February 11, 2024

The Last Sunday before Epiphany

10am Service

Pastor Katie Holeman Presiding

The Rev. Mary Claugus Preaching

& The Rev. Rodney Davis Deacon

5pm Contemplative Prayer Eucharist with Zoom

The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

The Rev. Rodney Davis

Sunday February 4, 2024

Due to technical difficulties we experienced some issues with lighting and camera angles.

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake Supper

February 13 at 6pm Parish Hall


Join us! St. Michael's will be hosting a pancake supper celebrating Shrove Tuesday. Questions? Call 916.488.3550 or email the office [email protected].


Ash Wednesday Services

Wednesday, February 14th

7am Eucharist & Ashes

12pm Eucharist & Ashes

7pm Eucharist & Ashes with Livestream

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. A season of reflection and repentance.

Learn More

St. Michael's Green Team

Meet your Green Team

Sue Gaston, Pat Cole, and John Quene (Rick Larkey left our group to become Sr. Warden).

We’re here to implement the Episcopal Church’s commitment to become carbon-neutral, and we will submit a plan to the Diocese of Northern California at the end of this year to show how St. Michael’s can achieve this.

We’ll begin with an energy assessment of our church buildings and equipment. The day school will schedule a separate analysis. We’ll also encourage parishioners and our neighbors to find ways to lower their carbon footprint. Earth Day is Monday, April 22, 2024. You’ll see more about our plans to celebrate this later. We hope you’ll join us in our work to leave a better environment for the next generation. Questions: Write me at [email protected]

St. Michael's Fundraiser

Help us put the FUN in Fundraiser!

We are gathering a group of people who want to help us create a magical event. The date is Saturday, April 13th. If you would like to add your creative talents to our committee, please see Renee Pierce at coffee hour, email [email protected] or text 916-539-6495.

We are looking for volunteers for the evening, including set up/clean up, silent auction auditors, check-in/out (cashiering), bartending, communication and ticket sales. We especially want to invite new members to become involved while making new friends.

St. Michael's Learns & Connects

Adult Forums

Join us for our last Adult Forum on Sunday, February 11th, 11:45am. We will be discussing the situation in Gaza

In the hour, we will listen to the Episcopal perspective, the Lutheran (ELCAA) perspective and then discuss the topic, sharing our own experiences and perspectives. The goal is to learn from one another and grow in a better understanding of our world and its challenges, looking for where God is in it all. 

Rev. Mary and Pastor Katie Holeman.

Living Compass - Living Well Through Lent

The reasons for forgiving ourselves are the same as for forgiving others. It is how we become free of the past. It is how we heal and grow. —Desmond and Mpho Tutu, The Book of Forgiving

Lent is a time for introspection and self-reflection, a time to reflect on what it means to live a Christian life in the midst of great change and uncertainty. Practicing forgiveness frees us to receive and share the healing love of God.


The Living Compass theme for the Lenten season is Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind. 


The Living Compass Lenten booklets are available, free of cost, at the church. There are multiple other ways you can engage with this material through Living Compass at https://www.livingcompass.org/lent


  • Signing up on Living Compass’ website to receive a daily email of each reflection
  • Downloading a free PDF file
  • Purchasing an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents.

A Zoom discussion group facilitated by Lisa and Jim Sargent is offered on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30 on February 25, March 10 and 24. Please contact Lisa by e-mail at [email protected] to sign up.

The Philadelphia Eleven


Showing with light supper & dessert

In an act of civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property.

In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution and challenges the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom.

This event changed the Episcopal Church and made way for us to live more fully into the justice and equity that Jesus taught in the Gospels. This story about how we came to ordain women is our history. We all should know about it! Please come!

March 8, 2024 at 5pm,

Come for host a streaming of the documentary

With a light supper and dessert

Friendship Center

The plan is to watch it together in the friendship room using apple play. This viewing is being offered by the project to individuals for a streaming of the documentary. Please buy a ticket ($10 to support the project) and come so we can watch it together. The documentary runs about an hour and half. Plan to stay for a 30 minute discussion afterwards. Below you will find a button to buy your ticket and also to let us know if you will be joining us. We will provide a light supper and dessert!

Sign up!
Support this project!

