January 26, 2025

The Third Sunday after Epiphany

10am Service

Pastor Katie Holeman Presiding

The Rev. Mike Ferrito Preaching

The Rev. Rodney Davis Deacon

& The Rev. Andy Lobban Assisting

5pm Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4883550916!

The Feast of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Rev. Rodney Davis

Sunday January 19, 2025

Annual Meeting

Sunday February 2, 2025 - In-Person

St. Michael's annual meeting will be in person only on Sunday February 2nd immediately following the 10am service. We will serve lunch as usual and the nursery will be available for ages 0 - 6. During the meeting we will be voting for Vestry Members and Diocesan Delegates and taking a look at 2024 and look to the future.

2025 Vestry & Diocesan Delegate Bios

Nominees for 2025 Vestry

Elizabeth Dolezal

When I was searching for a church home eight years ago, St. Michael's spoke to me for two reasons: First, because of its values of Social Justice, Outreach and Inclusivity, and second, because of the variety of opportunities it provides for worship. In my case, the Contemplative services on Friday morning and Sunday evening have provided me the setting in which to sit in silence and feel God's presence. Because of the joy this practice has brought me, I would like to give back to the Church through service on the Vestry. My professional background includes 34 years as an Administrator in State Government, primarily in the Human Resources field. Since retirement, I have been involved in a variety of volunteer experiences, including 15 years of membership on a statewide healthcare workforce policy commission, where I served as both Chair and Vice Chair. I believe all these experiences have provided me with the ability to understand and evaluate program and policy issues.  

Lee Robbins

I am newer to the community at St. Michael’s and have felt spiritually invested in the future of our church. I have been involved in worship and outreach ministries and wish to be a part of growing our membership and community. I have over twenty years of experience in social work, social justice and social change agencies that I feel will be helpful in my service on vestry.

Todd Stone

St. Michael’s has been an important part of my life since my youth, I was confirmed here in 1970 and we have baptized all of our children here. As a real estate investor and CEO of a 2nd generation company, I have experience in real estate, finance and business organization that will be beneficial to my service on vestry.

Holly Yue

Since joining St. Michael’s almost four years ago, I have been involved in a number of our ministries. When I was asked to consider joining vestry, I considered it prayerfully for a few weeks and God said yes! This service is not new to me. I spent multiple terms on the vestry at my previous church, St. Luke’s, and liked having a voice in decision making on the mission committee there. Having been an engaged and productive member of many committees over the years I have learned a great deal about working with others in “the way of love.” My heart is for youth ministry, social justice, outreach and the environment and I often find myself in the role of fundraiser and other creative endeavors.

Nominee's for 2025 for Diocesan Delegates


Sue Corbin

I was honored to have the opportunity to represent St. Michael’s last year. I was impressed by the many positive ideas that developed into ministries to improve all lives and felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to serve again. I am humbled to be a part of the different ministries here, especially co-founding the Scholarship Fund, the Sages Ministry and mailing the Sunday bulletins to the homebound parishioners. If elected to serve again, I will do my best to go in with an open mind.


Sr. Tina Francesca Ferriot

I am interested in the life of the wider church family and the ministries that draw the world to know the Trinity. It is exciting to experience the wider Episcopal Church through listening, seeing, and working with others to spread the gospel, while engaging in corporate worship, and ministry in representing St. Michael’s.

Kate Muris

I have been a delegate several times. I choose to put my time and energy in the work of a delegate because I believe it is extremely important to have a bigger picture and wider knowledge of our Diocese and the church beyond. It also allows us the opportunity to meet people around the Diocese and forge new friendships and alliances through our common ministries and actions for our future church.

Tammy Murray

I have not served as a delegate but was able to serve on the Episcopal Diocese of Northern CA as a Board of Trustee and had the opportunity to attend the Conventions. It is very interesting to be a part of this event. I would be happy to serve as a St. Michael's Delegate.

