
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 5:05 PM (The 505)
Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 9:00 AM (Traditional)

"Outrageous! Invitation to the Feast"

Preacher: Senior Pastor Ben Roberts
Worship Leader: Associate Pastor Mark Stapleton
Old Testament: Isaiah 25:6-9
Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-13
Holy Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14
If you ever got invited to a wedding and reception, how would it look to the host if you tore up the invitation, called them to say that you were “too busy” (when you had the day wide open) or, even worse, you went to the host’s house and beat them up! Outrageous! What if the host then invited anyone who wanted to come, even strangers? Outrageous! What if those invited showed up as “party-crashers” and not able to produce the invitation to even get in? Outrageous! As we conclude our series “Outrageous!”, Jesus tells the story of the wedding banquet and just how many outrageous moments are scattered throughout the parable. These are meant to highlight the absurdity of rejecting an invitation to something so special to the host. They are also meant to highlight just how wonderful it is to have been invited to the “wedding feast of the kingdom” for the Son of God…how we are invited, though we do not deserve it…how we have been given our “robe of Christ’s righteousness” in our baptism…how much lavish grace God has bestowed upon us in His Son, Jesus!

Outrageous! The Stunning, Backwards, Upside-Down Grace of Jesus Christ

Some of the things that Jesus said really riled up some people up. Leave 99 sheep for one that is lost? Pay all workers the same, even though some had only been working one hour? Killing the son of the owner of the vineyard you’re working for? It had them saying, “Outrageous!” Why were they so upset? Because everything Jesus said pointed towards His grace for sinners. Those who were puffed up with pride in their own righteousness, blinded by their skewed beliefs and assured in their mockery of the “outcasts” of society…Jesus turned it all upside-down! And that is Good News for you and me! In this 6-week series, we will be looking at some of the “outrageous” things Jesus said that points to His “outrageous” grace He shows to us sinners through His death and resurrection. Each time, we will hear things Jesus says that have us shaking our heads…at how much He loves us and what He does to be with us and save us!
  • 10/10 & 10/11: Outrageous! Invitation To The Feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

Saturday Schedule
"The 505" - Contemporary Worship Service at 5:05 PM
(In-Person and Livestreamed)
Sunday Schedule
Traditional Worship Service at 9:00 AM
(In-Person and Livestreamed)
Sunday Education Opportunities
10:15 - 11:15 AM - Pastor Mark Bible Study
(Held outside on Park Road - weather permitting, or it will be held in the School Gym)
10:15 - 11:15 AM - Sunday School Education Hour
(Held outside on the Playground - weather permitting, or it will be held in the Heritage Room)
10:30 - 11:15 AM - Pastor Ben Bible Study
(Held on ZOOM)

(Everyone should have received an e-mail titled "In-Person / Livestreamed Worship Services" that was sent on Wednesday, October 7. Click "HERE" to view that e-mail and obtain additional information about our In-Person and Livestreamed Worship Services that being this weekend.)


Every Sunday until October 11, 2020, join Pastor Ben online on Zoom from 9:30 - 10:15 AM to unpack the “theme” of the weekly message (no need to have heard it beforehand). Even if you cannot make it, feel free to use the study for personal or family use. Dig into God’s Word…dig into the “message”!

Topic: More Than The Message

Time: Every Sunday from August 30 to October 11, 2020 from 10:30 - 11:15 AM

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 740 8148 6754
Passcode: 505

Call by Phone: 312-626-6799

Weekly Handout: Outrageous! The Rejected Son and the Fruit He Bears - Matthew 21:33-46 (CLICK HERE)

Calendar Import: You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system:


Every Sunday, until October 11, 2020, Pastor Mark will host a one hour Bible Class on the church grounds. It will be held on the west side of the building (by the school lobby doors), it will start immediately after early service (approximately 10:15 to 11:15 a.m.). We invite you to bring your own lawn chair and Bible. This six week Bible Study will be on the Gospel of Luke.

PLEASE NOTE: Weather permitting the class will be held on Park Road, or the School Gym.

ST. JOHN'S MINISTRIES (Inreach and Outreach)
(You all should have received our "St. John's Ministries - A FUNDRAISER!" e-mail that was sent on Monday, October 5. Click "HERE" to view that e-mail and obtain additional information about these wonderful outreach events.) 

