December 15, 2024

The Third Sunday of Advent

10am Service

The Rev. Rodney Davis Presiding

Pastor Katie Holeman Preaching

The Rev. Mike Ferrito Deacon

& The Rev. Andy Lobban Assisting

A Service of Lessons & Carols ~ 5pm in-person & livestreamed

in place of the regularly scheduled 5pm service

The Second Sunday of Advent

The Rev. Andy Lobban

Sunday December 8, 2024


Annual Meeting

Sunday February 2, 2025

St. Michael's annual meeting will be immediately following the 10am service with a lunch. During the meeting we will be voting for Vestry Members and Diocesan Delegates and taking a look at 2024 and look to the future.

2025 Vestry & Diocesan Delegates

Every year the Vestry elects new members for a three-year term. This term is going to be especially important for the life of St. Michael’s. In 2025 the Vestry will be selecting a new Rector and the new Head Master of the St. Michaels School will start in July. There will be a new opportunity to deepen the relationship between the school and the church.


Another opportunity to serve is to represent St. Michael’s at the Diocesan convention on Friday & Saturday, November 7 & 8, 2025. This is a chance to engage in the issues of National as well as Diocesan concern. 

If you feel called to serve on the St. Michael’s Vestry or as a Diocesan Delegate please use the following link to fill out an application or contact the Church Office (916) 488-3550 for a hard copy. Applications are due Sunday, January 19, 2025.

Vestry Nomination Form

Upcoming Events & Services


Join us this Sunday December 15 at 5pm for our annual Service of Lessons & Carols! After we will gather for a Reception. Beverages will be provided and you are all encouraged to bring your favorite cookies or dessert to share. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Family Service at 5pm

with a Christmas Pageant "The Lion's Den" written by our own Paula Frink! - Join us for this fun and lighthearted Christmas Experience

Christmas Eve Choral Service at 9pm

Festival of Christmas Carols beginning at 8:30pm. You will not want to miss this.

Christmas Morning Service at 10am

All of our Christmas Services will also be available Livestreamed at our YouTube Channel.

Epiphany Evensong Service

& Potluck Dinner

Sunday January 5, 2025

This year we will be celebrating Epiphany at a 5pm sundown service of Evensong on Sunday January 5, 2025. The service will be filled with choral music, psalms and canticles. We will gather for an Epiphany potluck dinner complete with a kings cake immediately following the service.

St. Michael's Serves in the Community

Volunteers Needed

Winter Respite

Mondays, January 6th & 13th

Carmichael Presbyterian

5645 Marconi Ave, Carmichael

Join us as St. Michael's once again works with other faith communities in Carmichael to provide meals and a warm place to relax for a few hours during the coldest days of the year for our unhoused neighbors. This year Carmichael Presbyterian will be hosting and HART anticipates we will have approximately 50 guests each day. St Michaels is responsible for Monday's, January 6 and 13. 

Our volunteer needs are:

  • Kitchen volunteers preparing breakfast & bagged lunches
  • 3 - 5 needed from 7:30-10:30 AM
  • Greeters & Showers Attendants: Set up tables and cots; Welcome guests, make shower reservations, supervise showers, hygiene kits, and towels. Shift 2 will clean up and close.
  • Shift 1: 4 volunteers needed from 8:30-11 AM
  • Shift 2: 4 volunteers needed from 10:30-1 PM 

A signup sheet will be posted near the coffee table at Coffee Hour on Sunday's. Please contact Cindy Dewey if you have questions or would like to volunteer

2024 Mercy & Social Justice Grants

Congratulations to the nominators and recipients. Through these grants, St. Michael’s shows that we love our neighbors and respect the dignity of every human being.

  1. Starr King Staff Luncheon Nominated by Mary Ellen Ferguson
  2. Arden Arcade Hart Nominated by Julie Linderman
  3. International Rescue Committee Nominated by Christina Manning        
  4. PANC Exhibitor Nominated by Dancy Dobrenick
  5. Parkinson’s Arden Arcade Support Nominated by Kay Griffin and Marcie Larkey
  6. River City Food Bank Nominated by Eileen Thomas                     
  7. Starr King Office Supplies & Student Rewards Nominated by Mary Ellen Ferguson

Starr King TK-8 Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Friday, December 20th

St. Michael's will be hosting another holiday staff appreciation to-go lunch for the dedicated and hard working staff and faculty of Starr King TK-8 next Friday, December 20th. We provided a Thanksgiving luncheon for the staff last month with such a wonderful response we are doing it again! Please contact Pastor Katie or Mary Ellen if you are interested in assisting with the luncheon.

