To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known


Emmanuel E-News

January 3 - January 9, 2025

“Open Hearts, Open Hands”

is the theme of our 2025 Stewardship Appeal.

This theme points to what happens

when we follow God’s call to a hopeful future...


The Epiphany of our Lord

Dear Friends in Christ,

The season of Epiphany invites us into a journey of revelation and response.

The word "epiphany" means a manifestation or unveiling, and in the life of the Church, it points to the revealing of Christ to the nations. It is a time to reflect on the light of Christ breaking into the world, drawing all people to Himself.

Our readings this week beautifully capture the heart of Epiphany. From Isaiah 60:1-6, we hear the call to "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." Isaiah envisions nations streaming toward the radiance of God's glory, bringing gifts and proclaiming His praise. This is a vision of hope, not just for Israel but for the whole world—a world God seeks to bless through His people.

In Ephesians 3:1-12, the Apostle Paul reflects on the "mystery" revealed in Christ: that through Him, Gentiles and Jews are now one body, sharing in the promises of God. Paul's words remind us of the boundless reach of God's grace and the responsibility we have to share that grace with others.

Finally, Matthew 2:1-12 tells the story of the Magi, those seekers from the East who followed the star to find the Christ child. Their journey was one of faith, guided by a persistent longing to honor the newborn King. They came bearing gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—symbols of Christ's kingship, divinity, and sacrifice. Their story reminds us that Christ is not only the Savior of Israel but the Savior of all nations.

As we celebrate Epiphany, let us ask ourselves: How is God calling us to reflect the light of Christ in our lives and in our community? Where is the Spirit leading us to step out in faith, to give of ourselves, and to bring others into the presence of Christ?

This question leads us directly into our 2025 stewardship theme, "Open Hearts, Open Hands." Inspired by Acts 16, this theme invites us to live generously and faithfully in response to the open heart of God who calls us to share His love with the world. Throughout the year, we will focus on the stewardship of our budget, volunteerism and service, leadership, discipleship, and more. Each of these aspects reflects our response to God's grace and our commitment to being Christ's light in the world.

May this season of Epiphany inspire us to open our hearts to God’s leading and our hands to His work. Let us shine brightly with the light of Christ, drawing others to His transforming love.

In Christ’s light and love,

Pastor Will

Emmanuel Forum Episode 44

"Epiphany Traditions"

Epiphany is the last day of the Christmas season, and Christians of all walks of life celebrate this day in many ways. In this week's video, Pastor Will discusses those ways, including a short order for the blessing of your home.

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

Lectionary Preview

The Epiphany of our Lord

The feast of Epiphany (“manifestation”) concludes the Christmas season with a celebration of God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. In Isaiah and Ephesians, that glory is proclaimed for all nations and people. Like the light of the star that guided the magi to Jesus, the light of Christ reveals who we are: children of God who are claimed and washed in the waters of baptism. We are sent out to be beacons of the light of Christ, sharing the good news of God’s love to all people.

Click the picture below to watch the video:

Click Here

Christian Education: Spring Semester

Resumes January 12th


Rowe Hall Room 103

Resumes January 12th


Youth Room

Resumes January 9th 10:00am

On Zoom or in the Large Conference Room

at the Church Office

The Rev. Donna Batchelor

Don Berg

Sherry Curtis

Barbara Cocchi

Joan Rauch

Daily Bible Readings

(Click each day to read)

Friday, January 3

Saturday, January 4

Sunday, January 5

Monday, January 6

Tuesday, January 7

Wednesday, January 8

Thursday, January 9

Coffee & Fellowship

in Fellowship Hall

Saturdays 4:30pm &

Sundays 9:30-10:15am

If you are willing to help with either of these fellowships, please contact the office!

In 2024, there were over 100 numbered envelope boxes discarded because people did not pick them up. To hopefully save both trees and money, it's been decided to order boxes of envelopes for your giving without numbers. It is important for you to write your name and/or number legibly on your envelopes when placed in the offering during 2025. This will be the only way for us to keep track of your giving.

Of course, you can always give online by scanning the QR code above.

Click the appropriate button below to sign-up. You may scan the QR code to pay online or place the payment with dedication in the offering. Indicate the date and if for flowers or candle.

2025 Altar Flowers

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

2025 Eternal Candle

January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December

Barb's Medical Minute


If your peepers aren’t looking or feeling their peppiest, it might be one of these issues: ....

Click here to read more

Upon looking through our database at the office, we do not have emergency contact information for some of our members. This should be someone who DOES NOT live with you!!

PLEASE email the office at with this information. Also, if or when you have changed addresses, phone numbers (including disconnecting a landline), etc., please let us know.

The Altar Guild is looking for these vases. If you took home altar flowers, please return the vase or vases to the Welcome Center or Office. Thank You!!

January Outreach Emphasis

Contact The Office

By Phone: 941.488.4942

By E-Mail:

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30am-2:00pm

This Week's Schedule

(Click The Calendar To View)

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