Renee Pierce

I have been a delegate/alternate to the convention for the last five years. I am committed as a member of this church to be a leader in promoting the best practices of our faith, and that includes being involved in the active leadership of the diocese for the interests of our congregation.

Holly Yue

I have prior experience as a delegate and find that catching up on what is happening in all the Diocesan ministries is a joyful thing. Learning from the convention speaker is always beneficial, as is spending time with our clergy and fellow parishioners. Worshipping together with brothers and sisters in Christ from the entire Diocese is a spirit filled experience. The business sessions tell us where the Diocese is financially and it’s our opportunity to vote on delegates to the General Convention every 3 years and the resolutions brought forth during each year. I would be honored to represent in this way again in 2025.

We are still looking for another delegate and an alternate for the Diocesan Convention. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact the office. 

The Rev. Canon Julie Wakelee Visiting St. Michael's!

On Sunday, February 9, St. Michael's will welcome as our preacher the Rev. Canon Julie Wakelee, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Northern California. Canon Julie plans to visit for the purpose of encouraging the Rector search here at St. Michael's as well as to get to know our congregation better. She will remain after the service for fellowship and coffee hour as well as to meet with our Vestry and search committee. We look forward to welcoming her!


Mardi Gras Mask Making Party!

Wednesday, February 19th at 4:30pm

Friendship Center

Join us as we prepare for our Mardi Gras Dinner Fundraiser by making some festive masks! Light refreshments will be provided. Masks and embellishments will be supplied but donations are welcomed. Please contact Laura Quené to RSVP and for more information.

Consider hosting a Sign Up Party!

The forms for Sign Up Parties are now available in the office, at coffee hour and via PDF below. Please put those creative juices together to come up with fun ways to host an event. Get your friends involved and share the fun, the cost or the location. Remember, all the money we raise during our fundraisers helps finance the wonderful outreach projects that St. Michael's supports every year.

Host a Party!

St. Michael's Learn & Connect

St. Michael's Continuing Studies

Shrove Tuesday

Evensong & Pancake Supper

Tuesday, March 4th

Evensong Service at 5pm

Pancake Supper immediately following


Join us! St. Michael's will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with a service of Evensong this year followed by our annual pancake supper in the Parish Hall. Questions, want to volunteer & flip some pancakes? Connect with Renée Pierce or Michelle in the office.

2024 Giving Statements

Giving Statements for 2024 are being mailed in the next few days. Please contact Kate Muris if you have any questions.

St. Michael's Serves in the Community

Habitat for Humanity

Build for Unity


Seeking Build for Unity Volunteers!  Build for Unity is a Habitat for Humanity program where multi-faith communities come together to build houses for low-income families. St. Michaels was one of the original faith groups that started this amazing program (in 2016). Our three scheduled workdays are

  • Saturday, February 1
  • Friday & Saturday February 7 & 8

There are sign-up sheets located on the board in Johnstone Hall. We have 10 spots open each day. Please feel free to invite your friends and family to join us in this wonderful program. If you have questions, please connect with Terry Bridges.

Saturday March 29th, 12 - 2pm

Parish & Johnstone Halls

Come pack meal bags that reach hungry people throughout the world. It is a very fun event and a great opportunity to gather as community to do something for those in need.


Last year we packed over 10,000 meals that went to support those in need in Philippines. Come be a part of this super fun event!


Please sign up on their website. If you have questions or need help please contact the office. If you are willing to help with set up or clean up please let us know!

Register Here

Regular Outreach opportunities

River City Food Bank Center at St. Matthew's - Distribution Prep every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday & Distribution every Wednesday & Friday

Carmichael HART Carmichael Presbyterian Church - Lunch program every Thursday & the Shower Ministry every Saturday

God's Helping Hands Laundry LaunderLand every 3rd Saturday of the month


River City Food Bank needs your reusable grocery bags. Sturdy, clean plastic bags and large paper bags can be recycled right here in the Food Barrel. Egg cartons (1 dozen size) are needed too. Larger strong tote bags are also desired. Please contact Julie Linderman with questions.

