To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known


Come and see

Emmanuel's float

in the Venice Holiday Parade this Saturday,

November 30th at 6:30pm

Downtown Venice

Emmanuel E-News

November 29 - December 5, 2024

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Grace and peace to you as we begin this holy season of Advent—a time of waiting, watching, and hoping. Advent invites us to pause our typical routines, to prepare for new beginnings, and to reflect on God’s promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ and the hope we carry for His return.

The readings for this First Sunday of Advent center around the theme of hope, a cornerstone of our faith.

In Jeremiah 33:14-16, the prophet declares God’s promise to raise up a “righteous Branch” from David’s line who will bring justice and righteousness. This hope isn’t wishful thinking but a confident assurance rooted in God’s faithfulness. Even as the people of Judah faced exile and despair, God’s promise shone like a light in the darkness.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Paul expresses his deep yearning for the spiritual growth of the Thessalonians, praying that their love may overflow and their hearts be strengthened in holiness. Paul’s words remind us that hope is not passive; it calls us to prepare, grow, and persevere in love and faith, trusting that Christ’s coming will complete God’s good work in us.

Finally, Luke 21:25-36 confronts us with Jesus’ vivid imagery of cosmic upheaval and His call to stand ready. Even amid fear and uncertainty, Jesus points us to hope: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Our hope is not in escaping the troubles of this world but in the certainty of Christ’s reign breaking through.

As we light the first candle on the Advent wreath, may its flame remind us that hope shines brightest in the darkest places. God’s promises are trustworthy, Christ’s love strengthens us, and His return is certain. Let us prepare our hearts, not just for Christmas but for the coming of our Lord, living as people who carry the hope of Christ into a world longing for light.

With hope in Christ,

Pastor Will


The Weekend Schedule:

Worship Saturday @ 5:00pm

Worship Sunday @ 8:30 & 10:15am (FaithBridge Family)

Children's Church @ 9:30am

Youth Group @ 11:30am

Emmanuel Forum Episode 39

December Outreach Emphasis:

The Twig

In this episode of the Forum, we visit The Twig, a local organization that helps children in foster care. Pastor Will interviews Executive Director Nicole Britton about the Twig and how Emmanuel can continue our partnership in mission.

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

The ladies of WELCA invite you to...

Please place all gifts in Collection Room 106B

The Fellowship Committee

invites you to join them for..

Meet in the Loft Building @ VOTI

Click here to join us for 2nd Cup Bible study!

We are truly thankful for the gifts of food that were delivered to the South County Food Pantry this week. You brought many cans and boxes to the altar, which were loaded into the vehicles of volunteers who took them to the Food Pantry. The cash donations will be used to purchase perishable items for families. They were gratefully received by the volunteers there, who will distribute them to our neighbors who are in need.

Don Berg

Barbara Cocchi

Cynthia Cristian-Greene

Mike Ray

Gordon Storey

Rita Thompson

Prayers are lifted for the family and friends of Tom Zwetschke who passed away

November 26th.

Services are pending.

Daily Bible Readings

(Click each day to read)

Friday, November 29

Saturday, November 30

Sunday, December 1

Monday, December 2

Tuesday, December 3

Wednesday, December 4

Thursday, December 5

Advent Devotional Now Available in the Library and Office

Good News, Great Joy explores, shares, and celebrates that joyous good news by continuing a centuries-old Christian tradition of setting aside time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth and to anticipate his return. 

Good News, Great Joy is available in pocket sized and large print.

The good news of great joy is here for all people—the Messiah is born. Let us reflect. Let us anticipate. Let us rejoice!

Click here for a guide on how to use this devotional.


This is a reminder that Emmanuel has a group of powerful prayer warriors among us.

  • Anyone who would like prayer for themselves, family, or a friend can email me at I will forward your request to the 50+ members of this group.
  • Also, if you would like to become a part of our prayer fighters you can email me your address to be added to the list.

Prayer is powerful!    Cindy Reynders

YOU are Needed!!

Hospital visitors needed for visiting members who are in Venice SMH.

For details about volunteering for the Spiritual Care Ministry, please contact Barb Spenks at the office 941-488-4942. "

Another addition to the Sanctuary renovation are new usher cabinets. These will be used to store, badges, bags, usher and children's supplies, etc to help keep our Sanctuary

 looking beautiful!

Coffee & Fellowship

in Fellowship Hall

Saturdays 4:30pm &

Sundays 9:30-10:15am

If you are willing to help with either of these fellowships, please contact the office!

Drop Off Collections All Week Long!

Door will be unlocked to drop items off during staff hours

Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00pm and

Saturday and Sunday before and after services

Click the appropriate button below to sign-up. You may scan the QR code to pay online or place the payment with dedication in the offering. Indicate the date and if for flowers or candle.

2025 Altar Flowers

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

2025 Eternal Candle

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

Barb's Medical Minute



The World Health Organization names antibiotic resistance as one of the biggest threats to global health! 


Click here to read more

Contact The Office

By Phone: 941.488.4942

By E-Mail:

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-2:00pm

This Week's Schedule

(Click The Calendar To View)

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