rev. Arif Mamdani at arif@firstuniv.org 
Care Resources

Spiritual Care - Your ministers and program staff are here for one-on-one confidential conversations of support. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us to connect. 

Love Kits - Are you or someone you love ill? Is your family struggling? Do you live alone or feel isolated? Do you know someone else from church who might be? If so, please let Rev. Karen (revkarenhutt@gmail.com) know so that a package full of love and support can be delivered to your home.

Meal Trains - If you or someone you know at church would welcome a meal to help them through a difficult time, loss, illness or injury — and having someone else do the cooking for a bit would help —please let us know. Contact Rev. Arif Mamdani at arif@firstuniv.org.

Minister’s Emergency Fund - For many of us, these are difficult financial times. If you need help with a car repair bill, making rent, a doctor’s bill, groceries, gas, a mortgage payment, affording your medication, a bus card, or any other financial situation - please be in touch. We have financial resources available. Please contact a minister/staff member. 

Mental Health Connect - www.mhconnect.org - Need help finding a therapist? Want to learn more about particular mental health conditions and resources? Check out Mental Health Connect, a local organization supported by congregations like ours, that provides community-based resources, support and education to improve access to mental health services and connect individuals and families with the services they need. 

Counseling - The Walk In Counseling Center offers free counseling by phone or computer. Find out how to “walk in” on their website.
Weekly Liberal Submissions

We encourage you to submit news!
To do so, fill out our online submission form. Edits for length and/or content may occur. The Weekly Liberal is compiled and edited by Communications Manager Jenn Stromberg and Communications Assistant Allison Connelly. Past issues and policies can be found on our website
Contact Us

First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
612-825 1701  

For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.