Weekly Services

10am Sunday Morning Worship Eucharist (also Livestreamed)

Nursery opens at 9:30am

5pm Sunday Evening Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom

9am Morning Prayer – Zoom, Monday through Thursday

8:30am Friday Morning Contemplative Eucharist

Upcoming Celebration of Life Services

We will be having a Celebration of life service for Jay Glad on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 10am at the church with a reception immediately following. The Service will be livestreamed and recorded to YouTube. Please contact the church office if you have further questions.

Ash Wednesday Services

Wednesday, March 5th

7am Eucharist & Ashes

12pm Eucharist & Ashes

7pm Eucharist & Ashes with Livestream

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. A season of reflection and repentance.

Piano Meditation

by John Cozza, Music Director

Mozart--Adagio for Glass Harmonica, K. 365/617a 

Mozart's birthday, January 27, falls on Monday of next week, so his Adagio for Glass Harmonica will be featured as this week's Piano Meditation. Composed in May of 1791 (six months before the composer's untimely death), the Adagio for Glass Harmonica is a searching, ethereal late work of Mozart. It was written for a blind glass harmonica virtuosa, Marianne Kirchgessner, who premiered it in the Burgtheater in Vienna in June of 1791. The instrument itself is made up of a series of glass bowls, graduated in size from large (lower pitch) to small (higher pitch) left to right (like a piano/organ keyboard), that are suspended in water and are activated by the player pressing a finger on one or more of the bowls. Benjamin Franklin (!) invented the instrument in 1761.

St. Michael's Episcopal Day School News

Tickets are live!

Get in on the Fun – Attend & Bid

To make your evening even more enjoyable, let us know if there is a specific group or class you would like to sit with (for example: "I would love to sit with 1st or 3rd grade parents"). We will make sure to arrange the seating so everyone feels comfortable and can enjoy the evening together with friends.

On-Going Announcements

St. Michael's Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at FlapJacks Diner. The group meets at 8am at the restaurant. FlapJacks Diner is on El Camino Ave. Please reply to Jim Dodds so he will have an idea of the numbers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the office.

Centering Prayer

All are welcome to come and pray! Centering prayer meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month on Zoom. Newcomers are welcome to come at 6:45pm for a Centering Prayer Newcomer Orientation. Centering Prayer begins at 7pm. We will offer a 20 minute centering prayer sit, followed by a variety of contemplative practices. They may include: Lectio Divina, experiential spirituality and occasionally a guest speaker. For more information, please contact the office 916.488.3550 or Chuck Schaller.

Prayers for Pregnant Women & Their Babies

We have an ongoing relationship with the Episcopal Sisters at the Order of Julian of Norwich monastery who pray daily for pregnant women and their babies. If you have name(s) of loved one(s) who are expecting that you would like to have included in the sisters' prayers, please email Fr. Rod at fatherrod@stmichaelscarmichael.org.

Giving Thanks with Flowers!

You can still remember your loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers to the church.  

If you would like to give in this way, please let the office know

and what you would like to give thanks for in the bulletin. You can send a check (or drop it off) to the office or pay on-line.  

Name Tags Available

We have name tags available at Sunday morning check in's. Please be sure to grab and wear your name tag before the service. If you are in need of a name tag please let the office know.

St. Michael's Hours

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

Sanctuary and Courtyard are open during office hours. Please let the office know you will be coming. Call 916.488.3550 or email.

Pastoral Hours

Rev. Andy will be available on request. Please email revandy@stmichaelscarmichael.org to schedule.

Pastor Katie will be available on request. Please email pastorkatie@stmichaelscarmichael.org to schedule.

Fr. Mike will be available on request. Please email revdrferrito@outlook.com to schedule.

Fr. Rod will be available on request. Please email fatherrod@stmichaelscarmichael.org to schedule. 


Thank you all for generously supporting St. Michael's and our ministries. We are accepting pledge payments through the mail. We are also accepting online giving. You may have to set up an account to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kate Muris.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
2140 Mission Avenue, Carmichael CA 95608
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