To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known



Schedule of Services:

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 8:30am

Sunday 10:15am (FaithBridge Family)

Emmanuel E-News

January 31 - February 6, 2025

Dear Emmanuel Family,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

What a wonderful and Spirit-filled weekend we have shared! My heart overflows with gratitude as I reflect on the joy and fellowship we experienced, beginning last Friday with our "Grand Night for Singing." What a tremendous blessing to welcome 371 people from across the Venice community into our sanctuary for an evening of music and praise. Thank you to all who participated, attended, and helped make this event such a success. A special thank you to the families that sponsored the musicians. It was a powerful reminder of how God uses music to bring people together and uplift our spirits.

Then, as we gathered for worship this past weekend, we had the privilege of celebrating our Re-dedication services with Bishop Pedro Suárez of the Florida-Bahamas Synod. In those moments of worship, we reaffirmed our commitment to Christ and to the mission of Emmanuel, dedicating ourselves anew to God’s work in our church and community. A special thank you to Bishop and his wife, Deacon Aura Suárez for joining us this weekend.

January was a month of reflection on our fiscal stewardship, and I want to thank each of you who turned in your commitment cards this past weekend. Your faithful giving is a testament to your love for this congregation and your trust in God’s provision. Now, as we enter February, we shift our focus to the stewardship of our time and talents through volunteering. Just as we give of our financial resources, we are also called to give of ourselves in service to God and one another.

This coming weekend, we will have our Showcase of Services and Ministries on Saturday and Sunday—a wonderful opportunity to explore ways we can answer God’s call to serve. Whether you have been deeply involved in ministry for years or are seeking new ways to use your gifts, I encourage you to come, learn, and discover where God is leading you next. Through our collective participation, we embody the love Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 13: a love that is patient and kind, not self-seeking, but always striving for the good of others.

The readings for this weekend remind us that God calls each of us, just as He called the prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jeremiah 1:5). No matter our age or stage in life, God has a purpose for us in His kingdom. Yet, as we see in Luke 4, answering God’s call is not always easy. Jesus faced rejection in his own hometown, but that did not deter Him from His mission. May we, too, have the courage to step into God’s calling with faith, knowing that His love sustains us.

God is calling us to greater participation in the life of Emmanuel and in the lives of those we serve in the Venice area and beyond. Let us step forward boldly, trusting that He will equip us for every good work.

With gratitude and joy in Christ,

Pastor Will



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Emmanuel Forum Episode 48

"On the Spot Aid"

In this episode of the Forum, we visit One The Spot Aid of Englewood, a Organization that helps the homeless community receive basic medical help. Pastor Will interviews Jarrod Kozee about On The Spot Aid and how Emmanuel can continue our partnership in mission with them.

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

The Pastor Lauvanus Fund is low to a point that we do not have moneys for his monthly stipend beginning in March. Please consider giving to this fund. You may use the envelopes in the pews and indicate for the "Lauvanus Fund".


Lectionary Preview

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the promises of God are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Gather round. Listen up. Glimpse the glory of God

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

"Author Jane Ann McLachlan will be leading six faith-focused discussion sessions, based on her new book "Bridges". The book is a series of short stories, each highlighting a current issue Christians face today. Each chapter includes Biblical references related to that issues. It will take place on Wednesdays from Feb 12 to March 19, in Rowe Hall room 101, from 1:00 – 2:15 pm. There is no cost to join the discussion group, and copies of the book will be available for purchase on Feb 12."


Terri Keller

Bill Pickering

Daily Bible Readings

(Click each day to read)

Friday, January 31

Saturday, February 1

Sunday, February 2

Monday, February 3

Tuesday, February 4

Wednesday, February 5

Thursday, February 6


Like everything else as we age, our immune system slows down and doesn’t produce as many immune cells and even the ones it does produce aren’t as robust. (Of course not). So, to help prevent this loss of immune function

Click here to read more

Thank you for your support

A note of thanks has been received from The TwigCares for the support from Emmanuel.

Now who was that again???

As our northern friends return to sunny Florida and Emmanuel, please remember to wear your name tag so we can learn (or in some cases remember 🙂) your name.



HELP Needed: A "little muscle" to help load Lutheran World Relief (LWR) quilts and kits for shipping. Friday, February 7th 9am-12noon or Monday, February 10th 8:30am-10am. This is a one-time volunteer opportunity that helps make Emmanuel's Global Mission possible. Contact the office or click the button below if you are willing to help.

Only 8 Tickets Left!!


Missed picking up a Commitment Card?

Click the button below to print and bring to church


December Attendance and Offerings

Monthly amount needed to support approved budget: $ 78,612.00

Amount Received: $101,882.00

Average in-person attendance per week: 445

Click the appropriate button below to sign-up. You may scan the QR code to pay online or place the payment with dedication in the offering. Indicate the date and if for flowers or candle.

2025 Altar Flowers

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

2025 Eternal Candle

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

Contact The Office

By Phone: 941.488.4942

By E-Mail:

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-2:00pm

This Week's Schedule

(Click The Calendar To View)

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