To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known


Emmanuel E-News

December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025

Dear Beloved in Christ,


Merry Christmas! As we approach the end of 2024, I am filled with gratitude and joy for the many blessings and accomplishments we have experienced together as a church family. This year has been a testament of our resilience, faith, and commitment to serving God and our community. I would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the highlights that have made this year so special.


A Return to Full Worship Experience

Early in the year, we joyfully reintroduced liturgical elements that had been removed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The return of the children’s sermon, additional readings, and other elements has enriched our worship experience, bringing a sense of fullness and connection back to our services.


Ministry Innovation Lab

We were blessed to receive a $20,000 grant from the Florida-Bahamas Synod Vision to Action program to develop our own Ministry Innovation Lab. This initiative has allowed us to create a media studio, enabling us to communicate more effectively with our members and the wider community. Throughout the year, we produced 43 weekly forum videos and 35 lectionary previews, transitioning our sermons to our YouTube channel midway through the year. This has expanded our reach and provided new ways for us to engage with our faith.


Sanctuary Restoration Appeal

In the spring, we launched a special appeal to restore our sanctuary from the effects of Hurricane Ian. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we exceeded our goal by $100,000 in less than 30 days. This outpouring of support has been truly inspiring and has allowed us to restore and breathe new life into our sacred space.


Lent and Holy Week Participation

It was heartening to see our Lent and Holy Week participation return to pre-COVID levels. Your dedication and presence during these important times in our liturgical calendar have strengthened our community and deepened our collective faith.


Transition for Worship During Restoration

We successfully transitioned into and out of the fellowship hall for worship during the sanctuary restoration. Your flexibility and understanding during this period were greatly appreciated and ensured that our worship continued uninterrupted.


Reestablished Partnership with Luther Springs

We reestablished our partnership with Luther Springs, resulting in the first successful Lutheroad Day Camp in over a decade. This camp provided a wonderful opportunity for children of our congregation and the community to grow in their faith and build lasting friendships. We also sent 4 confirmands to Luther Springs to begin and expand their faith formation.


Church Office Transition

To ease the burden on our Council Treasurer and encourage future participation in this important role, we transitioned from a Bookkeeper to a Finance Administrator. This change has streamlined our financial operations and provided greater support for our leadership.


ELCA Youth Gathering

We were thrilled to send seven of our youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. This experience was transformative for our young members, providing them with opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship.


Community Support for Students

At the end of summer, in cooperation with the Venice area community, we ensured that 100% of students attending Venice and Garden elementary schools received the supplies they needed for the school year. This initiative demonstrated our commitment to supporting education and our local community.


Visitation Team

We established a visitation team to assist the pastor with the ongoing spiritual needs of our membership. This team has been instrumental in providing care and support to our congregation, ensuring that no one feels isolated or forgotten.


Thanksgiving Service, Increase in Food Pantry Donations, Christmas Eve

The Thanksgiving Service was successfully reintroduced with a food drive in the four preceding weeks that resulted in an increase in donations to the South County Food Pantry. 767 people attended our 3 Christmas Eve services.


Return to Our Restored Sanctuary

We successfully returned to our beautifully restored sanctuary on Reformation weekend. This milestone was a joyous occasion, and we look forward to celebrating further with a “Concert of Thanks” on Friday, January 24th, at 4:00pm in the sanctuary. We are honored to have Bishop Pedro Suarez of the Florida-Bahamas Synod lead us in worship, rededicating the sanctuary and worship furnishings January 25th at 5:00pm and January 26th at 9:30am.


As we look back on 2024, let us give thanks for the many ways God has blessed our congregation. I am deeply grateful for each of you and for the love and dedication you bring to our church community. May we continue to grow in faith and service in 2025.

Happy New Year!


With gratitude and blessings,

Pastor Will


The Weekend Schedule:

Worship Saturday @ 5:00pm

Worship Sunday @ 8:30 & 10:15am (FaithBridge Family)

Children's Church @ 9:30am

Youth Group @ 11:30am

Emmanuel Forum Episode 43

"The Fascinating History of Christmas"

Have you ever wondered how Christmas became the worldwide celebration we know today? It’s a story packed with ancient traditions, cultural mashups, and even a few controversies along the way. Let’s dive into the history of Christmas, from its humble beginnings to the global holiday we all love.

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

Lectionary Preview

First Sunday of Christmas

The Lectionary Preview is on hiatus this week for Lessons and Carols.

The Preview will resume next week with readings from Epiphany:

Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, and Matthew 2:1-12.

Merry Christmas!

In 2024, there were over 100 numbered envelope boxes discarded because people did not pick them up. To hopefully save both trees and money, it's been decided to order boxes of envelopes for your giving without numbers. It is important for you to write your name and/or number legibly on your envelopes when placed in the offering during 2025. This will be the only way for us to keep track of your giving.

Of course, you can always give online by scanning the QR code above.

Have you reviewed the changes to the constitution you received last Sunday via email?

Please be sure to click on the link provided in the introductory letter to view these changes. Direct any questions you may have to KC Farrell, our Council President.

These changes will be voted on at our Annual Meeting on January 18th at 11:30am.

Don Berg

Sherry Curtis

Barbara Cocchi

The family of

Ninan Mathew

invites you to a

Celebration of Life

on Friday, January 3, 2025

at 11am in the Sanctuary.

Reception following in Fellowship Hall.

Daily Bible Readings

(Click each day to read)

Friday, December 27

Saturday, December 28

Sunday, December 29

Monday, December 30

Tuesday, December 31

Wednesday, January 1

Thursday, January 2

Coffee & Fellowship

in Fellowship Hall

Saturdays 4:30pm &

Sundays 9:30-10:15am

If you are willing to help with either of these fellowships, please contact the office!

Click the appropriate button below to sign-up. You may scan the QR code to pay online or place the payment with dedication in the offering. Indicate the date and if for flowers or candle.

2025 Altar Flowers

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

2025 Eternal Candle

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

Barb's Medical Minute


  1. Julius Caesar was the one who declared that the new year would begin on January 1.
  2. Noisemakers ...

Click here to read more

Resumes January 12th


Room 102

Resumes January 12th


Youth Room

Resumes January 9th



Contact The Office

By Phone: 941.488.4942

By E-Mail:

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-2:00pm

This Week's Schedule

(Click The Calendar To View)

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