St. Michael's Continuing Studies

Weekly Services

10am Sunday Morning Worship Eucharist & Choir also Livestreamed

Nursery opens at 9:30am

5pm Sunday Evening Contemplative Eucharist with Zoom

9am Morning Prayer – Zoom, Monday through Thursday nm

11:45am Thursday Noon Day Prayer – Zoom

8:30am Friday Morning Contemplative Eucharist

Choral Meditation

by John Cozza, Music Director


Elijah, Op. 70 by Felix Mendelssohn


Following on last week's Piano Meditation by Felix Mendelssohn, here is his most famous choral work: Elijah (GermanElias), Op. 70, is an oratorio by Felix Mendelssohn depicting events in the life of the Prophet Elijah as told in the books 1 Kings and 2 Kings of the Old Testament. The oratorio was first performed on 26 August 1846 at Birmingham Town Hall in its English version, conducted by the composer, and it was immediately acclaimed a classic of the genre.


For more information, here is a link to the Wikipedia entry: 


And here is a wonderful recording conducted by Robert Shaw:


Part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlY8WQ5vLeY


Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf8IOw9NXGw

St. Michael's Serves in the Community

God's Helping Hands Laundry Days    

February 17th, 8:45am - 11:30am

LaunderLand, 3100 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA

Every third Saturday of the month this is an opportunity to help our neighbors who do not have access or means to launder their clothing and other essentials.  Volunteers assist by handling the money (quarters to run the machines, laundry detergent, etc.) and providing a positive community environment of support for our neighbors to meet their basic needs. To Volunteer or get more information Contact Julie Linderman (email: [email protected] or phone: 916-485-2978)

Additional Outreach opportunities can be found on our website calendar linked below!

Regular Opportunities include:

River City Food Bank Center at St. Matthew's - Distribution Prep every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday & Distribution every Wednesday & Friday

Carmichael HART Carmichael Presbyterian Church - Lunch program every Thursday & the Shower Ministry every Saturday

God's Helping Hands Laundry LaunderLand every 3rd Saturday of the month


St. Michael's Day School News

Benefit Auction News

Join us for the 2024 Benefit Auction & Dinner to support our incredible St. Michael’s students, faculty, and programs. Spend the evening with the SMEDS community enjoying delicious food, special cocktails, and dancing with friends old and new. 

Wondering where to sit? We have you covered! When you purchase tickets, please let us know which class you would like to be seated with (for example: "I would like to sit with 1st or 3rd grade parents."). You are also welcome to list more specific seating preferences. Our committee will be mindful of seating requests and table arrangements to ensure all guests feel welcome and comfortable. 

Tickets available now: 2024 Benefit Auction & Dinner Tickets

This event is not possible without the support of our generous sponsors. Please consider becoming a sponsor today. 

2024 Auction Sponsorship Levels

2024 Auction Sponsorship Form

For any questions, please contact Nicole Pikios [email protected]

On-Going Announcements

St. Michael's Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at FlapJacks Diner. The group meets at 8am at the restaurant. FlapJacks Diner is on El Camino Ave. Please reply to Jim Dodds so he will have an idea of the numbers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the office.

Centering Prayer

All are welcome to come and pray! Centering prayer meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month via Zoom. Newcomers are welcome to come at 6:45pm for a Centering Prayer Newcomer Orientation. Centering Prayer begins at 7pm. We will offer a 20 minute centering prayer sit, followed by a variety of contemplative practices. They may include: Lectio Divina, experiential spirituality and occasionally a guest speaker. For more information, please contact the office 916.488.3550 or Chuck Schaller 916.390.3465.

Prayers for Pregnant Women & Their Babies

We have an ongoing relationship with the Episcopal Sisters at the Order of Julian of Norwich monastery who pray daily for pregnant women and their babies. If you have name(s) of loved one(s) who are expecting that you would like to have included in the sisters' prayers, please email Fr. Rod at [email protected].

Giving Thanks with Flowers!

You can still remember your loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers to the church.  

If you would like to give in this way, please let the office know

and what you would like to give thanks for in the bulletin. You can send a check (or drop it off) to the office or pay on-line.  

Name Tags Available

We have name tags available at Sunday morning check in's. Please be sure to grab and wear your name tag before the service. If you are in need of a name tag please let the office know.

St. Michael's Hours

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

Sanctuary and Courtyard are open during office hours. Please let the office know you will be coming. Call 916.488.3550 or email.

Pastoral Hours

Rev. Mary will be available on request. Please call the office to schedule.


Pastor Katie will be available on request. Please email [email protected] to schedule.


Thank you all for generously supporting St. Michael's and our ministries. We are accepting pledge payments through the mail. We are also accepting online giving. You may have to set up an account to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kate Muris.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
2140 Mission Avenue, Carmichael CA 95608
916.488.3550 | [email protected]
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