God of gold, incense, and myrrh in the season of light, of Epiphany, we bring to you our suffering, our pain, our rejections and bereavements, our baffled despair at undeserved suffering, our rage at continuing injustice. Heal us, O God of hope.
Heal us as we journey on, to embrace you, God-with-us, in the shining eyes and faces of everyone we meet, to embrace your healing touch which helps us to leave our self-righteous ways behind.
Heal us as we look forward to a new year, to this continuing journey across deserts and over mountains, as we pause to dream, to hope, to see with promise the vision you have for us.
Heal us in this unknown future, as you embrace us, lead us, awaken us, hold us and challenge us to find you where we least expect.
Holy One, in your mercy, hear our prayers.