Family, Friends, and Supporters
of St. John's Lutheran School, 

We are officially kicking off our fundraiser with Charleston Wrap® – and we need YOUR help! To reach our goals and make this fundraiser a success, we need everyone to do their part. Luckily, it’s super easy! Attached to this message, you’ll find a flyer with detailed instructions about how you can register online and support our goals. We appreciate all of your support and encourage you to spread the word to your friends & family, near and far! The more people who shop, the more money we can raise for our organization!
Together, we can ensure our organization reaches its goal – and even surpasses it! 
Thank you for your help!
- St. John's Lutheran School -

CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED: October 1 - 15, 2020
  • Click "HERE" for more information.

  • Click "HERE" to learn more about the GIFT CARDS for people in need!

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: October's featured item will be DEODORANT
  • We will be collecting items at our next Meals To Go on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM.
  • More information forthcoming.

MEALS TO GO: Sunday, October 18, 2020 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM
  • Click "HERE" for more information.
  • Click "HERE" to sign up for a meal.
FAMILY FALL FUN FEST: Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM - 12 NOON
  •  Click "HERE" for more information.

Q-BBQ FUNDRAISER: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 from 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  •  Click "HERE" for more information.

PIE FUNDRAISER: November 1 - 5, 2020
  •  More information forthcoming.

TRIM A TREE AT THE ZOO: Sunday, November 22, 2020
  • More information forthcoming.

(Click "HERE" to obtain additional information about these wonderful events.) 


October is the month when the hardworking Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) committees would gather together for an interdepartmental meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Like many in-person activities, this year will be completed through a series or large and small group Zoom meetings.

Click "HERE" to read the rest of this article and see all the great things that are going on this time of year.

"Thank You All!" from the Board of Stewardship. During these tough times, for those who have been financially able to donate money to St. John's normally spent on things like gas, dry cleaning, auto maintenance, car washes, haircuts and restaurants/entertainment...the church thanks you greatly! Your generosity is appreciated.

Moses saw something bright orange as he tended his sheep on the mountainside. What was it? As he walked toward this bright light, he realized that it was a bush on fire, covered in flames. But its leaves were still bright green – how could this be? God had created this strange fire to send Moses a special message – His voice came out from the bush, calling Moses’ name. God was speaking to him, and he was amazed and afraid at the same time. God had a special job for Moses, and He wanted to tell Moses all about it. As he listened, Moses worried that God's job was too hard for him to do. But when he heard God say, "I will be with you", he was sure that anything would be possible with God's help. Our Bible story will tell will tell us all about Moses' big job!

Lesson materials will be emailed to all Sunday School and Wednesday Bible School families. If you do not receive your package, contact Dalyne Shinneman at or call 630-772-1688.
Attention All High School Youth!

Our next event is the Fall Fest on Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM - 12 Noon. Come enjoy time together! Some of the money from the food will help support our Mission Trip.

If you have any questions about the Youth Program at St. John's please contact Vicki Wykert at Bible Study and Small Groups
All three small groups have new topics
Click "HERE" for additional information on these opportunities!

Click on the TRIP logo above for more information on
how to donate gift cards to families in need during COVID-19
Purchase gift cards through our school’s fundraiser for essential goods such as groceries, gas, restaurants, and cleaning supplies, to donate to those in our community.

As COVID-19 widens and families are impacted by hardships related to closed schools, limited access to childcare, work limitations, and more, we have a unique opportunity to help support our community and families.
Click on the TRIP logo above for more information!
October is here! 

Time to start shopping for cooler weather clothing to get ready for fall or for anything – start with TRIP cards. See attached article for regular order dates.

Our next order dates are: Tuesday, October 13;
Monday, October 19; and Monday, October 26 at 7:45 AM at Door A.

Please email Amy Buonassisi at
if you are placing an order.

Saturday Worship
505 Contemporary
Worship Service at 5:05 p.m.
(Click "here" for the song playlist)
Sunday Worship
Traditional Worship Service
at 9:00 a.m.

PLEASE NOTE: All Worship Services will be available on our Livestream YouTube Page shortly after they are Livestreamed.
Church Office
Office: (708) 354-1690 x210