Regular Outreach opportunities

River City Food Bank Center at St. Matthew's - Distribution Prep every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday & Distribution every Wednesday & Friday

Carmichael HART Carmichael Presbyterian Church - Lunch program every Thursday & the Shower Ministry every Saturday

God's Helping Hands Laundry LaunderLand every 3rd Saturday of the month


St. Michael's Learns & Connects

Advent Studies

Journeying the Way of Love

Please join us after worship in the Friendship Center where we will be diving into Michael Curry’s Advent study Journeying the Way of Love. All are invited to participate even if you miss a Sunday. The Advent Calendar for the study is included below for those who wish to follow it but cannot attend the class. Please contact Rev. Andy or Fr. Rod for more information.

Advent Calendar

Living Compass - Living Well Through Advent

Engage in the Living Compass program for Advent focused on peace. A weekly discussion group facilitated by Lisa and Jim Sargent is offered on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm on Zoom through December 22. Please contact Lisa by e-mail at to sign up. For more info check out our website.

St. Michael's Recommended Reading

St. Michael’s clergy also recommends Marilyn McEntyre’s latest book Midwinter Light: Meditations for the Long Season. Books can be ordered online or through Marilyn McEntyre for a 20% discount ($15).

St. Michael's Continuing Studies

Weekly Services

10am Sunday Morning Worship Eucharist (also Livestreamed)

Nursery opens at 9:30am

5pm Sunday Evening Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom

9am Morning Prayer – Zoom, Monday through Thursday

8:30am Friday Morning Contemplative Eucharist

Upcoming Celebration of Life Services

RESCHEDULED - The Celebration of life service for Jay Glad that was originally scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed and will be rescheduled to a later date in early 2025, likely January. Please contact the church office if you have further questions.

Christmas Music & Flowers

Give in Thanksgiving & in Memory

You can remember loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers and music to the church for Christmas.

Please fill out our online form or you can email the office for what you are grateful for and/or for whom. Please add "Christmas Flowers & Music" to the memo line of checks and mail or drop them off to the office. You can also pay online using the drop down menu by selecting Flowers & Music in Thanksgiving and Remembering.

Please submit your messages for the bulletins by Thursday, December 19th to be published in the Christmas bulletins.

Names for Christmas Bulletin

Choral Masterworks

by John Cozza, Music Director


Traditional & Popular Hymns for Advent    

Many thanks to our choir friend David Daigh for passing this on--something to get us in the Advent Spirit and with which we can all sing along!

On-Going Announcements

St. Michael's Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast is on the first Saturday of every month at FlapJacks Diner. The group meets at 8am at the restaurant. FlapJacks Diner is on El Camino Ave. Please reply to Jim Dodds so he will have an idea of the numbers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the office.

Centering Prayer

All are welcome to come and pray! Centering prayer meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month on Zoom. Newcomers are welcome to come at 6:45pm for a Centering Prayer Newcomer Orientation. Centering Prayer begins at 7pm. We will offer a 20 minute centering prayer sit, followed by a variety of contemplative practices. They may include: Lectio Divina, experiential spirituality and occasionally a guest speaker. For more information, please contact the office 916.488.3550 or Chuck Schaller.

Prayers for Pregnant Women & Their Babies

We have an ongoing relationship with the Episcopal Sisters at the Order of Julian of Norwich monastery who pray daily for pregnant women and their babies. If you have name(s) of loved one(s) who are expecting that you would like to have included in the sisters' prayers, please email Fr. Rod at

Giving Thanks with Flowers!

You can still remember your loved ones and celebrate important moments in your life with the gift of flowers to the church.  

If you would like to give in this way, please let the office know

and what you would like to give thanks for in the bulletin. You can send a check (or drop it off) to the office or pay on-line.  

Name Tags Available

We have name tags available at Sunday morning check in's. Please be sure to grab and wear your name tag before the service. If you are in need of a name tag please let the office know.

St. Michael's Hours

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm

Sanctuary and Courtyard are open during office hours. Please let the office know you will be coming. Call 916.488.3550 or email.

Pastoral Hours

Rev. Andy will be available on request. Please email to schedule.

Pastor Katie will be available on request. Please email to schedule.

Fr. Mike will be available on request. Please email to schedule.

Fr. Rod will be available on request. Please email to schedule. 


Thank you all for generously supporting St. Michael's and our ministries. We are accepting pledge payments through the mail. We are also accepting online giving. You may have to set up an account to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kate Muris.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
2140 Mission Avenue, Carmichael CA 95608
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